Read Women's Hair Loss - How to Treat Hair Loss in Women? a lot more

Hair to women is one of their precious assets but taking care of it, keeping it healthy and strong becomes a problem when hair loss starts to get in the picture. One reason why women lose hair is due to their genetic make-up but the female pattern compared to male pattern, has less likelihood of losing the frontal hairline unlike in men which normally bald at this area of the head.


Other common causes of hair loss may include:

1) Illnesses like lupus and diabetes mellitus or if a woman has undergone major surgery, her hair usually falls.

2) Hormonal problems are also a culprit. Imbalance in androgen and estrogen, postponement of the hormonal balance after giving birth and delivering a baby also causes hair-loss.

3) Moreover, if a person's thyroid gland is overactive or underactive, it can cause hair drop. Furthermore, women in their menopausal stage suffer hair-loss due to the dysfunction of their thyroid gland that increases the production of testosterone in their body.

4)Using medicines such as blood thinners or anticoagulants, medicines used for chemotherapy, vitamin A, birth control pills, and antidepressants all cause hair loss. Fungal infections like eczema, psoriasis, and dandruff can also cause hair loss.

5) Improper care of the hair like pigtails and tight hair rollers that pull the hair can cause hair loss called traction alopecia. Normally, if pulling doesn't leave scars on the scalp, hair re-grows but once scarring occurs, this can cause permanent baldness.

6) Hot oil hair treatments and perms can cause inflammation of the hair follicles which can cause scarring and hairloss. Some women might think that shampooing, coloring, perming, and conditioning the hair do not cause hair-loss but these are all wrong. It does affect the hair, and could cause hair loss.

7) Stress and lack of nutrition are also attributed to hair-loss of women.

Treat Your Hair Drop Problems

As we have underlined here the common reasons for hair loss, the best ways to treat it is to determine first what is causing the problem.

If for example, a medicine is causing the person's hair-loss, a doctor may prescribe a different medicine. If there is an infection and properly treated then this can help prevent hair-loss. And finally is there is a hormonal imbalance, correcting this imbalance can solve the problem. For women with androgenetic alopecia, a doctor can recommend a hormonal contraceptive tablet.

Nizoral shampoo contains 2 percent ketoconazole and is often prescribed for the treatment of fungal infection of the scalp. Ketocononazole is used as anti-fungal agents who reduce the production of testosterone and other androgens.

Medical remedies for hair loss in women include minoxidil, the generic name for Rogaine which helps conserve hair. There is also Propecia that helps men retain hair, although women are cautioned to use this especially when pregnant.

Surgical procedures are also available like hair transplants or filling-in thin areas. Spironolactone may be used for decreasing the production of testosterone in the adrenal glands. More importantly, to prevent hair-loss, one needs to keep a balanced diet with adequate nutrition.

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Women's Hair Loss - How to Treat Hair Loss in Women?

Understand Frontal Hair Loss - Causes and Treatment much more

Frontal Hair Loss - Causes and Treatment

Hair Loss Causes

While losing hair is very common among men, the sad truth is that frontal type loss is probably the most difficult type that a man is going to need to deal with. Not only can it be difficult to prevent and treat , but it is the most noticeable type of baldness because it is right in front of every one. If you are going through frontal receding, you are probably wondering whether or not it is even treatable, and what your treatment options are. Here, you will learn more about the most common causes of thinning hair as well as your available treatment options.

What causes it?

Male Pattern Baldness, or MPB, is a genetic condition, which is caused by a male sex hormone called DiHydroTestosterone, otherwise known as DHT. It is produced when testosterone combines with a certain type of enzyme. DHT then attacks the hair follicles and shrinks them, shortening their growth phase cycle. This happens slowly, and majority of the time, you will not even notice it taking place. In fact, some men may even lose up to fifty percent of their frontal hair before they even begin to notice that any type of hair loss is taking place.

So, what are the treatment options of frontal hair loss?

There are a number of different treatment options that you can decide to choose from a number of different available choices. One of these options is Propecia. Although Propecia is proven to work for majority of people who lose hair, there is no accurate evidence that shows that it works for people who have receding hair lines at the temples. However, it does help in preventing and treating hair loss that occurs in the frontal and mid scalp anterior regions. Of course, if you are looking for the best option for you cost wise, Propecia can be expensive, as it costs between sixty and one hundred fifty dollars per month.

Rogaine is another replacement option that you have for frontal hair loss. Although it will cause new hair growth throughout most of the head, including frontal regions, it will not grow new hair in the temple region of the head. When it is taken twice daily for at least four hours for a duration of four months, however, you will no longer anymore hair loss, even at times in the temple region.

Another option that you have for treating hair fall in the frontal region. You must visit a clinic that specializes in hairloss. Cost wise, hair restoration is probably the most expensive option for you to treat your hair loss. Although prescription drugs and topical creams may seem as though they are the best option, the amount of money that you will pay each month is going to add up in the end.

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Read Which is the Best Hair Loss Treatment For Women? extra

Hair Loss Causes In Women

Hair loss is a common phenomenon that occurs in with men and women. However, it is more traumatic for women because, somehow, a woman without hair is totally unacceptable, both to herself and to others. This is why women become almost paranoid about losing their hair and will go to great lengths to protect their manes from thinning.

The hair loss treatment for women is often ineffective unless the root cause of the problem can be diagnosed from the very beginning. This is why it is extremely important that the cause is determined first.

Causes of Hair Loss

In women it can be caused by many factors. Some of these factors are well researched by the medical field, but some remain a mystery. The right treatment for women can be identified only after the correct diagnosis of the causes of the problem have been determined. A few factors are listed below.

Many times women find their hair falling out in patches (even the hair of the eyebrows and eyelashes) due to an autoimmune disorder. This is called alopecia areata and it can occur continuously or in irregular episodes.

