Understand Stress Related Hair Loss more

Stress Related Hair Loss

Hair Loss

One of the reasons for your recent hair loss may be due to stress. They are related. Hair loss is a by product of excessive and intensive physical or emotional Stress. When you are going through a stressful event or period, you may begin to notice that your hair starts to thin and eventually hair loss occurs. In such instances, the hair follicles will stop growing prematurely when the body system incorrectly treats the hair follicles as foreign tissues, thus resulting in thinning of hair and eventually dropping out.

Types of Hair Loss

There are 2 types of stress related hair loss.

1. The scientific term for the more common type of hair loss is called "telogen effluvium". This type of hair loss prevents the hair from growing and the hair growing process remains dormant for a period or 3-6 months. After which, usually by in a period of 6-9 months, there is a high possibility that the hair will starts to grow back once the single event stress is over. In other cases the hair loss will continue until the stress is fixed.

2. A second and more serious stress related hair loss is known by the scientific name "alopecia areata". It actually involves the white blood cell attacking the hair follicles, so much so that the hair falls out by large quantity. This could start with a small patch anywhere on your head (it does not necessary starts from the forehead) and ultimately spreads to the entire scalp.

While your hair may grow back on both occasions, it may require additional treatment.
Stress related hair loss is a sure sign that your health or body is unable to withstand the excessive stress.

Stresses Relating to Hair Loss

The following stresses may be one of the causes for hair loss:

a. Disease (such as thyroid gland infection, lupus disorders, diabetes, anaemia)

b. Poor-nutrition. (Especially if your diet contain insufficient of iron and/or protein)

c. Side effects of medications or treatments

d. Emotional Stress (work, lifestyle)

e. Scalp infection.

Whatever the underlying causes are for stress related hair loss, the condition will continue until the cause has been treated or eliminated. Exercises, meditation, yoga and change of job or environment, while common, are the most effective cure to stress related hair loss. The others being medication which may help one relax and stay calm. Understanding the cause of stress related hair loss is important and should lead to finding the cure if not total prevention.

Adam Able is a trained Health Coach and a certified Nutritionist. He currently resides in Orlando, Florida and can be reached at his Men's Health Blog [http://www.ableadam.com] or you can email him at ableadam13@gmail.com