Go through Baldness - Causes and Treatments of Baldness far more

Baldness or hair loss is something we have either seen or experienced. There is a variety of causes as well as treatments. There are some of the causes that are gender specific, and how the baldness appears is also gender specific. Some of the treatments are gender specific. It should be noted that some hair loss or balding may occur just by virtue of the aging process.

Female Specific Causes and Treatments

Baldness/hair loss for women can occur with pregnancy. Birth may also trigger hair loss. The use of birth control can also cause hair loss. These are serious hormonal changes in a women's body. The fluctuation of hormones can affect how the hair grows or falls out. Female baldness begins with an over-all thinning of the hair and along the area where the hair is parted. Pulling a comb through tangles can pull out hairs as can over washing it or over blow drying it.

Rogaine (minoxidil) for women is obviously meant for women only. It is designed to work with a woman's unique chemical make up. If results are not noted in a 12 month period, the chances are good that you will not get the results you want.

Non-gender Causes

Thyroid problems can cause hair loss because of the effect they may have on certain hormones. Along these lines, serious illnesses can be triggers. High fevers may cause hair loss as well. Certain medications such as chemotherapy and radiation treatments are also known to cause baldness/hair loss. When treatments or medications are stopped, hair will grow again but it will take some time.

Stress, especially extreme stress, can cause hair to fall out. Emotional and physical stresses can trigger hair loss and a possible reason for this is that when people are stressed they may exhibit some nervous habits. Nervous habits that can be bad for hair is excessive pulling on the hair and rubbing your scalp excessively. When the stresses are greatly reduced or eliminated hair will grow back, but as was mentioned previously, it will take time.

Male Specific Causes and Treatments

There really are no male specific causes of baldness. For baldness to occur in men their bodies must be producing testosterone. A male who doesn't produce testosterone will not have baldness.

Propecia is a treatment created especially for male patterned baldness. It is effective in treating mild or moderate hair loss on the top of the head and the middle front of the head. It's not sufficiently evident if it effectively treats balding in the temples area.

There is a word of caution that must be noted here. A woman who is or may be pregnant should not come in contact with the active ingredients of Propecia as they can cause abnormalities in the sex organs of male babies.

Warnings for men include that they may experience sexual side effects including a lower sex drive and amount of semen that is produced. Once the Propecia is stopped, these and other issues will subside. Propecia can also affect the results of the PSA-prostate-specific-antigen. For this reason, it is important to let your doctor know you are taking Propecia.

Natural supplements may also be an option for men and women alike. There are few if any side effects. They are generally safer and less expensive than some of the other treatments especially prescriptive treatments. The ingredients may include herbs like Saw Palmetto and Pumpkin. Vitamins including specific B-complex vitamins and minerals such as zinc and magnesium can also be found in natural supplements.


Men and women experience balding in different ways and treatments are different as well. Due to the side effects of some of the treatments, many are using natural supplements. These can be beneficial for both genders although the ingredients for each are slightly different. It is important that if your thinning hair or baldness is disconcerting to you, contact your physician. S/he can help you determine the best course of action for you to take.

Hair Loss Causes

Jean Helmet is a researcher of hair loss issues effecting both men and women. To learn about a new natural hair loss remedy [http://www.hair-loss-source.com] that Jean recently discovered and how it contrasts with some other common hair treatment options - Be sure to visit the highly informational short video at: [http://www.hair-loss-source.com]

Baldness - Causes and Treatments of Baldness

Hair Loss Causes

Read through Hair Loss In Women - What Are The Causes Of Alopecia And How Can Minoxidil Help Telogen Effluvium? far more

Hair Loss In Women - What Are The Causes Of Alopecia And How Can Minoxidil Help Telogen Effluvium?

Hair Loss Causes In Women

What are the causes of hair loss in women?

If you have started to notice that your hair has begun failing out it can be a very scary thing to deal with. Of course you want to find a way to cure yourself, and also use vitamins for hair loss in women. A lot of time hair loss in women is caused by a thyroid problem. It can also be caused by polycystic ovary syndrome which will cause a women's hair to fall out at an exaggerated rate. However, don't be too scared because most causes of hair loss in women can be cured. Before I talk about the cures, I want to delve more into the causes.

Hair loss in women with thyroid problems and alopecia

If you are experiencing baldness because of thyroid problems then you can lose up to half of your hair on your head. You will not go completely bald, but you could experience a drastic difference. If you use a T4/T3 medicine then you should be able to regrow about 85% of your lost hair. Please note that this is especially for hair loss in women with thyroid problems and not the cure for hair loss in women.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

This is an endocrine disorder that affects 5-10% of women worldwide. Some of the other symptoms are irregular periods and baldness. Women who suffer from polycystic ovary syndrome are between the ages of 12 to 45 and are of reproductive age.

Telogen Effluvium

It's normal for your head to lose about 100 hairs every day. Telogen is the resting period when the hair stops growing and gets ready to die and fall out. However, if you have a shock to your system then you can lose about 70% of your hair about 2 months after the incident occurs. This can be super worrisome for some people, but rest assured that it is not a disease, and your hair will grow back soon enough. Just remember that it is a natural process, and if it doesn't grow out fast enough then you should see your doctor and get professional help.


Minoxidil is another name for Rogaine. This is a drug that helps to slow or stop your hair from falling out and make it grow back again. It can be especially effective for hair loss in women, and there is a special women's version of the product on the market. Minoxidil was first developed to help high blood pressure. Imagine their surprise when they started growing their hair back and lowering blood pressure at the same time. Side effects of Minoxidil can be weight gain, itchiness, and a rash in the area where applied. When using Minoxidil to help baldness in women, you should leave the Minoxidil in your hair for about 4 hours. It is an alcohol-based liquid, so it will wash out very easily, but it works better if you keep it in your hair.

Vitamins for hair loss in women

It's not uncommon for a woman to have a vitamin B12 deficiency when she is being diagnosed. This is due to the fact that of not eating enough eggs, milk, and poultry. If a women can include more of these foods in her diet it can have a huge impact on her general health and baldness. Plus, all women should be taking Omega 3 fish oils 3 times day. This can make your hair super strong and give it the strengh not to fall out. Eating more of these will help you when dealing with hair loss in women.

Now please pay close attention

Click Here to find out more about hair loss cures and prevention methods. For more information about a hair loss please visit us at http://www.HairLossCureBlog.com.

Examine Hair Loss Breakthrough - Huge Advancements In This Field far more

Hair loss problems have led to a lot of research and there have been many hair loss breakthroughs over the years. New hair loss products and treatments are being researched and the latest treatments for hair loss are extreme hair therapy, follicular unit transplantation, dutasteride, propecia etc.

If there is a breakthrough new product or treatment for baldness then they hit the news headlines. Earlier propecia was used to treat baldness and now dutasteride is used to treat baldness, as it is 30% more effective than propecia.

Extreme Hair Therapy is a new hair restoration treatment, which helps hair growth and stops balding. It is a lengthy process and helps in improving the blood flow and reducing the free radicals.

Follicular unit transplantation is a treatment wherein a patch is taken from the back of the head where there is enough hair and put on the bald patch. The follicular units start growing and the bald patch is not visible any more.

There are various other remedies for treating baldness like home made remedies, ayurvedic and homeopathic medicines which help in stopping hair loss and promoting hair growth. Hair transplantation surgery and the latest breakthrough hair cloning need more time to come up in the market.