Another common reason for hair loss in women is stressed hair. When the hair is braided tightly for a long period of time, the follicles of the hair become loose and ultimately fall off. This type of problem is called traction alopecia, and does not affect any facial hair, as does alopecia areata.

Next, when women enter the pre- or post- menopausal stage, there are sudden hormonal imbalances in the body, often causing acute loss of hair. This type can also be caused by side effects of certain drugs or treatments, such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy, etc.

Finally, sometimes the hair will fall out from around the temples. The cause of this is not known, but the name of the condition is triangular alopecia because of the typical shape of the scalp following this type of hair thinning.

Identifying the Right Treatment for Women

The field of hair loss treatment for women consists of many modern (and sometimes not so modern) techniques. The treatment can involve surgical hair replacement, although this is a very painful and expensive process. In a case where there is severe stress in the life of the women, then the stress has to be addressed first, otherwise the treatment will not have the desired results.

The right hair loss treatment for women can only be based on the correct diagnosis. Hence, the most important aspect for the correct treatment will be to identify the root cause.

Which is the Best Hair Loss Treatment For Women?

Study What Causes Hair Loss In Women? Natural Solution And Treatment For Stopping Female Hair Loss more

The causes of hair loss in women can be the result of hormonal changes during pregnancy and lactation, vitamin deficiency, by an abnormal level of proteins due to an unbalanced diet, an uncontrolled thyroid or other causes.

Stress, illness and various medications can also cause damage to hair growth, weakening the structure and function of the follicle root. In some cases the cause may be temporary, as hormonal changes, and the follicle returns to normal, in other cases the effect may be long term.

Female pattern baldness is characterized by a progressive loss of hair follicles size, causing the hair growth cycle to be shorter. After several months the growth phase shortens until there is no more growth. It is always better to start the treatment as soon as possible to get better results.

A receding hairline or crown extending characterize hair loss in men, but women-pattern baldness rarely follow the above symptoms. On the contrary, she sees a general weakening of her hair. You might notice that the center becomes larger, a decrease in the diameter her pony tail, or more hair on the floor of the shower, the pillow or brush than normal.

Women are particularly mortified with the slightest hint of hair loss. More than men, women try to hide their baldness. Often, they discuss the problem their stylist and they try a hairstyle that covers the problem areas. When the growth cycle shortens, the hair becomes thinner and shorter, until it no longer grows.

When someone faces the problem and treat it early, is more effective. There is no cure but there are several natural hair loss treatment options for women suffering from baldness.

Hair Loss Causes In Women

Click Here [] if you are looking for more information about what causes hair loss in women []. For a definitive guide on the best way to stop and prevent hair loss visit

What Causes Hair Loss In Women? Natural Solution And Treatment For Stopping Female Hair Loss

Examine Find Out The Causes Of Sudden Hair Loss extra

Find Out The Causes Of Sudden Hair Loss

Hair Loss Causes

Two of the leading causes of sudden hair loss are genes and stress. Hairloss may be inherited, but this is usually not sudden, but happens over time. What is sudden about it is that you notice large clumps of hair staying on the brush or comb when you do your hair each morning. Although this is common in males, it does happen to females as well. Severe stress has also been identified as a cause of sudden hair loss because it interferes with the inner workings of the body's hormones. This can be psychological stress or trauma to the body following an accident or major surgery.

People that experience sudden hair loss contact their doctor immediately to try to find the causes of sudden hair loss. If there is no underlying stress or side effects from medication, sudden hair loss could be a warning sign of the early onset of a disease such as diabetes or lupus or even an infection of the scalp.

Some people who experience sudden hair loss realize that the problem is caused by DHT. This is usually what causes rapid hair loss due to genetic causes. The doctor can prescribe a DHT blocker as a shampoo or a topical solution that will help to slow the effects of thinning hair and help some of the hair to grow back. Of course every case is different. What works well for one person may not work for another.

One of the more serious hair loss causes is a condition called alopecia. There are several forms of this condition, but there is no cure for it. The forms of alopecia are:

· Alopecia areata - in this form of the condition patients experience sudden hair loss in patches that leave bald spots in different parts of the scalp

· Alopecia totalis - this results in total hair loss on all of the scalp

· Alopecia universalis - this is total hairloss all over the body

When doctors are trying to find the causes of rapid hair loss, the first tests will be blood tests to determine whether there is an infection, a deficiency or a hormone problem. Sudden hair loss in itself is a traumatic experience and people often rush out and purchase all manner of products to try to get their hair to grow back. These products will probably not work unless you have identified the underlying causes of sudden hair loss. It is important to so this first rather than waste your money on products that will not do anything for you or your hair.

Sudden hair loss is not common, but happens. Find out the cause first before doing anything else.

For a website totally devoted to hair loss and hair replacement visit Peter's Website The Hair Replacement Guide, and find out about Hair Transplant Surgery as well as Hair Restoration and more, including Male Hair Loss and Female Hair Loss

Examine Loss of Hair - What Are the Sudden Causes of Hair Loss? additional

Hair Loss

A sudden loss of hair should be reported to your doctor, as it could be a symptom of an underlying medical problem. A gradual thinning that occurs over time in a pattern, around the central portion of the scalp and the vertex or crown of the head, is more common. Usually, the underlying cause is heredity or genetics, but it is still possible to stop the process and reverse it.

When hair loss occurs suddenly or seems to be concentrated in patches at the sides or back, not the top of the head, nutritional deficiency is one of the common causes. Lack of nutrients or poor diet plays a role in hereditary baldness, too. It's not impossible to get all of the nutrients that you need every day from food, alone, but it is very difficult, particularly as you get older.

