Hair Loss - Symptoms - Treatments and Causes of Hair Loss
Hair Loss Causes In WomenHair loss is not uncommon and it plagues both men and women. Baldness has been thought to affect mostly men. Now it affects both men and women and new treatments for both genders are coming out all the time. Alternative names for hair loss include baldness, balding, and Alopecia.
There are two general types of baldness. Male pattern baldness is evidenced by a receding hairline and many men are left with hair on the sides and back of the head. The man must be producing testosterone for this type of loss to occur.
Female pattern baldness is evidenced by a gradual thinning of the hair all over the head. The hairline does not change. Women may notice the hair loss more along the line of where they part their hair. An increase of hair in your comb or brush may be a sign of female pattern baldness.
There are many causes for the loss of hair. Some are gender specific, others occur in both sexes.
Hormonal changes due to aging and/or thyroid problems. Hormonal changes due to pregnancy and childbirth can also cause hair loss but it comes back some time after delivery. The use of birth control can cause hair loss most likely because of the effect on hormones.
Illness and extreme fevers can also cause hair problems. In some cases after recovery you may see some hair re-growth. Some medications such as chemotherapy treatments and radiation can cause hair loss. Hair in most cases grows back when treatment stops.
Emotional stresses can cause hair to fall out too. This can be anything such as a break up, job loss, or chronic illnesses can also have an effect on hair loss. Worries about family matters including financial worries may have a similar effect. Physical Stresses include serious illness, injury, and high fevers. Physical stresses can make emotional stresses worse. Emotional stress can worsen physical stresses. It is not uncommon for hair problems to occur.
Nervous habits such as pulling on your hair, rubbing the scalp excessively and burns can create hair loss. Some believe that pulling the hair back in pony tails or putting it "up" stresses the hair shafts and cause hair loss. Washing your hair too much and blow drying it excessively can also be a factor in your hair problems.
Alopecia Areata might be treated with Steroids that are either topical or injectable steroids. If the hair loss is related to age or hormones Rogaine (monoxidil) can work for both men and women.
Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure that takes live, growing hair from one area on the head and is put in the areas of thinning or balding. The problem is that the procedure is both painful and expensive. There is risk of irritation of the skin and infection.
Weaves, hair pieces, extensions, or a hair style change is probably the cheaper and very safe. These things must not be sutured to the scalp, because there is a risk of scarring, and infection. There are very nice and very reasonable prices.
Another option is a natural approach. These can be taken alone but they have greater effects in supplement form. There is one product that includes vitamins, minerals, and herbs such as magnesium, horsetail, Biotin, and Zinc. Saw palmetto and Pumpkin are among these and other ingredients.
The loss of hair is no respecter of persons. It can happen to men, women, and children. When it occurs you should consult with your physician to determine which treatment protocol is most appropriate for your particular case of hair loss. There are many options available.
Jean Helmet is a researcher of hair loss issues effecting both men and women. To learn about a new natural hair loss remedy [] that Jean recently discovered and how it contrasts with some other common hair treatment options - Be sure to visit the highly informational short video at: []