Hair loss products like propecia and dutasteride have to be used after consulting a physician. The physician will advise you on the dosage for treating hair loss. If you want to go for hair loss surgery then it is advised to learn the pros and cons of the treatment and then proceed.

Hair Loss

To learn more visit http://hair-care-info.blogspot.com/

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Hair Loss Breakthrough - Huge Advancements In This Field

Examine High Fever, Severe Flu or Surgery Causes Hair Loss a lot more

A lot of people who recently suffered high fever, severe flu or those who underwent surgery experiences hair loss three to four month after the illness or the surgery. According to medical studies, this type of hair loss, which at times may lead to baldness, is often temporary and would soon correct itself without any medical interventions. The temporary hair loss occurs after cases of high fever and severe flu since the growth activities of the body, including the hair, slow down during illness.

As the body slows down due to illness, the hair shifts rapidly from the growth stage to the resting phase otherwise known as the telogen effluvium, where growth becomes minimal and aging of the hair is hasten. Note that the strands of our hair have their own individual lifespan of about 2 to 6 years and thereafter, the mature hair would enter into the telogen phase where it ceases to grow and will then be shed off and replaced by new ones. Under normal circumstances, only 10% of the hair in your head matures and is shed off at one time. In the case of ailing people, the growth stage is interrupted and the hair prematurely enters into the telogen phase. The premature aging of the hair would disrupt the cycle thereby causing excessive hair loss at one time.

Under normal circumstances, hair loss is compensated by new growth, thus no baldness would result. In sick people, growth activities of the body are inhibited. As a result, no hair will replace the strands shed off from the scalp of the sick person. However, this, as the person recovers from this illness, the natural growth of hair resumes and the patient would eventually recover a head full of hair.

Hair Loss Causes

Jeanette Pollock is a freelance author and website owner of insidehairloss.com [http://www.insidehairloss.com]. Visit Jeanette's site to learn more about hair loss causes [http://www.insidehairloss.com/2006/07/24/high-fever-severe-flu-or-surgery-causes-hair-loss/].

High Fever, Severe Flu or Surgery Causes Hair Loss

Understand Causes of Hair Loss - Top 3 Chemical and Environmental Factors a lot more

There are many common activities and environmental factors that preempt the onset of hair loss. Many of these environmental components, unfortunately, are very hard to avoid since they occur in our foods and out air.

1. Selenium

As we have mentioned earlier, there are some chemicals that exist in the very things that we eat and drink that cause hair loss. One of these chemicals is selenium, a common chemical found in tap water or in some degrees, mineralized, purified water.

Since complete purification is impossible (or at least very expensive), we have to live with the fact that we're inching one day at a time toward hair loss. As for food, selenium occurs in the flesh of fish, poultry, beef and pork. Like lead and mercury, selenium is often undetected when ingested.

2. Metals

If you look at the periodic table of elements, you'll notice that a particular grouping composed of mercury, iron and copper exist. These are called metals. The metal group of elements is known for their conductivity and high electro negativity.

These metals often occur in magnified amounts in seafood and freshwater fish. Why do these metals exist in the bloodstream of aquatic produce? First, these chemicals are found naturally in waters; they're either formed there or were extracted by the natural current working upon the soil underneath and the rock formations.

Second, these metals occur because of human waste. Waste in the form of discarded electronics devices, etc., all these eventually affect our very food source. Remember, no matter how fresh a fish appears, it's probably loaded with metallic elements that accelerate hair loss.

3. Air Pollution and Particulates

If you escape the clutches of biological magnification by sticking to mostly organic meats, then you have another enemy: the very air that you breathe. Unless you live in a very clean environment, away from motorists, highways, commercial establishments and offices, your hair loss is probably being caused also by air pollution.

Air pollution is never a unitary thing. In fact, the most ordinary form of air pollution, smog, is composed of at least four different groups of noxious gases. These gases are not only dangerous to the ozone layer but also to your eyes, skin and hair.

Particulates are the least of your worries when you step out into the afternoon sun. People often wonder: is there really pollution out there, all I see is blue skies everywhere. Well, if you live in a densely packed city with thousands of motorists roaring along your highways twenty-four hours a day, then you won't be able to see the smog.

If you don't see the smog dome, you're probably inside the city. Travel far enough from your beloved city and you'll see an ominous dark dome. This is the smog dome, and the components of the smog dome are responsible also for hair loss.

Nitrogen oxides, volatile organic compounds and other such chemical compounds all attack and weaken the hair. Your hair might not be falling out in clumps yet, but we're betting that your hair is already thinner than normal.

Hair Loss Causes

Monica C. is an online medical researcher on hair and skin. There are 14 effective hair loss products on the market that work well. Monica has recently updated two hair loss product reviews - Bosley Reviews, and Corvinex Reviews. To learn more, visit Monica's site now.

Causes of Hair Loss - Top 3 Chemical and Environmental Factors

Understand Women's Hair Loss - Find Out What Causes Hair Loss in Women and How to Prevent It a lot more

Hair Loss Causes In Women

We all know that hair loss is a major concern and anyone who faces it undergoes a lot of turmoil and panic. This is because our hair constitute an important part of our personality. We need to take care of our hair, just like any other body parts. In order to keep your hair healthy and strong you should be aware of all the threats that can cause hair damage or hair fall. There is a common misconception that hair fall is a condition found in men only. This is not true. Hair fall can be found in anyone from any age group. It can be found in women, men and children. However, lesser number of women fall victim to this disease as compared to men. Moreover, the reasons and causes behind this disease are different for men and women.

When it comes to treating falling hair, a lot of people fleet to the market without even knowing the causes of the problem. There is an underlying reason for loss of hair and you should never take any treatment before getting to know about the cause. What make matters worse are the promising claims of the manufacturers stating their products to be the only solution to every hair problem. The use of these products without knowing the cause of hair loss or the products' ingredients can be harmful for your health hair. Therefore, before thinking of useful remedies for your hair, it is important to know why you are facing the problem at the first place.

Usually women face loss of hair because of some common reasons. In United States alone, more than 30 million women suffer from this problem. The common reasons behind falling hair include

Menopause and old age
DHT hormonal activity
Use of drugs, chemotherapy and other medications
Heredity and genetic problems
Low immunity and health problems
Scalp diseases and skin disorders
Stress and anxiety
Unhealthy sleep
A lot of women face falling hair after pregnancy. However, this does not contribute as hair fall and you should not be worried about it. The most common cause of hair fall in women is the same as men. Yes, just like men, the presence of DHT causes hair fall in women leading to potential baldness. You can overcome your hair fall by wiping off DHT from your scalp. You can treat your hair naturally with herbs and nutrients. Saw Palmetto, horsetail, zinc, magnesium, Vitamin B6 and Biotin play a vital role in restoring your hair.

Finding the best hair loss treatments out of the hundreds of options is not easy. If you would like more help with your hair loss problems then visit Hair Loss Treatment Guide and get the assistance you deserve.

Women's Hair Loss - Find Out What Causes Hair Loss in Women and How to Prevent It

Hair Loss Causes In Women

Read through Why Do People Suffer From Hair Loss? extra

Hair Loss

You do not usually end life with the same bunch of hair
that you grew up with when you were born. Unlike the eyes
or nose, your hair keeps regenerating, shedding and

As you turn older, you start experiencing hair loss. This
natural process of ageing starts when you turn 50. However,
for some people the process starts much earlier. This
article examines the various causes of hair loss in men and

#1 Stress and Lifestyle

The fast and hurried lifestyles of today make many
compromises on your diet. Emotional upheavals can cause
health complications that have an adverse impact on the
quality of your hair. Lack of cleanliness of the scalp and
excessive dandruff problems can also cause hair loss.