Doctors will often check blood levels of iron, magnesium and zinc, while checking for hormonal levels and thyroid problems. If you are already on certain medications, additional testing may not be necessary. Many different drugs can cause loss of hair, including anti-coagulants like warfarin, retinoids, acne and wrinkle treatments, amphetamines, antidepressants, blood pressure medications and even prolonged use of aspirin.

Exposure to heavy metals is a less common cause, but something to be aware of, particularly among people that eat a log of fish. The USGS recently reported finding mercury in every species of fish tested in lakes, streams and rivers around the US. Levels are pretty high in the Atlantic Ocean, too. Doctors have found some cases difficult to diagnose, until the person's intake of fish was noted.

In cases of heavy metal poisoning, hormonal imbalances and serious nutritional deficiencies, loss of hair will not be the only symptom. In the case of minor, chronic nutrient deficits in the diet, which are more common, fatigue is usually noted. But, sometimes it seems that everyone is tired these days.

That brings us to stress, which contributes to and complicates all kinds of diseases. You should aim to reduce the stress in your life, not to get your hair back, but just to be healthier.

Assuming that there is no underlying medical condition or drug at the "root" of the problem, the best way to treat it is with a combination of nutrients, plant extracts and topically applied Minoxidil. Minoxidil was originally marketed as Rogaine for the loss of hair.

It is only one of two treatments that are approved by the US FDA. The other is an oral drug for men, but it is accompanied by unwanted side effects. Minoxidil and nutritional supplements are available without a prescription and the only side effects are good ones.

If you're like most people, you simply want to like to look at yourself in the mirror, again. In the majority of cases, Minoxidil works, but it works for more people when combined with appropriate nutritional therapy.

Research indicates that it is easier to stop and prevent the loss of hair than it is to reverse it. So, start your treatment plan, today, before the problem gets worse.

Discover the best way to combat the causes of sudden hair loss today.

Bill Wagner is a dedicated researcher of hair loss issues that affect both men and women. Take a moment to visit his site now to learn about a new natural hair loss remedy that Bill recently discoverd and how it contrasts with other common hair loss treatment options at:

Loss of Hair - What Are the Sudden Causes of Hair Loss?

Read through The Best Hair Loss Treatment For Women far more

Finding a hair loss treatment for women that is reasonable and that is truly helpful is a necessity. However, before we move to hair loss treatment let us first trace what are the possible causes of hair fall.

Usually a woman experiences it in a female pattern alopecia or baldness. This event manifests through the thinning of a woman's hair for the most part of the top and sides of the head. One over three in women can be vulnerable to this kind of problem although this can be notice after menopause. Normally it would range around 100- 125 hairs a day. We can say that there is definitely hair loss when lost hairs does not re generate or when hair fall excessively and drop more than 125 hairs per day. It can be also hereditary which can come from either parent's side of the family.

The two kinds of hair loss are Anagen Effluvium and Telogen effluvium. Anagen effluvium refers to hair loss in relation to the medical treatments a woman is undergoing such as chemotherapy. Chemotherapy has components, which poisons the growing hair follicle. Meanwhile, Telogen Effluvium is evident in the form of increased in the number of hair follicles that enters the resting phase. These can usually be in form of physical stress from illnesses or surgery, emotional stress such as mental illness or grief and anxiety that is link to death of a kin. Hormonal imbalance can also trigger hair loss. This can typically occur during a woman's pregnancy or menopausal period. This can also take place when she is taking birth control pills.

Hair loss treatments for women need not to be expensive and classy. To avoid it, women need to consume foods that are rich in protein including green leafy vegetables, carrots, mango, apricots, and whole cereals. Yogurts, milks and buttermilk should also be a part of a regular meal.

When washing the hair, never wash hair with too hot water. Only use shampoo that are mild and avoid excessive brushing of the hairs. Applying a paste made up of lemon and black pepper on the bald patches can be of help.

Peppermint is also beneficial for the hair. Aside from the fact that it would make your hair smell good it also has a cooling effect to the scalp. It stimulates the hair follicle, which is essential for hair growth. Peppermint is also efficient in solving the problems as it binds the hair roots and increase blood circulation. A homemade concoction you can try at home is by incorporating peppermint oil, castor oil, tea tree oil, and coconut oil. This mixture is then ready and can be use, and massaged into the hair. In addition, since peppermint oil balances the pH this can also serve as a treatment for dry and itchy scalp.

Hair loss treatments for women are now easy to realize and achieve. Women can now be confident of their crowning glory.

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The Best Hair Loss Treatment For Women

Study What Vitamin Deficiency Can Cause Hair Loss? Find Out Now a lot more

Did you know that hair loss can occur when a vitamin deficiency occurs? It's true, there are a few essential vitamins your body needs to maintain good hair health. While there are other factors that may cause hair loss vitamin deficiency is the easiest one you can work on.

So what vitamin deficiency can cause hair loss? You'll be surprised, but there is actually more than one particular vitamin that may cause hair loss if your body lacks those vitamins. One of the major vitamins your body needs for healthy and rich hair is Biotin. Also known as vitamin H, Biotin aids in hair growth and has been shown to prevent further hair loss The basic function of Biotin is to metabolize free fatty acids, which are also important for overall body health. Biotin also works to prevent greying just as well as preventing hair loss.

Another vitamin good for hair loss is Pantothenic Acid. This vitamin also known as Calcium Pantothenate is vital for good health in the skin and the scalp. This vitamin helps with the refining of food for energy. Continued consumption of this vitamin has been shown to turn grey hair into normal darker hair and reverse hair loss You can find this vitamin in such foods as egg yolks, whole grain foods, whole milk, and vegetables like potatoes.

For hair loss also try to take in vitamin A, a deficiency in vitamin A can cause dry skin and dry hair though you should only take about 2,500 iu of Vitamin A per day. Some studies have shown that overuse of vitamin A can further cause hair loss and other diseases. Carrots are rich in vitamin A if you need to fill your vitamin A intake for the day.

