Hair Loss Shampoo - Could it Be the Answer to Male Baldness?
Hair LossIt is a perfectly normal occurrence for the human head to shed around 50 to 100 hairs a day, so when you consider that there are literally millions of hairs on the head, this doesn't seem so bad. However, if your body is not producing more hair at the same time, these numbers will soon add up and will quickly lead to baldness.
Many theories have been volunteered concerning the cause of baldness, but no one is positive what the exact cause is. The only thing that the researchers are positive about is that around half of men worldwide will suffer from male pattern baldness.
To some men baldness can be a thing of beauty. They don't have to pay for haircuts anymore, they don't have to worry about 'bed-head', and they don't have to use a hair loss shampoo or use any other preventative treatments.
Some men, however, see hair loss as a devastating chapter in their lives, and it can also cause them to lose their self-confidence and virility - and there are an endless amount of products claiming to be able to restore that.
In the Beginning
If you are getting thinner on top, there is some good news for you. You can buy formulae and some sort of remedial shampoo over-the-counter at any drugstore. These products can help in the prevention of yet more hair loss.
However, there are drawback to using some of these products. Once you start utilising them you have to keep on doing so, otherwise once you stop your hair will start to fall out again. An alternative to using these products is spending thousands of dollars on a painful hair transplant - that may or may not result in a natural appearance.
Recently however, a new approach to the problem has entered the market - a hair loss shampoo that feeds your hair follicles natural herbs.
In today's society and fast-paced lifestyle, it's getting harder for a person to ingest the right foods that are so essential to the body. When your body doesn't get theses vitamins and minerals that are so important to it, it will automatically ration the essentials that it sends to the major organs, leaving the minor organs (or less important parts of the body), such as the hair follicles, to suffer.
Using a hair loss shampoo will replace the vitamins that your body has used, and feed the scalp directly to stimulate the hair follicles.
When selecting a hair loss shampoo, you need to remember that your scalp is skin, and that skin is there to keep things out of your body. Most shampoos will be able to penetrate the first layer of skin and therefore make your scalp softer, but it's doubtful that any hair loss shampoo can penetrate the second layer of skin, into the living cells of the papilla.