Go through Baldness - Causes and Treatments of Baldness far more

Baldness or hair loss is something we have either seen or experienced. There is a variety of causes as well as treatments. There are some of the causes that are gender specific, and how the baldness appears is also gender specific. Some of the treatments are gender specific. It should be noted that some hair loss or balding may occur just by virtue of the aging process.

Female Specific Causes and Treatments

Baldness/hair loss for women can occur with pregnancy. Birth may also trigger hair loss. The use of birth control can also cause hair loss. These are serious hormonal changes in a women's body. The fluctuation of hormones can affect how the hair grows or falls out. Female baldness begins with an over-all thinning of the hair and along the area where the hair is parted. Pulling a comb through tangles can pull out hairs as can over washing it or over blow drying it.

Rogaine (minoxidil) for women is obviously meant for women only. It is designed to work with a woman's unique chemical make up. If results are not noted in a 12 month period, the chances are good that you will not get the results you want.

Non-gender Causes

Thyroid problems can cause hair loss because of the effect they may have on certain hormones. Along these lines, serious illnesses can be triggers. High fevers may cause hair loss as well. Certain medications such as chemotherapy and radiation treatments are also known to cause baldness/hair loss. When treatments or medications are stopped, hair will grow again but it will take some time.

Stress, especially extreme stress, can cause hair to fall out. Emotional and physical stresses can trigger hair loss and a possible reason for this is that when people are stressed they may exhibit some nervous habits. Nervous habits that can be bad for hair is excessive pulling on the hair and rubbing your scalp excessively. When the stresses are greatly reduced or eliminated hair will grow back, but as was mentioned previously, it will take time.

Male Specific Causes and Treatments

There really are no male specific causes of baldness. For baldness to occur in men their bodies must be producing testosterone. A male who doesn't produce testosterone will not have baldness.

Propecia is a treatment created especially for male patterned baldness. It is effective in treating mild or moderate hair loss on the top of the head and the middle front of the head. It's not sufficiently evident if it effectively treats balding in the temples area.

There is a word of caution that must be noted here. A woman who is or may be pregnant should not come in contact with the active ingredients of Propecia as they can cause abnormalities in the sex organs of male babies.

Warnings for men include that they may experience sexual side effects including a lower sex drive and amount of semen that is produced. Once the Propecia is stopped, these and other issues will subside. Propecia can also affect the results of the PSA-prostate-specific-antigen. For this reason, it is important to let your doctor know you are taking Propecia.

Natural supplements may also be an option for men and women alike. There are few if any side effects. They are generally safer and less expensive than some of the other treatments especially prescriptive treatments. The ingredients may include herbs like Saw Palmetto and Pumpkin. Vitamins including specific B-complex vitamins and minerals such as zinc and magnesium can also be found in natural supplements.


Men and women experience balding in different ways and treatments are different as well. Due to the side effects of some of the treatments, many are using natural supplements. These can be beneficial for both genders although the ingredients for each are slightly different. It is important that if your thinning hair or baldness is disconcerting to you, contact your physician. S/he can help you determine the best course of action for you to take.

Hair Loss Causes

Jean Helmet is a researcher of hair loss issues effecting both men and women. To learn about a new natural hair loss remedy [http://www.hair-loss-source.com] that Jean recently discovered and how it contrasts with some other common hair treatment options - Be sure to visit the highly informational short video at: [http://www.hair-loss-source.com]

Baldness - Causes and Treatments of Baldness

Hair Loss Causes