Did you know that hair is made out of protein? That's right, your hair is actually 90% protein, so naturally, a deficiency in protein may cause hair loss A good way to get your protein is to eat lean meats, dairy, and whey. Whey protein is easily absorbed by your body and can greatly benefit your hair's health.

If you're suffering from hair loss it's recommended to take a multivitamin that has all of these vitamins, that way you can just take one vitamin and receive all the benefits.

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What Vitamin Deficiency Can Cause Hair Loss? Find Out Now

Study Medical and Lifestyle Causes of Hair Loss more

Underlying medical conditions that cause or contribute to hair loss:

Diabetes encompasses a group of metabolic (chemical reaction that happens at a cellular level) diseases. The patient experiences high blood sugar levels. This condition happens because the body does not produce enough insulin (hormone created by the pancreas) or because cells do not respond to the insulin that the body does produce. Typical symptoms include frequent urination, increased thirst and increased hunger.

Lupus erythematosus is a collection of autoimmune diseases. A general characteristic of lupus is a hyperactive immune system that can't differentiate between viruses, bacteria, and other antigens and healthy tissue. As a result, the immune system begins to attack the normal, healthy tissue. The disease attacks many different body systems, including joints, skin, kidneys, blood cells, heart, and lungs.

An overactive thyroid is actually a condition called hyperthyroidism. The gland produces and secretes an abundance of the thyroid hormones triiodothyronine and thyroxine. The alternate condition is hypothyroidism (or sluggish thyroid).

Hypervitaminosis A is a condition where the body has an abundance of vitamin A - specifically retinoid. Retinoids assist with many important roles including vision, growth of bone tissue, immune function, and activation of tumor suppressor genes.

The primary route of transmission of syphilis is through sexual contact (although it may be transfer from mother to fetus during pregnancy or birth). This sexually transmitted disease has four stages. Secondary syphilis is identified by a rash on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet.

Tinea capitis (also known as ringworm of the hair) is a fungal infection on the surface of the scalp. The primary cause of the disease is an invasion of fungus into the hair shaft. Symptoms appear as single or multiple patches of hair loss. Often, the bald patches include a black dot pattern. Hair loss is accompanied by inflammation, scaling, pustules, and itching. Patients are typically pre-pubertal children and more often boys than girls.

Damaging lifestyle situations that can contribute to hair loss

A scalp disorder, telogen effluvium, is characterized by thinning and/or shedding of hair. This is caused by a premature entry of hairs into the telogen phase of growth. Conditions like eating disorders, fever, childbirth, chronic illness, major surgery, anemia, sever emotional disorders, crash diets, and drugs can cause telogen effluvium.

Iron is present in all cells in the human body. It plays several important roles in the function of the human body - carrying oxygen from the lungs to tissues, facilitating the formation of cytochromes, and assisting with enzyme reactions. Unfortunately, iron deficiency is the most common form of nutritional deficiency. Insufficient levels of iron can lead to iron deficiency anemia (most common in children and pre-menopausal women), morbidity and death.

Malnutrition is a broad term that covers any condition where certain nutrients are lacking, overly prevalent, or in the wrong proportions. A wide variety of nutrition disorders stem from malnutrition depending on which nutrients are at an imbalance. In most cases, malnutrition presents itself in the form of under nutrition which is caused by consuming inadequate amounts of calories and protein.

Hair Loss Causes

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Medical and Lifestyle Causes of Hair Loss

Read Children's Hair Loss - Types of Hair Loss in Infants and Children a lot more

It's natural for parents to become alarmed when they see locks of their babies hair falling out. Almost all newborns lose some (or all) of their hair during the first six months of life. This is a normal process. In most cases the hair eventually grows back, although the new hair may be a completely different color and texture than at birth!

A common condition, that may cause hair loss in infants is cradle cap. Cradle cap mainly affects infants between the ages of two to six months; causing a crusty, scaling scalp rash. Left untreated, cradle cap often clears up within several months. In severe cases it can cause itching and hair loss, and may also spread to other areas of the body.

Other forms of hair loss affecting infants are rare. They are often congenital in nature and may include hair shaft defects. As the child gets older they become more susceptible to various types of hair loss. After discussing the rare forms of hair loss which can affect infants and children, the more common forms will be addressed.

Congenital Atrichia

With congenital atrichia a child could be born with apparently normal hair; but once it enters the first resting period the hair falls out, and the entire growth process shuts down. In order for hair to grow, certain cells must stay in close contact with each other to transmit and receive signals necessary to keep the hair growth cycle functioning. With this condition the cellular communication gets disconnected, deactivating the hair growth cycle.

Loose Anagen Syndrome

This type of hair loss is most typical in small children with sparse fine hair that can easily be pulled out. It mostly affects girls with light hair. The hair usually does not grow past the nape of the neck. Under a microscope the hairs appear to lack an inner and outer root sheath and have a ruffled cuticle.

Triangular Alopecia

This is a pattern of hair loss that occurs in the temporal area on one or both sides and is usually in a triangular shape. The absence of hair in this area is present at birth or just after. It is permanent and irreversible but is not progressive. The shape and size of the bald area remains the same throughout lifetime.

Pili Torti

This condition can be congenital or acquired. It is most common in girls who have thin blonde hair. There is a rigid twisting of the hair fibers which leads to fractures in the cuticle and internal cortex layer of the hair shaft. The hair is dry and brittle and may stand out from the scalp. It breaks off at varying lengths.


This is a rare condition that begins in infancy. Although the infant is born with what appears to be normal vellus hair, it is soon replaced with dry, brittle hair that has a beaded appearance. The hair often breaks off even with the scalp and seldom grows longer than 2.5 cm.

