Understand Women's Hair Loss - Find Out What Causes Hair Loss in Women and How to Prevent It a lot more

Hair Loss Causes In Women

We all know that hair loss is a major concern and anyone who faces it undergoes a lot of turmoil and panic. This is because our hair constitute an important part of our personality. We need to take care of our hair, just like any other body parts. In order to keep your hair healthy and strong you should be aware of all the threats that can cause hair damage or hair fall. There is a common misconception that hair fall is a condition found in men only. This is not true. Hair fall can be found in anyone from any age group. It can be found in women, men and children. However, lesser number of women fall victim to this disease as compared to men. Moreover, the reasons and causes behind this disease are different for men and women.

When it comes to treating falling hair, a lot of people fleet to the market without even knowing the causes of the problem. There is an underlying reason for loss of hair and you should never take any treatment before getting to know about the cause. What make matters worse are the promising claims of the manufacturers stating their products to be the only solution to every hair problem. The use of these products without knowing the cause of hair loss or the products' ingredients can be harmful for your health hair. Therefore, before thinking of useful remedies for your hair, it is important to know why you are facing the problem at the first place.

Usually women face loss of hair because of some common reasons. In United States alone, more than 30 million women suffer from this problem. The common reasons behind falling hair include

Menopause and old age
DHT hormonal activity
Use of drugs, chemotherapy and other medications
Heredity and genetic problems
Low immunity and health problems
Scalp diseases and skin disorders
Stress and anxiety
Unhealthy sleep
A lot of women face falling hair after pregnancy. However, this does not contribute as hair fall and you should not be worried about it. The most common cause of hair fall in women is the same as men. Yes, just like men, the presence of DHT causes hair fall in women leading to potential baldness. You can overcome your hair fall by wiping off DHT from your scalp. You can treat your hair naturally with herbs and nutrients. Saw Palmetto, horsetail, zinc, magnesium, Vitamin B6 and Biotin play a vital role in restoring your hair.

Finding the best hair loss treatments out of the hundreds of options is not easy. If you would like more help with your hair loss problems then visit Hair Loss Treatment Guide and get the assistance you deserve.

Women's Hair Loss - Find Out What Causes Hair Loss in Women and How to Prevent It

Hair Loss Causes In Women