Study Hair Loss and Its Causes! much more

Hair Loss and Its Causes!

Hair Loss Causes

This article aims to expose some of the causes of hair loss and products to cure this ugly problem. This Problem is also known as alopecia which can be caused due to many factors. Majority of the hair loss is connected with male-pattern baldness. Some times stress can lead to This problem. Some medications, certain poisons, hormone deficiency or excess or autoimmune conditions can also be a cause of problem.

If we talk about the male or female pattern baldness then they are generally inherited conditions. Usually men lost hair from the top of their head in this kind of problem. Stress is often related to hair loss problem and experimenting a lot with your hair may also lead to hair fall down. Let's discuss the causes of here in detail:

o Hereditary hair loss- In this situation hair growth is less which leads to hair falling out slowly and gradually. This type of hair problem is caused due to several factors like Gender, age and hormones. This type of problem is more prevalent in men than in women. Usually 1 in 4 men of age 30 gets baldness and 2 in 3 men get hair loss by the age 60.

o Stress- Believe it or not but stress plays a crucial role in your hair loss. Excessive physical or emotional stress including stress related to injury, illness or surgery may lead to hair fall. Due to stress an individual is bound to suffer from two types of hair fall. First one is called Telogen effluvium which is a severe hair fall condition in which hair stops growing and lies dormant. However it grows back after 6 to 9 months. The second one is known as alopecia areata which involves a white blood cell attack on the hair follicles.

o Some of the other factors that may lead to hair fall down include hormonal changes, illness, pregnancy, childbirth, birth control pills, chemotherapy, nervous habits and others.

In order to get rid of hair fall condition it is better to employ a herbal treatment. Apart from some home remedies you can employ Profollica hair loss system because it comes with a shampoo, a gel and nutritional supplements which don't give any chance to your hair to fall down. This hair loss system has gained enormous popularity in the recent times and enjoys favorable and positive response from millions of people worldwide.

If you are experiencing severe hair fall then the best thing to do is consult your doctor to get your condition examined thoroughly. is one of the most dedicated companies to provide enormous information on hair loss [] and its treatments. The company offers Profollica [] stop hair loss program to consumers as it is 100% natural which gives result within a week.