Uncombable Hair Syndrome

Children with this syndrome usually have silvery blonde glass-like hair that is unruly and won't lie flat. It is difficult or impossible to comb. Because of its appearance it is also called "spun-glass hair." The hair stands away from the scalp in a disorderly fashion. Microscopic evaluation reveals a triangular (or kidney bean) shaped hair shaft with longitudinal grooving. Spontaneous improvement is often seen in later in adolescence.

The following types of hair loss are common in children aged four and older.


Contrary to its name ringworm does not come from a worm but is caused by a type of fungus called dermatophyte. It is highly contagious and can be transmitted through other people or animals. It is mostly seen on children between 4 and 11 years old. It usually begins as a small pimple that becomes larger, leaving scaly patches of baldness with an outline shaped like a ring. The hair often becomes brittle and breaks off very close to the scalp causing what is referred to as "black dot alopecia." Ringworm is also referred to as tinea capitis.

Alopecia areata

Alopecia areata is a common autoimmune disorder which causes the hair to fall out in patches with well defined margins. The onset of alopecia areata is most common in children between four and seven years old but it can strike anybody at anytime. Alopecia areata can progress to alopecia totalis or alopecia universalis affecting total scalp and body hair.

Traction Alopecia

Traction alopecia occurs from sustained tension on the scalp due to tightly pulled hairstyles. Prolonged traction causes hair to loosen from its follicular roots. Cheerleaders, dancers and other children who routinely wear these types of hairstyles are at risk. Also at risk are those who wear hair extensions-which are becoming consistently more popular. Prolonged persistent traction can cause permanent hair loss.


Trichotillomania can be translated from Greek to mean a "manic desire to pluck out one's own hair." It is an impulse control disorder that often starts in childhood. A person with this disorder will feel an overwhelming urge to pull out his or her hair. This urge causes an extreme amount of tension which continues to build until the hair is pulled.

Telogen Effluvium

Telogen effluvium, also known as diffuse hair loss causes more hair than usual to retreat into the resting phase. This can be a reaction to any disturbance in the body as hair is very sensitive to changes. This type of hair loss is usually temporary and easily corrected once the problem is identified and addressed. Any type of illness, surgery or trauma can cause temporary diffuse hair loss.


Any medication can cause hair loss, even if it is not listed as a symptom. Psychopharmaceutical medications which are becoming more commonly prescribed to adolescents are known to cause hair loss in some people. Acne medications derived from vitamin A can cause hair loss. Some anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory medicines list hair loss as a side effect. Any hormonal medication such as birth control pills or steroids can cause hair loss.

Bacterial Infections

Certain bacteria and other microorganism can infect the scalp causing inflammation and hair loss. Hair loss from scalp infections may be temporary or permanent depending on the degree of damage.

Eating Disorders

Hair loss can be a symptom of any eating disorder such as anorexia nervous or bulimia.


Hair loss often occurs during times of hormonal changes. Some hair loss may occur during puberty.


There have been reports of hair loss as an adverse side effect of vaccinations, mostly associated with the hepatitis B vaccine and mostly affecting females.

Hair Loss

If you enjoyed this article and would like more information on the topic, Please visit VZ BOTANICALS Melanie Vonzabuesnig is the author of Hair Loss in Women...Getting to the Root of the Problem and Aroma Hair...Aromatherapy Formulas for Healthy Hair.

Melanie Vonzabuesnig has researched every aspect of female hair loss in order to help other women experiencing hair loss. She used aromatherapy for her own hair loss.

Children's Hair Loss - Types of Hair Loss in Infants and Children

Hair Loss

Read through Women's Hair Loss - How to Treat Hair Loss in Women? far more

Hair to women is one of their precious assets but taking care of it, keeping it healthy and strong becomes a problem when hair loss starts to get in the picture. One reason why women lose hair is due to their genetic make-up but the female pattern compared to male pattern, has less likelihood of losing the frontal hairline unlike in men which normally bald at this area of the head.


Other common causes of hair loss may include:

1) Illnesses like lupus and diabetes mellitus or if a woman has undergone major surgery, her hair usually falls.

2) Hormonal problems are also a culprit. Imbalance in androgen and estrogen, postponement of the hormonal balance after giving birth and delivering a baby also causes hair-loss.

3) Moreover, if a person's thyroid gland is overactive or underactive, it can cause hair drop. Furthermore, women in their menopausal stage suffer hair-loss due to the dysfunction of their thyroid gland that increases the production of testosterone in their body.

4)Using medicines such as blood thinners or anticoagulants, medicines used for chemotherapy, vitamin A, birth control pills, and antidepressants all cause hair loss. Fungal infections like eczema, psoriasis, and dandruff can also cause hair loss.

5) Improper care of the hair like pigtails and tight hair rollers that pull the hair can cause hair loss called traction alopecia. Normally, if pulling doesn't leave scars on the scalp, hair re-grows but once scarring occurs, this can cause permanent baldness.

6) Hot oil hair treatments and perms can cause inflammation of the hair follicles which can cause scarring and hairloss. Some women might think that shampooing, coloring, perming, and conditioning the hair do not cause hair-loss but these are all wrong. It does affect the hair, and could cause hair loss.

7) Stress and lack of nutrition are also attributed to hair-loss of women.

Treat Your Hair Drop Problems

As we have underlined here the common reasons for hair loss, the best ways to treat it is to determine first what is causing the problem.

If for example, a medicine is causing the person's hair-loss, a doctor may prescribe a different medicine. If there is an infection and properly treated then this can help prevent hair-loss. And finally is there is a hormonal imbalance, correcting this imbalance can solve the problem. For women with androgenetic alopecia, a doctor can recommend a hormonal contraceptive tablet.

Nizoral shampoo contains 2 percent ketoconazole and is often prescribed for the treatment of fungal infection of the scalp. Ketocononazole is used as anti-fungal agents who reduce the production of testosterone and other androgens.