#2 Hormonal imbalances

Hair growth and health depends on hormones such as thyroid
and pituitary glands. Any disorders in these glands can
cause hair loss. The excessive presence of a component of
the male hormone - DHT can also cause hair loss. This is a
genetic predisposition.

#3 Genetic factors

Inherited causes of hair loss effect the unlucky that have
a family history of premature balding. In men, it is called
Male Pattern Baldness, in which the hair starts receding
first at the temples in a classic 'M' shape. In women, it
is called Female Pattern Baldness. This is less common. It
starts at age 30 and is characterized by overall thinning
of hair.

#4 Side effects

Certain drugs taken for other purposes can cause hair loss
as a side effect. The following is a possible list of
medicines and drugs that could cause hair loss.

Cholesterol-lowering drugs

Ulcer drugs


Agents for gout

Drugs derived from Vitamin A

Anticonvulsants taken for epilepsy


Blood thinners

Anabolic steroids

Chemotherapy Drugs

However, not all prescription drugs under these categories
have hair loss as a side effect. This has to be checked
with the doctor.

#5 Other factors

Research is being continuously conducted on the causes and
solutions for hair loss. Recently, Japanese scientists
concluded from studies that excessive sebum could clog the
hair roots and cause hair loss. An excessive intake of some
nutrients such as Vitamins A and E can actually promote
hair loss.

There is no dearth of solutions, prescriptions and
treatments available for hair loss. Every once in a while,
a new 'wonder' drug such as Rogaine will enter the market.
Not every solution will cure hair loss. The correct
diagnosis has to be made before deciding on a course of
action for hair loss.

Find out what causes hair loss, and discover latest techniques and ideas for effective hair loss treatment. For lots of valuable information and articles, click [http://www.hair-loss-treatment-101.com]

Why Do People Suffer From Hair Loss?

Hair Loss

Examine How Is Hair Loss Caused? much more

Hair Loss

Despite common perception, hair loss does not come down to one's lack of luck. Most people naturally lose some of their hair as they get older. But age, changing hormones and heredity cause some to lose more than others. The result can be partial or total baldness, for which men are more likely to experience. So how does it start? Well, the normal life cycle of hair is between two and three years and during this cycle it grows approximately one centimetre each month. About ninety percent of the hair on your scalp is growing at any one time, with the remaining ten percent in a resting phase. After 3 to 4 months, the resting hair falls out and a new one starts to grow in its place. Given the natural cycle, it is normal to shed some hair each day. However, some people may lose more than normal. What causes excessive hair loss?

There are a number of factors that can cause temporary hair loss including:

Stress - stress is a powerful emotion that can wreak havoc on your behaviour, skin, nervous system and even your scalp. People often lose hair from the sheer stress of an illness or major surgery. The good news is that when caused by stress it is usually temporary.
Hormone imbalance - this type of hair loss is usually associated with an overactive or underactive thyroid glands or an androgen or estrogen is out of balance. In most instances, simply addressing the hormone imbalance may stop it.
Disease or infections - hair loss may occur as part of an underlying disease like lupus or diabetes or can eventuate due to certain infections like fungal infections of the scalp. Hair loss associated with disease or infections can usually be cured once the disease or infection is treated.
Medicines - anticoagulants or medicines used for gout, high blood pressure, depression or heart problems can cause hair loss.
Hairstyles - any hairstyles which pull on your hair (like cornrows, tight pigtails or hair rollers) can cause a type of loss called traction alopecia. If the pulling is stopped before scarring of the scalp develops, hair will grow back normally.

If you don't fit into one of these categories, there is a good chance that you fit into the category known as 'common baldness'. 'Common baldness' is an inherited trait found mostly in men which starts with a receding hairline and eventuates to baldness on top of the head.

There are a range of hair loss treatments on the market now from shampoos and balms to handheld laser machines. Which one you choose is extremely important so you should seek professional advice in selecting a treatment that is made specially to suit your lifestyle and your situation. You should look for a reputable company who has a good track record and is specialised in permanent hair replacement. For those who have already experienced excessive loss of hair, a hair transplant might be necessary. But rest assured, hair loss surgery has evolved and the procedure has become less invasive, promoting more natural hair growth results.

By the way, do you want to learn more about Self Improvement? If so, I suggest you check hair transplant and hair replacement.

How Is Hair Loss Caused?

Examine Hair Loss Shampoo - Could it Be the Answer to Male Baldness? much more

Hair Loss Shampoo - Could it Be the Answer to Male Baldness?

Hair Loss

It is a perfectly normal occurrence for the human head to shed around 50 to 100 hairs a day, so when you consider that there are literally millions of hairs on the head, this doesn't seem so bad. However, if your body is not producing more hair at the same time, these numbers will soon add up and will quickly lead to baldness.

Many theories have been volunteered concerning the cause of baldness, but no one is positive what the exact cause is. The only thing that the researchers are positive about is that around half of men worldwide will suffer from male pattern baldness.

To some men baldness can be a thing of beauty. They don't have to pay for haircuts anymore, they don't have to worry about 'bed-head', and they don't have to use a hair loss shampoo or use any other preventative treatments.

Some men, however, see hair loss as a devastating chapter in their lives, and it can also cause them to lose their self-confidence and virility - and there are an endless amount of products claiming to be able to restore that.

In the Beginning

If you are getting thinner on top, there is some good news for you. You can buy formulae and some sort of remedial shampoo over-the-counter at any drugstore. These products can help in the prevention of yet more hair loss.

However, there are drawback to using some of these products. Once you start utilising them you have to keep on doing so, otherwise once you stop your hair will start to fall out again. An alternative to using these products is spending thousands of dollars on a painful hair transplant - that may or may not result in a natural appearance.

Recently however, a new approach to the problem has entered the market - a hair loss shampoo that feeds your hair follicles natural herbs.

In today's society and fast-paced lifestyle, it's getting harder for a person to ingest the right foods that are so essential to the body. When your body doesn't get theses vitamins and minerals that are so important to it, it will automatically ration the essentials that it sends to the major organs, leaving the minor organs (or less important parts of the body), such as the hair follicles, to suffer.

Using a hair loss shampoo will replace the vitamins that your body has used, and feed the scalp directly to stimulate the hair follicles.

When selecting a hair loss shampoo, you need to remember that your scalp is skin, and that skin is there to keep things out of your body. Most shampoos will be able to penetrate the first layer of skin and therefore make your scalp softer, but it's doubtful that any hair loss shampoo can penetrate the second layer of skin, into the living cells of the papilla.

Read through Female Hair Loss - Hair Regrowth Tips much more

Female hair loss is rare, but it does happen and females need to be aware of what can be done to help. Hair regrowth tips exist and information contained in this article will help you out. Hair regrowth tips might sound like it won't work but in actual fact they have some benefits and do help.

Hair loss occurs in both men and women of various ages. It could occur as early as your mid twenties or even your late teens. For some fortunate people, hair loss doesn't occur till they reach the late fifties or sixties. The percentage of women that lose hair as opposed to men is significantly less. Yes, women lose it too.

