Examine Female Hair Loss - What Causes It? extra

Hair thinning, loss and balding in both men and women involves many people worldwide. What do you think is the cause of female hair loss?

In the case of permanent hair thinning and loss, it is more common among men than women. As a woman, you may find this a little comforting. There are around 30 million women in the United States who face hair thinning and loss problems in varying degrees. So, yes, there are many women out there who are in the same boat as you.

Before going into the cause of female hair loss, it is important to understand a little bit about the usual hair cycle. It is indeed normal to lose 100-150 hairs per day. A normal person may have an estimate of 100,000 hairs at any given time. Out of these hairs, roughly ten percent of hair is in... "resting phase... " and would fall out after two-three months.

Medically, losing your hair is called alopecia. The common cause of female hair loss like Androgenic Alopecia and as a result of medical and other special conditions. Normally, the hair grows back since the follicles are still... 'alive... ' if proper care is taken. So, there is nothing to worry about.

Too much testosterone in females affects the growing phase of the hair cycle, causing some of the hair follicles to be permanently dead.There are some women who may have more of these male hormones compared to others. Hence, these women may suffer from this type of alopecia. Normally, it affects women who are over 40 years in age.

Such cases tend to happen when women are over 40 years old, or face premenopause stage. During the premenopause, women generally undergo hormonal and body structural changes. But, the true main cause of female hair loss could be medical problems according to recent research. It was found that polycystic ovary syndrome in women could be a major culprit.

A balanced diet plays a role in hair thinning and loss as well. An overdose of Vitamin A or lack of essential vitamins like Vitamin B Complex, C and D could also be the cause of female hair loss. Even lack of minerals like iron and iodine or protein may cause you to lose hair. Since keratin is made up mainly of protein, it is understandable that protein is vital for hair growth. It is also considered normal to face problems with thinning hair if you facing depression or stress. The good news is that your hair would grow back with proper care.

Do you know that your daily activities like cornrows and tight rollers can cause damage to your scalp and possible hair loss? Even hot oil treatments and chemical components in permanents could lead to inflammation or hair loss. Fungal infections and ringworm are some of the medical conditions which cause female hair loss. Chemotherapy, gout medications and blood thinners result in hair loss as well.

Before you take the appropriate actions as countermeasure for this problem, it is important to find the root cause of your aforementioned problem. The cause of female hair loss can be treated naturally or medically.

Hair Loss Causes In Women
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Female Hair Loss - What Causes It?