Medical remedies for hair loss in women include minoxidil, the generic name for Rogaine which helps conserve hair. There is also Propecia that helps men retain hair, although women are cautioned to use this especially when pregnant.

Surgical procedures are also available like hair transplants or filling-in thin areas. Spironolactone may be used for decreasing the production of testosterone in the adrenal glands. More importantly, to prevent hair-loss, one needs to keep a balanced diet with adequate nutrition.

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Women's Hair Loss - How to Treat Hair Loss in Women?

Go through Over-The-Counter Hair Loss Products much more

Over-The-Counter Hair Loss Products

Hair Loss

Hair Loss

While you cannot cure hair loss, there are a number of topical remedies, as well as prescription medications and shampoos available for people with thinning hair to use. Some of these effects though, are not proven scientifically and have not undergone thorough research. But despite lack of these, proven results from consumers have become basis of the effectiveness of these hair loss shampoos. Sadly, the effects are in some degree limited to only when the products are used, and lasts for as long as the individual use it as shampoo. Several over-the-counter hair loss products are given as follows, though someone who specializes in hair replacement is best to consult and aid you in choosing the best hair loss products to treat your thinning or hair loss condition.

Minoxidil - Among the two drugs that are FDA approved as a treatment is Minoxidil. Minoxidil is designed primarily to manage high blood pressure. Being a vasodilator, it acts in the circulatory pressure by dilating blood vessels, resulting to decreased blood pressure and management of hypertension. Minoxidil is found in two leading hair loss products namely Rogaine and Loniten that are now available as over-the-counter product in drugstores and malls. Rogaine comes in an ointment form that is recommended to be applied topically on the affected scalp two times a day. Meanwhile, Loniten is a prescription that comes in a pill form. The first function of these pills was for hypertension, but side effects included hair growth, thus the innovation for treating baldness happened. Loniten in regulated and minimal potency were created for people's consumption.

Finasteride is the second among the two prescription drugs that has been approved by the FDA in the treatment of thinning hair. The products which include Finasteride a synthetic anti-androgen that acts by inhibiting type II 5-alpha reductase production, the enzyme that is responsible of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) conversion. According to research, DHT is responsible for hair loss, especially in men. Thus, the FDA approved Finasteride to treat it, especially male pattern baldness (MPB). The products which have Finasteride as their active ingredient are Propecia and Proscar. Propecia is a medication taken orally and was initially branded as Proscar - medication for enlarged male prostates. As time passed, seen side effects were regenerative hair growth and decreased hair thinning among those who were taking Proscar. Eventually, the drug was approved to treat balding for both men and women. However, continuous use is needed for these Finateride-based hair loss products because hair growth depends on usage and hair will start falling out again if one stops using the medication. By slowing the rate of DHT production, hair loss is impeded, resulting to reduction of baldness appearance in patients with thinning hair. However, precautions are required in using this men's hair loss treatment product. It is not advisable for menopausal and pregnant women.

Dutasteride - a drug parallel to finasteride, this medication was also developed as treatment for men with benign enlarged prostate, but then was found to encourage hair growth. The Dutasteride (brand name Avodart), comes in pill form and is mainly prescribed to men for the treatment of an enlarged prostate. Aside from that, has been associated with a decline in the thinning of hair and the growth of new hair in many patients. Dutasteride blocks between 70 and 95 percent of DHT from production.

Julie Carlson is a freelance writer who focuses on health-related topics. Visit for additional information about hair loss treatment and a host of other health related topics.

Examine What is AGA Hair Loss? additional

Hair Loss

The other day, I had someone email me and ask: "you reference AGA hair loss often in your articles. What exactly is this type of hair loss? What causes it? What are some of the symptoms of it? And, how is it treated?" While I'm certainly not a doctor or specialist, I will try to answer these questions as completely as I can (based on experience and research) in the following article.

Who Has AGA? What Is It? What Causes It?: The scientific term for AGA is androgenic alopecia. Many dermatologist will tell you that, despite what people who have hair loss would like to believe, androgenic alopecia is the most common culprit for this loss. It's estimated that over 90% of all cases of loss can be attributed to androgens (or the sensitivity to them) in some way. It's also said that 50% of men and 40% of women will suffer some form of hair loss before they reach 50 years of age. Of course, the severity of this will differ from person to person.

There are many factors that are contributory to the causes of AGA. The most common is thought to be genetics and heredity. But, increasingly, specialists are seeing more and more cases of people presenting with loss that resembles this type of hair loss without a family history. In short, testosterone is converted to dihydrotestosterone (known as DHT) by an enzyme called 5-alpha-reductase. And this DHT in turn affects the follicles.

Some Symptoms Of Androgenic Alopecia: This process can seriously affect and compromise the hair growing from those follicles. The result is typically gradual hair loss (although more aggressive or rapid hair loss and shedding is sometimes also seen) with miniaturization. To put it plainly, this miniaturization is really what defines AGA and is what makes the hair loss as noticeable and pronounced as it is. Think about it. With seasonal shedding or hair loss caused by conditions like telogen effluvium (TE) that don't include miniaturization, what has been lost is eventually successfully replaced. Normal textured hair replaces the shed hair so that there is eventually no loss in volume or coverage.

But, with androgenic alopecia, the hair comes back in thinner, finer, and with more of fly away or cotton candy texture. Over time, you may have slightly less hair strands, but the fact that what you do have is compromised and much more fine in texture means that the volume and coverage are severely compromised. This very much affects the appearance of your hair. Over many cycles, the hair gets finer each time until you can eventually get peach fuzz and then balding or nothing at all.

Now, this presents differently for women. For men, you'll typically get balding spots or noticeable thinning in the temples and on the top of the head or at the back crown area. What starts out as thinning might become a small bald spot that expand and become bigger over time. For women, you'll more typically see diffuse thinning and loss of volume or a widening at the part line. That's not to say that you don't see thinning in specific areas in women. You can. This sometimes happens at the crown, temples, or bang line. It really just depends upon the person and the hand that genetics has dealt them.