Many women find that they see a comb full of their hairs after they have finished combing their head. Some hairs should fall out naturally but others should be healthy and the follicles should be holding on to them tightly.

Hairs cycle between a growing and a resting phase. Growing phases last for around three years and the resting phase lasts for a lot shorter amount of time. The resting phase is roughly a few months and new hair will find its way out of the follicle to replace the old.

To stop hair falling out and to regrow more of it, we need hair regrowth tips. Hair regrowth tips are as follows:

Tip 1:
Prepare the hair for regrowth by rubbing olive oil in the hair before you sleep. This method of rubbing olive oil in the hair and scalp helps to clear up excess sebum that has hardened. The excess sebum is found on the surface of the scalp. Plastic-wrap can be placed on the pillow where you sleep to avoid making a mess on lovely pillows.

Tip 2:
Learn to relax and be more patient with things. Don't stress out over the smallest of things and be a happier person.

Tip 3:
Eat plenty of foods that are high in iron, protein and cystine. Eating more of the foods that contain these chemicals helps people to get a healthier head of hair. Amino acids are also great for constituting the follicles in our head. Eating foods like fish, poultry, spinach, lentils and whole grains is very beneficial to our health.

As with all health problems, fixing the causes and not the symptoms is always the key. Try these hair regrowth tips today. Female hair loss doesn't have to be a problem anymore for females. Follow the tips outlined in this article and you should be well on your way to fixing your problems.

Learn more about this issue here: http://egglets.com/news/2010/08/09/id-5603/stop-your-hair-loss-loss-of-hair-in-women/

Female Hair Loss - Hair Regrowth Tips

Hair Loss

Examine Female Hair Loss - What Causes It? extra

Hair thinning, loss and balding in both men and women involves many people worldwide. What do you think is the cause of female hair loss?

In the case of permanent hair thinning and loss, it is more common among men than women. As a woman, you may find this a little comforting. There are around 30 million women in the United States who face hair thinning and loss problems in varying degrees. So, yes, there are many women out there who are in the same boat as you.

Before going into the cause of female hair loss, it is important to understand a little bit about the usual hair cycle. It is indeed normal to lose 100-150 hairs per day. A normal person may have an estimate of 100,000 hairs at any given time. Out of these hairs, roughly ten percent of hair is in... "resting phase... " and would fall out after two-three months.

Medically, losing your hair is called alopecia. The common cause of female hair loss like Androgenic Alopecia and as a result of medical and other special conditions. Normally, the hair grows back since the follicles are still... 'alive... ' if proper care is taken. So, there is nothing to worry about.

Too much testosterone in females affects the growing phase of the hair cycle, causing some of the hair follicles to be permanently dead.There are some women who may have more of these male hormones compared to others. Hence, these women may suffer from this type of alopecia. Normally, it affects women who are over 40 years in age.

Such cases tend to happen when women are over 40 years old, or face premenopause stage. During the premenopause, women generally undergo hormonal and body structural changes. But, the true main cause of female hair loss could be medical problems according to recent research. It was found that polycystic ovary syndrome in women could be a major culprit.

A balanced diet plays a role in hair thinning and loss as well. An overdose of Vitamin A or lack of essential vitamins like Vitamin B Complex, C and D could also be the cause of female hair loss. Even lack of minerals like iron and iodine or protein may cause you to lose hair. Since keratin is made up mainly of protein, it is understandable that protein is vital for hair growth. It is also considered normal to face problems with thinning hair if you facing depression or stress. The good news is that your hair would grow back with proper care.

Do you know that your daily activities like cornrows and tight rollers can cause damage to your scalp and possible hair loss? Even hot oil treatments and chemical components in permanents could lead to inflammation or hair loss. Fungal infections and ringworm are some of the medical conditions which cause female hair loss. Chemotherapy, gout medications and blood thinners result in hair loss as well.

Before you take the appropriate actions as countermeasure for this problem, it is important to find the root cause of your aforementioned problem. The cause of female hair loss can be treated naturally or medically.

Hair Loss Causes In Women
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Female Hair Loss - What Causes It?

Read Thyroid Hair Loss - Does Hypothyroidism Cause Hair Loss? additional

To better understand thyroid hair loss and does hypothyroidism cause hair loss, we need to first define thyroid and its key effects on the body.

Your thyroid system plays an important part to help achieve equilibrium between metabolism and calcium balance. Most of the thyroid tissue consists of the follicular cells, which is key to secreting iodine-containing hormones, thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T5) that in turn stimulate every tissue in your body to create proteins and enhance oxygen. Your calcitonin and parathyroid hormones on the other hand, functions in tandem to regulate calcium levels.

Thyroid disorder can take place in instances of hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism.

Hyperthyroidism, or what is most commonly known as Graves disease, indicates over activity of the thyroid gland, leading to too much production in the blood, giving rise to an over active metabolism. Hypothyroidism or under active thyroid, on the other hand, is the under active thyroid condition which often affects pregnant women. Symptoms are not obvious as they resemble those of pregnancy. For those of us who are not pregnant, signs of this condition are reflected in yellowish skin and bumps on eyelids, fatigue, swollen eyes, and hair loss.

Very often, if you are suffering from balding, your personal physician will advise you to do a series of tests to ascertain if you do indeed have the disorder and not induced by other medication or alternative treatments. Thyroid hair loss can manifest in both hyperthyroidism as well as hypothyroidism and it arises due to the fact that the disorder channels your body energy away to counter the added physical stress from the condition, thereby shutting down your hair growth.

Hence from the above, in answer to the question "does hypothyroidism cause hair loss?", it is a resounding yes. Here we look to related medications which could be culprit to triggering thyroid hair loss. Take for instance, Synthroid, a medication for hypothyroidism, containing the chemical component levothyroxine which is known to cause hair loss.

Since thyroid hair loss is very often a temporary side effect and will disappear when your thyroid condition stabilises, you may not wish to resort to surgery to correct the problem. Alternative solutions to the problem may include consumption of supplements and even simple hair replacement solutions like hair-pieces and toupee.

Consumption of evening primrose oil and the topical application of essential oils such as a concoction of cedar oil, lavender, and rosemary have also been known to stimulate hair growth. The application of ancient Chinese herbal concoctions including Dang Gui (Chinese Angelica), Ginkgo Biloba, as well as He Shou Wu (Polygonum Multiflorum) are also effective in re-growing thyroid hair loss.

The true sense of re-growing thyroid hair loss lies in the process of hair transplant treatment. This is not encouraged unless you are experiencing severe thyroid hair loss from the condition. Strands or slices of hair are implanted into the bald portion of the scalp and over the span of three to four months you will see new hair sprouting out from the scalp. Key drawbacks of this procedure are that you must be able to withstand the pain of the implant, as well as have patience to wait out the long months of dormant and incubating period.

In any case, if you have thyroid hair loss, it is important to consult the doctor or a hair specialist to work out comprehensive and safe hair replacement solutions that suit your budget, convenience and threshold of pain.

Hair Loss
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Thyroid Hair Loss - Does Hypothyroidism Cause Hair Loss?

Go through Revealed - The Causes and Cures For Hair Loss in Women far more

Hair Loss Causes In Women

What causes hair loss in women? Almost 30 million American women have their lives blighted by the onset of baldness.

Baldness and losing your hair can be caused by several factors but some of the key ones are heredity genetic conditions, hormonal imbalances, poor hair care, poor nutrition and trauma such as a major operation.

The biggest factor that both women and men have to contend with is the hormonal problem. There is a variation of testosterone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which is the main cause of hair loss in women.
DHT attacks the roots of your hair from within your scalp. It eats away at them until they get smaller and smaller eventually causing the hair to drop out.

Prevent and Cure Hair Loss in Women Naturally

Preventing and curing baldness can be done completely naturally by using certain vitamins, minerals and herbs.

There are also some fast acting treatments such as a hair transplant, but these are normally very expensive, can be painful and can bring some unwanted side effects. If you are tempted by these pricey quick fixes then you should thoroughly research them before committing.

If you're like me though you will instead prefer the more natural treatments which may take a little longer but which work in harmony with your body and so bring no side effects.

You should be careful as there are many unscrupulous companies pushing the latest snake oil quick fix which has not been properly tested and may be ineffective.

The best treatments to prevent hair loss in women are from all natural products, with high quality natural ingredients such as the herb Saw Palmetto and the vitamins B, magnesium and zinc. You can also boost their effectiveness with an FDA approved ingredient called minoxidil, which helps fight dihydrotestosterone and allows your hair to re-grow.

When minoxidil is combined with the right herbs, minerals and vitamins you can achieve very impressive results. There is no guarantee of success but so many women before you have used these to great effect that it's well worth reading more about them to see if you think they will work for you.

If you're interested in getting more information on the causes and cures for Hair Loss in Women and the best natural treatments, visit my website, where I share what natural products are safe, and effective.

Jill Carnduff is a researcher of hair loss issues affecting both men and women, to learn about a new, natural hair loss remedy and how it compares to other common hair loss treatment options, visit the website: [http://www.no-longer-balding.com]

Revealed - The Causes and Cures For Hair Loss in Women

Examine Hair Loss For Women - 5 Causes That May Shock You! far more

Hair Loss Causes In Women

I'm shocked. Hair loss has become nearly as big a problem for women as it is for men! Seriously, it is said that 40% of all hair loss issues are experienced by females! Who knew?

Another thing that is absolutely baffling is the number of different causes women are faced with when it comes to the disappearance of their lovely locks! We men are pretty much limited to excess DHT as a factor. I'll explain what this means in a moment.

But ladies, you have so many contributing factors it can just make your head spin! I've been able to narrow it down to five main culprits. I'm a firm believer that once you can clearly identify the problem, seeking a solution becomes exponentially easier. So let's get 'er identified!

Hair Loss For Women - 5 Causes That May Shock You:
Heredity, a.k.a Genetic Disposition. The leading cause of male pattern baldness is also the leading cause of pattern baldness in females. In this instance, an excess of the nasty hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) begins to assemble in your scalp. It binds to your hair follicles and starts "choking" them, rendering them unable to absorb the proper nutrients from your blood. This causes your hair to become thinner and thinner, until it just disappears altogether!
Hormonal Imbalance. This occurs when your body undergoes any kind of trauma or radical change. For women, the leading causes are pregnancy and menopause.
Blood Acidity. When your pH level becomes more acidic, a whole series of destructive occurrences take place within your body. Hair loss is one of them. Over-acidity is most likely to happen as a result of taking drugs (legal or non), excessive animal product consumption (meat and dairy), a lack of hydration, or heavy amounts of stress.
Nutrient Deficiency. If you're radically deficient in b-vitamins, iron, protein, zinc, iron, and/or magnesium, the likelihood that your hair will thin out rises significantly. So eat those veggies, girls!
Aging. It's part of life, right? The longer we live, the older we get. (No gettin' anything past me, right?) The reality is that as you age, your defenses weaken. This is just as true with your integumentary system (skin, hair, and nails) as it is with any other part of your body.
Hair Loss For Women Causes Are Varied, and the Numbers Are Truly Eye-Opening:
25 to 30 percent of ALL women in North America experience some form of hair loss.
For women over 40 years of age, this number jumps to about the 50% range!
Another jump occurs for women over 65. In that age range, approximately 75% of all women are going bald!

These numbers are staggering. It's a sad truth. It is, however, the truth.

But Pay Very Close Attention:

You can stop the embarrassment, humiliation, and anxiety of your thinning hair dead in its tracks if you take action now! Go to [http://secrets-of-hair-growth.com] to find out what you can do. The more you know, the more power you have to take control of the situation. Hair rejuvenation is possible, but it becomes less and less likely the longer you wait. Watch your FREE video now! Here's that link again: [http://secrets-of-hair-growth.com]

Hair Loss For Women - 5 Causes That May Shock You!

Hair Loss Causes In Women

Examine Causes of Hair Loss - What it is and You Should Do to Prevent Such Problems additional

Causes of Hair Loss - What it is and You Should Do to Prevent Such Problems

Hair Loss Causes

Hair Loss Causes

Hair loss does not necessarily result into baldness. Men experience baldness more than women do and that is why there is the commonly known Male Pattern Baldness. For the female species, hair loss is most likely spread uniformly across the scalp. These two conditions, as divergent as they appear, are similar in many ways and are regarded singly in the medical world as Androgenetic Alopecia.

The Root Cause of the Problem

Hair fall is as normally part of being alive as is breathing. When follicles are healthy, losing a few strands of your pelt here and there is no problem, as new ones will be produced. But all living things will inevitably age and so will your follicles. When follicles age or even die, no new strands will sprout and the rate of your normal hair loss exceeds the capabilities of the remaining healthy follicles to produce replacements. Unbalanced hormone levels also contribute to the death of follicles.

Androgenetic Alopecia is the major cause of a thinning mane, but the other causes are still noteworthy. Stress, whether emotional or physical, may well contribute to the loss as much as the stress one directly subjects his or her tresses into, like having tight hairdos and the strong chemicals present in most hair products. Scarier though is that hair loss may even be a symptom of a disorder or caused by a number of the medications one is taking. To be on the safe side, seek medical advice as soon as you notice unusual fall out of your locks.

What Can I Do To Prevent Going Bald?

They say the best treatment is prevention. Consult well with your doctor regarding all the pharmaceutical products you are taking. While Vitamin A is good for your eyesight, overdosing will be bad for your follicles. Have your hormone levels checked and make sure they are balanced. Try to keep your stress levels in zero. Be gentle on your hair and scalp. Avoid using products with harsh chemicals and too much style. Keep yourself healthy for a healthier mane!

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Study Hair Loss: Preventing, Reducing and Concealing more

It is much easier to prevent losing health hairs, than it is to re-grow the hair that was lost, when follicles have already become formant. Many products have shown some success in partially reversing unwanted hair loss, like Propecia, Minoxidil and Rogaine. After a one year study using Finasteride, which is marketed as Propecia in the United States, only five of twenty-one test subjects actually managed a two-grade improvement on the MNHS scale, and only twelve of twenty-one subjects managed a one-grade improvement. Everyone else remained at the same grade, meaning that they did not show much if any hair re-growth. In extreme cases of hair loss, these treatments will not be effective.

Another method of reversing hair loss and baldness, though considered to be an extreme measure, is surgery. Surgical methods used for reversing hair loss include hair transplantation which transplants patches of skin with hair from one part of the scalp to another.

Topical application of an anti-fungal and potential 5-alpha reeducate inhibitor called Ketoconazole is often used as a supplement to other hair restoration approaches.

Placebo treatments in studies often have a surprising success rate, though it is not usually as high as with the products that are being tested at the time. Sometimes there are side-effects for placebo treatments that resemble the products being tested. In a Finasteride or Propecia study, the percentage of patients that had a drug-related sexual adverse experience was 3.8%, compared to the 2.0% that the placebo group experienced.