Treatment: AGA is treated in a variety of ways. Some people try drugs to get the androgens under control. Success rates vary. But what you're typically up against here is that there's often no feasible way to eliminate all DHT or to totally stop this process and the conversion from happening. So, you're dealing with a continuously moving target. And, in my opinion and experience, it's usually not that you have too much testosterone, DHT, or 5-alpha-reductase, it's that you're sensitive to what you do have. People (women especially) will often tell me things like "but my testosterone is low, not high. So why is this happening?" It's not usually the levels that you are trying to control, it's the sensitivity.

That's why I think that addressing sensitivity, inflammation, and regrowth can be a better plan. This is more realistic and focuses on controlling what you actually can. Regrowth is, to me, the most important part of the equation. To get a cosmetically decent result, you'll need to effective regrow, and then maintain, what has been lost.

How do I know all of this? Because I lived it. My hair loss and lack of decent regrowth went on for entirely too long before I got serious about addressing it. I finally looked at the possibility of many different causes in an attempt to fix this. It was a long, hard, frustrating journey which all but wrecked my self esteem but I finally found something that helped quite a bit. You can read a very personal story at

What is AGA Hair Loss?

Hair Loss

Read through Common Causes of Hair Loss a lot more

Common Causes of Hair Loss

Hair Loss Causes

It is normal to lose between 50-100 hairs a day, this is part of the hair renewal process. But most people suffer from excessive hair loss at least once in their lives. There are very possible causes, including drugs, iron deficiency, chemotherapy, exposure to chemicals, hormonal and nutritional factors, mechanical damage, generalized skin disease or local stress.

Many of these causes are temporary and some are permanent. These are some of the most common causes of hair loss.

1. Hormonal changes:
Hormones are one of the main reasons of hair loss. The male hormones collectively known as androgens have by far the biggest impact on hair loss. Most important male hormone, testosterone is indirectly related to hair loss in men. A man who has the essential genes for hair loss, a small amount of this testosterone is produced by some of the hair roots into a derivative called dihydrotestosterone that is actually responsible for hair loss.

When dihydrotestosterone is produced, it is present in the surface sebum (grease), which is secreted through the sebaceous glands in the skin tissue. In these circumstances, the dihydrotestosterone enter the follicle (the hole in the scalp from which the hair has come), when a hair is shed and inside there it reacts chemically. What it really does is to miniaturize the hair root and follicle. As a result, new hair will grow through the finer. When the new hair is a fine new building after Dihydrotestosterone miniaturized follicle and the hair root, and even more after your hair is even finer. This process continues until the hair is so thin that it might not be there at all, and if this happens all over the area, so a thin man, of course, on this surface and thus the hair loss occurs.

2. Stress:
Physical and mental stress has short-term effect on hair loss. It does not occur immediately with the stressful event but generally takes about 2 or 3 months after a stressful period or event has begun. Therefore, hair can be lost is that the telogen phase of hair follicles happens prematurely than is normal. As a result, you do not start to grow new hair after old hair shed. However, the stress has been removed the loss of hair will stop and the new hair starts to grow in place of that lost once more.

3. Skin disorder
Some particular types of skin disorders like psoriasis, which could be the reason for losing more hair than normal. However, when treatment begins with skin disease and hair begins to grow again.

4. Medication
There are varieties of medications, which are partly responsible for losing hair more than is normal. However, the problem can arise when you could really happen when you have received the drug for a long time., So in case of any medication, it is important to consult a doctor whether this could be a side effect of the drug taken.

5. Genetics:
It is often considered that hair loss may also occur genetically. If one's mother's or father's side relatives inherit this reason he or she may also suffers from the problem of hair loss.

6. Iron deficiency:
The lack of iron in human body occasionally causes hair loss in both man and women. Women suffers from this problem generally as they loss iron during their menstrual periods and develop iron deficiency. Low iron content in diets often causes iron deficiency in human body. Taking iron supplement or iron pills can solve iron deficiency.

7. Childbirth and pregnancy:
Many women face the problem of hair loss after giving birth although it does not seem to be much hair loss during the pregnancy. This happens as the hair enters the resting (telogen) phase. This problem resolves naturally after one to six month as hormone levels start to come back to normal after woman's body recovers from her pregnancy.

8. Poor blood circulation:
Baldness occurs not by inheritance or as a result of the effects of testosterone on hair follicles in the target area. On the contrary it is due to poor blood circulation in the scalp (from a variety of causes) and for inadequate nutrients in the blood. Another reason that is poor drainage of waste products thorough the lymphatic system.

9. Mechanical damage:
Mechanical damage to the hair may occur either through intentional or unintentional. Some stresses continuously pull the hair until it comes out. Hairs styling treatments, trichotillomania or hair pulling and hair braids or weaves are responsible for mechanical damage of hair. Irregular chemical treatment like dyes, tints, bleaches, straighteners, relaxers and permanent waves make and weak the hair.

Study Common Causes of Hair Loss in Women additional

Do you know that hair loss doesn't just affect men? Many women face such problems too.

However, the patterns are quite different between the two genders. When a man starts losing hair, it's usually in patches. For instance, the hairline starts to recede and goes all the way to the back. Or the top of the head starts to reveal a bald patch. But when a woman starts losing hair, the effects are more evenly spread. In other words, there is an overall thinning. What causes hair to fall in women?

Andogenetic Alopecia

Diffuse thinning starts to affect women who are undergoing hormonal changes. This symptom is caused by androgens, which is a male hormone. In women, such hormones are present in tiny amounts. However, due to illness or pregnancy or menopause, the level of androgens can spike, causing problems for the body. Not everyone is affected by this issue though. Heredity plays a big part in the issue.