Incorporating regular aerobic exercise into your lifestyle can maintain overall health and lower stress, in addition to keeping androgen levels naturally lower which can aid in keeping hair from falling out unnecessarily. Stress reduction can be very helpful when it comes to slowing down hair loss. It should be noted, however, that weight training can often have a detrimental effect on hair simply by increasing the level of testosterone in your body.

Hair loss may also temporarily be reversed by applying an immunosuppressant to the scalp. However, there are potentially lethal side effects, so this treatment is not recommended. Other products that are worth trying when it comes to slowing or reversing hair loss are; Saw Palmetto, Polygonum Multiflorum, Beta Sitosterol, Resveratrol, and Flutamide.

To conceal hair loss, one method is called a "comb over", which entails restyling the remaining hair in an attempt to cover the area that is balding. This is only a temporary solution that can only be useful if the area that needs to be covered is small. The Comb Over becomes less effective as the hair loss increases. Another method is to wear a hairpiece, like a wig or toupee, or a hat. Eyebrow hair loss is also a possibility, and there are artificial eyebrows available to correct hair loss issues in the eyebrow.

Hair Loss

Want to learn more about Hair Loss Prevent [http://www.hair-loss-land.info]?, feel free to visit us at: [http://www.hair-loss-land.info]

Hair Loss: Preventing, Reducing and Concealing

Hair Loss

Read Hair Growth Advice - Increase Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables much more

Hair loss is a problem that many men and women suffer from. I suffered from hair loss for several years until I decided to do my own research and find a way to grow my hair back. One of the things that helped me to fight my hair loss was increasing the amount of fruits and vegetables that I ate.

Eating fruits and vegetables is very important because they contain many of the essential vitamins and minerals that are necessary for promoting hair growth. Some of the vitamins that eating a variety of fruits and vegetables can provide you with are Vitamin A, vitamins from the B family, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E and Vitamin K. Some of the minerals that one can obtain by eating a variety of fruits and vegetables include calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium and zinc.

It is extremely important to eat several servings of fruits and vegetables everyday because many of the foods that people eat on a regular basis do not contain the essential hair promoting nutrients mentioned above. The reason for this is most of the foods that individuals consume these days have been heavily processed, altered from their natural state to increase shelf-life. When foods are processed, they lose many of the important vitamins and minerals that they contain. It is also important to keep in mind that the fruits and vegetables should be eaten when they are ripe or fresh because in this state they are easier to digest, and, as a result, less taxing on the body.

Vegetables are probably best consumed as a part of your three core meals of the day: breakfast, lunch and dinner. For breakfast, one option that I have found to work well is an egg white sandwich with lightly sauteed bell peppers and spinach. The egg whites are a good source of protein, which is also essential for hair growth, and the bell peppers and spinach provide a solid serving of vegetables to start the day.

For lunch and dinner, there are many more options available. Most cuisines (i.e. Greek, Mediterranean, Chinese) offer dishes that contain meat, rice and a couple of servings of vegetables. One of my favorites is the chicken platter offered by many Mediterranean restaurants. The platter at the place where I often go contains a serving of chicken breast, rice, mixed salad and yogurt.

This meal is excellent in terms of the nutritional value that it provides. The chicken breast and yogurt are excellent sources of protein. The rice is an excellent source of carbohydrates, which provide us with energy to make it through our day. The mixed salad consists of an assortment of vegetables, which contain several of the essential vitamins and minerals that are necessary for hair growth.

Fruits are probably best consumed as a snack as they are very convenient to eat. Some of the fruits that I eat are apples, peaches, plums and strawberries. After working out, I also prefer to have a fruit smoothie because they are great energy boosters and help me to recover quickly from a very strenuous workout. I also include milk in my smoothies to have another source of high-quality protein in my diet. The variety of fruits that I eat as a snack and include in my smoothies ensures that I receive many of the important vitamins and minerals that are required to promote hair growth.

After several months of increasing my consumption of fruits and vegetables, I noticed that on areas of my scalp where my hair was thinning, the hair had started to become thicker, and on areas of my scalp where I had lost my hair, I could see gradual hair growth taking place.

As a result of improving my diet, my body was able to receive the nutrients that it needed in order to promote hair growth. These changes do not require a lot of time to implement; they simply require a strong desire to live a healthier lifestyle.

Karl Smith successfully battled his hair loss and now maintains a full head of hair. For more information on promoting hair growth, please visit his website http://www.stoppinghairlossnow.com.

Hair Growth Advice - Increase Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables

Hair Loss

Understand Hair Loss Causes - What Are They? far more

Both men and women can be affected by it, although the problem is more prevalent among males. A person normally sheds 50 to 100 hair strands daily. Every hair that is shed will be replaced by new ones from the same follicle where the old hair originated. If you lose more than this amount of hair, then you may have a hair loss problem.

There are several causes for hair loss. Some of the common ones are:

Not enough protein in diet

Protein is essential when it comes to maintaining normal amounts of hair. Getting enough protein will also ensure that hair will remain in great condition. Falling hair can be a result of having inadequate amounts of protein in your diet. This is why some vegetarians may experience hair loss episodes. If this is your problem, it can be easily remedied by eating lots of food that are rich in protein, such as chicken, meat, eggs, fish and dried beans. You can also take protein supplements.


A woman's hair will go through a resting stage after giving birth. A fair amount may fall out within two to three amounts after childbirth.


Stress is a popular cause for consistent hair fall. People who go through traumatic episodes are likely candidates for hair fall problems.


There are some prescription drugs that can contribute to hair loss. Some of these medications include blood thinners, medicines for heart problems and drugs for the treatment of acne and gout.


Fungal infection can cause hair loss in a person. Infections such as ringworm can make one lose hair and end up having pink scaly skin in its place.

Hair Loss Causes

Go to [http://GuideHairLoss.Blogspot.com/] for more information about Hair Loss and Hair Care.

Hair Loss Causes - What Are They?

Hair Loss Causes

Read through Polygonum Multiflorum (Root) for Hair Loss - Does It Work? much more

Many popular hair loss treatment options today based on the experienced traditional Chinese medicine such as hair restore advanced and shou wu pian contain the "active" ingredient polygonum multiflorum root. It can also be purchased as a standalone supplement in most herbal stores. But the question of whether or not it can effectively treat baldness in men and women with alopecia is still heavily debated. By taking a look at the scientific and traditional evidence available we are able to draw some conclusions as to its potential benefit for those suffering from hair loss, thinning hair and premature greying hair.

What is Polygonum multiflorum?

Polygonum multiflorum is one of the strongest blood tonics used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), and is an ingredient in many tonic formulas. The Chinese refer to Polygonum multiflorum as "He Shou Wu" after a legend about a "Mr He." Mr He was an elderly man whose vitality was restored to him after living off of the root of Polygonum multiflorum for many months. Though Mr He's story is a legend, there is evidence that this root can help in a variety of health conditions associated with aging. 3 Written evidence of the use of He Shou Wu for medicinal purposes can be dated back to 730 AD. Today, Polygonum multiflorum is a common component of many effective TCM formulas and is considered one of the most important tonic herbs in TCM.

What is it used for?

Polygonum multiflorum is most commonly known for its restorative effects on greying hair, hair loss, alopecia and premature aging. It is thought to be helpful as an anti-aging herb due to its nourishing effect on the blood. In Traditional Chinese Medicine weak blood, or blood deficiency, refers to the lack of circulatory nutrients that are supposed to be feeding the tissues of the body. When certain areas of the body become malnourished due to weak blood, degradation and aging can occur. According to TCM Theory, Polygonum multiflorum improves the blood by tonifying the liver and kidney.

The most common indications of formulas that include Polygonum multiflorum as one of the major components include hair loss, lower back pain, weakness of the knee joint, generalised muscular weakness, hemiplegia and paraplegia, palpitations, dizziness, insomnia, hypercholesterolemia and atherosclerosis. Polygonum multiflorum has been shown to have the following actions: anti-aging, immune system enhancer, hypocholesterolemic, laxative, blood sugar level regulator, hepatoprotective, and hematinic. (Reid, T. (2007) Essential Formula: How to achieve outstanding results for your patients using prepared Chinese Medicine. China Books & Periodicals; Australia)

Research Highlights

Similarly to finasteride (the active ingredient in Propecia and Proscar), studies have shown that when taken orally, it may be an effective anti-androgen by lowering dihydrotestosterone (DHT) levels in the body by blocking 5 alpha-reductase enzymes.

In a study forty-eight 30-60 year old men (n=24) and women (n=24) with differing origins of hair loss (age-related, stress- and medication induced, and postpartum) received a standardised extract equivalent to 4g Polygonum multiflorum root twice daily. After 1 month of treatment, 91% of men and 87% of women reported symptomatic improvement. Additionally, none of the study participants reported any side effects during the treatment period.

Side Effects

Polygonum multiflorum is relatively safe to use. The common adverse effects include nausea, vomiting, abdominal distention, and loose bowel movements. These side effects are more commonly experienced with the unprocessed herb (which has been traditionally used as a laxative). The gastrointestinal side effects are less common when the herb is processed.


Based on evidence from scientific studies and its wide use in Tradtional Chinese Medicine, Polygonum multiflorum may help in the reducing hair loss, hair thinning and reversing premature greying hair through its dihydrotestosterone (DHT) lowering and antioxidant activities.

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Polygonum Multiflorum (Root) for Hair Loss - Does It Work?

Study Adult Female Hair Loss Problem - Causes and Treatments much more

All over the world, there are adult female hair loss problem. This can be due to lifestyles, diseases and other factors. This kind of problem in women can be treated using new technologies in medicine.

However, it is best to know the causes of hair fall. This is to properly treat hair fall in women especially the adults. Listed below are the causes and treatments of adult female hair loss problem.


1. Hormonal problems - The thyroid gland can cause hair fall in women. This is because the thyroid glands can be overactive or underactive. Meaning, the hormones (androgen, estrogen) produced by the glands can be out of balanced.

2. Pregnancy - Pregnancy can also be another cause of hair fall in women. This is again due to hormonal imbalance. Hair harm can be noticed after 3 months of pregnancy since hormonal levels in the body are adjusting again after giving birth

3. Illness and certain disease - Hair harm in women are prevalent during the onset of certain disease in the body. The major problem to this can be total hair fall because the hair follicles are not healthy enough to grow instead, it falls out.

4. Medicines - There are also some medications that greatly affect hair fall in adult women. Because of certain diseases like cancer, high dosage of medicines that are treated with active ingredients can kill the hair follicles. However, it may grow again after a few months of resting and stopping of medicine intake.

5. Aging - Because of aging, adult females can also have hair harm. This is due to weakening of the hair follicles. Not enough nutrition will also deteriorate the hair hence causing hair fall.

These are the causes of adult female hair loss problem. Fortunately, there are also female hair loss treatment methods that you can apply. Here are some. Read on.


1. The best treatment of hair fall in women is to eat healthy foods. Proper nutrition is very important since it will nourish you hair and hair follicles will grow fast. It is best to avoid unhealthy foods that are not good for your body and hair as well.

2. Topical and "take in" medicines can also be done to prevent further damage or hair fall. Just be cautious in applying or consuming these medicines because it may cause excessive hair growth in the end. Also, you may want to visit first your doctor for proper diagnosis and treatments.

3. Have a healthy lifestyle. This means that you should also have a stress free lifestyle. Remember, another cause of hair loss is stress and anxiety. So the best thing to do is to bond with your family and friends and enjoy life.

4. Holistic remedies like Yoga, acupuncture and herbal treatments can also be of help to cur hair loss in female adults. These treatments are done by women who are avoiding chemically based medicines. Instead they use the natural way for female hair loss treatment.

These are just some of the causes and treatments of hair fall in women. Try to apply these and be on your way to having a healthy and shiny hair.

Hair Loss Causes

Discover many useful articles and valuable information about female hair loss treatment at my blog today, http://adultfemalehairlossblog.com

Adult Female Hair Loss Problem - Causes and Treatments

Hair Loss Causes

Read Hair Loss - How Can I Regain My Hair? a lot more

Hair Loss - How Can I Regain My Hair?

Hair Loss

Why is hair that important to us? They are merely dead cells that supposedly grow but seriously your hair is dead. Nonetheless, It affects people emotionally. Those who suffer from this will result in having a lower self esteem, lack of confidence and also suicidal ideation.

Hair loss tends to occur among males in their 40s or 50s and some as early as in their 30s are also suffering from hair loss. According to researches, the reason why it occurs is aplenty. The most common reason is due to the fact that your aging body can no longer replenish the nutrients used to create dead cells for your hair. It's quite logical if you think about it. Would your aging body that has other matters to worry about such as liver failure spend its important nutrients on making dead cells? I doubt so.

Moreover, the average Joe who works in an urban city will experience hair diseases because of the fact that the city is so polluted. The foods that are taken are also processed and thus have additives that cause hair loss. Stress can also cause your body to lose hair because stress induces the release of certain hormones that inhibit the production of hair.

What if you are already experiencing hair loss? The best treatment is to first of all get your body back into shape. Avoid indulging in bad habits such as eating irregular meals and unwholesome meals as well. When your body is returned to its tip-top condition, further options could be used. One of the best hair removal treatments is to stimulate the scalp by massaging it with natural ingredients. For example, ginseng is an excellent example as its healing properties extends to many parts of your body. For example, inducing faster blood circulation,

Stuart is writing for many websites, He enjoys writing on wide range of topics such as Hair Loss Product and Hair Loss Treatment. Visit to find more details.

Go through Are There Really Vitamins For Hair Loss? much more

While there are vitamins you can take for healthy hair and to help prevent hair loss, the downside of this is that taking excessive amounts of vitamins can actually lead to hair loss. Some of the most important vitamins for hair loss are the B vitamins because they contain:

· Folic acid

· Magnesium

· Biotin

· Sulfur

· Zinc

· Inositol

Through laboratory experiments with theses vitamins for hair loss, scientists have seen a decrease in thinning hair in lab animals. These results show that a diet low in magnesium cause hair loss in patches, while one low in biotin or inositol results in total baldness.

If you look at taking vitamins for hair loss, you will notice that these are vitamins essential for good health as long as you take them in moderation. Vitamin A is one of the vitamins to increase hair growth, but if you abuse it, it can also result in hairloss. Before taking any vitamins for hair loss or to increase hair growth, you should contact your doctor to find the underlying cause for the hair loss. A blood test will determine if you have a deficiency in any of the necessary vitamins.

There are other foods that also help to promote hair growth. Fatty acids, for example, while they are not vitamins for hair loss, do help to improve the texture of your hair and prevent dryness and brittle ends. Instead of taking vitamins to increase hair growth, you can make sure that your diet contains the foods in which you find the vitamins you need.

Having healthy portions of vegetables, such as beans, carrots, peas and cauliflower can go a long way to helping you keep your hair. The same thing applies to eggs, nuts and bran. These foods also help the organs of the body work the way they should.

Doctors will tell you that proper nutrition is as important for healthy hair as regular washing. You can also get shampoos and conditioners that contain vitamins for your hair, but you should not rely on these alone. Many experts recommend using a hot oil treatment once or twice a month to keep you hair healthy. These are much more affordable alternatives than taking vitamins for hair loss every day. You also know that there is no danger of taking too many vitamins to increase hair growth and having the reverse occur.

Vitamins for hairloss can be as simple as a good diet. Pay attention to what you eat.

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Are There Really Vitamins For Hair Loss?

Go through Hair Loss - Assessing The Causes and Treatments more

Fractional or else total hair loss signifies a condition called alopecia. The process of hair loss is initiated in a slow manner, which is followed by occasional hair fall. In order to follow a correct procedure for treatment, it is crucial to know the causes which are responsible for this condition.

On a daily basis, you tend to drop approximately 100 hairs, and the standard scalp is constituted of roughly 100,000 hairs. Furthermore, the separate hair strands are capable of living for roughly 5 years, and it is within this time span it is capable of expanding at the rate of 0.5 inch every month. Subsequent to this period, the hair is substituted in half a year by new strands. Genetic baldness takes place when the body is incapable of generating new hairs, and it is not only due to undue hair loss.

What Are The Causes?

• If you are undergoing bodily or mental pressure, it could lead to a condition wherein almost the entire hair on your scalp could drop, and this condition is referred to as Telogen effluvium.
• This condition could also occur when you are under the influence of drugs, which are inclusive of birth control pills, retinoids, beta-blockers. A few antidepressants like NSAIDs as well as calcium blockers could lead to this condition.
• There are certain autoimmune circumstances like lupus which can lead to hair fall.
• Presence of contagious diseases like syphilis could aggravate the condition.
• Hair fall could also be due to extra shampooing with blow-drying.
• Tinea capitis which is known as ringworm of the scalp can cause baldness.
• Alopecia areata is the condition when bald areas form on the beard, the scalp and could even extend till the eyebrows.

As you are now aware of the causes of hair loss, remember there is no therapy for it. Even if you resort to a surgical procedure of hair reinstatement, it is not a complete cure. All that it would accomplish is to restructure stable hair to the various balding parts.

Drugs Which Assist In The Treatment

• There are two drugs namely Propecia, and Rogaine, which are not capable of undoing the balding course; however they do stop its development.
• Minoxidil is also referred to as Rogaine is quite effective in treating this condition. Rogaine also does not treat hairlessness; however, it does slow down hair loss within the scalp.
• In order to get desired results, it is essential that Rogaine must be taken on daily basis-two times a day, and this is also useful for women.
• Finasteride or Propecia is equally effective in treating hairlessness. This medication functions by slowing down the exploit of the 5-alpha-reductase enzyme thus it is capable of reducing the method of miniaturization, also known as balding.

These are the procedures involving hair loss treatment. In case the problem is quite severe; you can opt for a surgical procedure to treat hair loss. However, prior to surgical treatment, you must consult a dermatologist, cosmetic surgeon or a plastic surgeon.

Hair Loss Causes

Related Article 1: The 4 Causes of Men Hair Loss Related Article 2: The 4 Causes of Women Hair Loss

Hair Loss - Assessing The Causes and Treatments

Hair Loss Causes

Study Female Hair Loss: A Natural Remedy From Homeopathy extra

Female Hair Loss: A Natural Remedy From Homeopathy

Hair Loss

The reasons why people lose their hair are multiple, from nutritional, to genetic, to hormonal.

For many the reasons are hormonal, specifically they are andro-genetic: this means, very simplistically put, that a series of processes lead to excess DHT and an excessive sensitivity to DHT (dehydrotestosterone); this will progressively weaken your hair follicle, leading to an increasing falling of scalp hair.

A long time ago it was believed that only men suffered from it whilst women were greatly protected by their different hormonal makeup. However, studies and increasing evidence have proven that women too can suffer from this type of condition. In women there may be other, interwoven factors, such as the abnormal function of the pituitary gland (even if only mildly) or some subtle imbalances between certain hormones. However, they all influence DHT production and DHT sensitivity so the result (losing one's hair) is the same.

For this reason this branch of alternative medicine offers very interesting answers to the problem of women losing their hair.

'Classically' speaking, one would tend to be prescribed constitutional remedies', namely those addressing the whole cluster of symptoms and the person's 'constitution' - i.e. body type, personality, genetic tendencies and even childhood traumas), However, modern approaches have allowed for the 'creation' of remedies which address 'single' problems, focusing on specific imbalances or 'malfunctions'; so, in the case of a woman losing her hair, it addresses what's strictly relevant to this condition from a 'medical', localized point of view rather than from a 'constitutional' point of view. The principles behind the remedies prescribed are, however, the same.

The specific approach to treat this condition discussed here is that of the use of the combination Folliculinim/Oestrogen:

This remedy, used in moderation and only during the first part of the menstrual cycle, addresses the falling of our hair for women who suffer from hormonal imbalances or other similar conditions such as polycystic ovarian syndrome (which leads to hormonal imbalances). If you suffer from hirsutism (excessive body hair) whilst also losing your scalp hair, this remedy may also help.

There are several ways in which you can take folliculinim/oestrogen (estrogen):

a) starting on the 1st day of your cycle, one 6c of folliculinum/oestrogen for one week or 14 days (never more than half your whole cycle; so, if you have a period every 22 days, you should not take this homeopathic remedy for more than 11 days and these should be the first half of your cycle).

b) During the early days of your monthly cycle (so during your period or as early as you can after your period), take this homeopathic remedy once (30c) and wait for the results, which should be almost immediate. Repeat only when the results fade, making sure it is not during the second part of your monthly cycle.

Dosages do vary and should vary depending on the patient's responses and characteristics. As for the potencies of the remedy, they should be kept low.

Why should one take folliculinum/oestrogen (estrogen) only during the first half of the monthly cycle? Because one's hormonal make up changes dramatically from the 1st part to the second part, and the homeopathic treatment must reflect that. If you suffer from hair loss during the second part of your monthly cycle too, other remedies should be taken (more on this later).

Can one take other remedies whilst taking this one? It is possible, because this remedy is not a constitutional remedy. It is better to wait and see the results, so you can better understand how the body is responding to the remedy. However, it is not uncommon to alternate this remedy with (for example) Lycopodium or Calcarea Carbonica, though the potency should be equally low and their administration should not be more frequent than the original remedy (Folliculinim/Oestrogen). So, for example, if you consider it appropriate or essential, a few days after taking folliculinim/oestrogen you can take one dose of Lyc (30c or 6c, which ever it's most appropriate in your case).

It is important to avoid mixing too many homeopathic remedies, so always use sparingly.

Which homeopathic dosages are more appropriate for you? Find out by reading HOMEOPATHY DOSAGES.

Other homeopathic remedies against hair loss (for women) are listed on FEMALE HAIRLOSS REMEDIES