Telogen Effluvium

Telogen Effluvium occurs when the body undergoes a huge amount of stress. As you know, stress can come from many different directions. A woman can be traumatized by an accident or be stressed out at work. Such stress causes more hair to move quicker to the shedding phase. Fortunately, such symptoms can be relieved once the situation has been rectified. The condition is temporary. This is true for most cases. Of course, there are exceptions. Some women may suffer from the condition for years without knowing what triggers the stress.

Anagen Effluvium

Women who are undergoing some form of treatment such as chemotherapy may be suffering under this condition. This is the medical term that refers to the hair follicles being attacked by other sources - such as radiation or medication. The hair shaft becomes thinner once the treatment begins. It continues to become thinner until it no longer has the strength to remain on the head. Then it falls out. A large portion of the hair can be lost once the treatment starts.

Traction alopecia

This condition affects those who treat their hair carelessly. The follicles are damaged due to careless handling of the hair. For instance, constant pulling of the strands for styling purposes can cause problems. The average person doesn't need to inflict such stress on the strands. So this condition doesn't affect most of us. However, for some people who need to work with their hair on a consistent basis, follicles can be damaged severely. Such people include celebrities, performers, models, etc. To avoid this condition, do not tie your hair too tightly into braids and pony tails.

Knowing the causes of hair loss in women can help you prevent potential problems. Prevention is always better than cure. Usually, when you are in the pink of health, such issues don't affect you as the follicles stay healthy.

Take-away from this article:

1) Eat well to prevent malnutrition.
2) Get plenty of rest so that stress doesn't cause too much damage to your body, scalp and hair.
3) Handle your hair well.
4) Protect your hair with trusted hair tonics!

Hair Loss Causes In Women
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Common Causes of Hair Loss in Women

Read Top Common Causes For Hair Loss in Women a lot more

Hair loss and baldness is often related to men. Hair thinning on the other hand is more common in women. The fact is that both situations can happen to men, women and even to children. It can be caused to many and varied reasons.

For men, it is typically genetic or inherited. For children, they could be caused by fungal infections or diseases. Especially for women, losing hair can cause them to lose some of her self confidence. Because of that, we will discuss more the reasons for women to lose hair. Here are the different reasons:
Stress. Although it sounds unbelievable, but yes, studies have shown that stress and fatigue may trigger this condition. Stress from illness may also happen. Women who have come from an operation may experience hair loss due to their illness.
Hormonal Changes. Hair loss is often attributed to a by-product of the hormone testosterone called as DHT. Men and women have both testosterone and estrogen although men have more testosterone and women have more estrogen. In women, the controlling hormone is the estrogen. If it happens that she experiences estrogen imbalance, testosterone levels may also be uncontrolled. Thus promoting DHT imbalance, and therefore can cause women to lose hair more. Women who have just given birth may experience temporary hair loss. When her hormone levels approach normal values, hair growth will soon resume.
Drugs. Antibiotics may have this side effect. Any woman experiencing an infection or a disease may notice that they're losing more hair while they are taking their prescription drugs. Sometimes, this can be temporary and will soon go away after stopping the medication.
Improper Hair Care. Harsh shampoos and other hair treatments may damage the hair resulting to unhealthy hair which eventually will lead women to lose hair.

Hair Loss Causes

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Top Common Causes For Hair Loss in Women

Hair Loss Causes

Study What Causes Hair Loss - Top 5 Causes That You Should Be Aware Of additional

Hair Loss Causes

You would be surprised at how many people are not aware of the answer to this question. You see, there are many reasons for loss of hair to occur. Some types of hair loss occur quickly and come on suddenly, while other types come on more slowly. The thing is, in order to find a quality treatment, it is important that you understand the top causes of lost locks.

Hair Disorders that Can Occur

First of all, you will find that there are various hair disorders that can occur that cause thinning. One disorder is known as androgenetic alopecia, which is baldness or thinning that is hereditary. This is one of the most common causes.

Alopecia areata also can occur, which is an autoimmune disease. This can cause the hair to start falling out in large clumps or patches. Cicatricial alopecia is yet another of the hair disorders to think about if you are wondering what causes hair loss. This problem destroys the follicles of the hair.

Diseases That Cause Loss of Hair

There are a variety of diseases that can cause thinning to occur as well. In many cases there are underlying medical problems that can be causing loss of hair to occur, such as anemia or thyroid problems.

Some treatments for cancer, such as chemotherapy and radiation can cause temporary hair loss. Trichotillomania and ringworm that occurs on the scalp are both medical issues that can cause thinning.

Diet and Hair Loss

If you are wondering what causes losing hair, you may want to think about your diet. Yes, your diet can lead to hair loss problems. Weight loss can be the culprit, although it is usually short term. Too much of Vitamin A may cause a problem. Not getting enough protein or iron can both cause thinning to occur. When your body does not get the vitamins and other nutrients it needs, often your hair is the first to suffer.

Medication Problems

Medication can be the underlying cause of some type of hair loss. Various medications have thinning as a side effect. Blood thinners, high doses of vitamin A, and even birth control pills can cause the loss of hair. Some medications that treat high blood pressure, gout, depression, heart issues, and arthritis can cause this problem as well.

Your Hair Care

Your scalp care can be the problem if you are losing your hair. Many people end up losing their hair because they treat it badly. Using hair cosmetics or constantly using heat on the scalp can lead to breakage and thinning. Hairstyles, too much grooming, or the wrong accessories can also lead to thinning hair.

There are so many answers to the question of what causes hair loss. No matter why you are suffering from thinning, there are treatments that can help. Look for natural options that include ingredients that have been proven to work. Then you can enjoy beautiful hair, no matter the reason you lost it in the first place.

And, to help you to solve your hair loss issues, I invite you to take a look at a proven solution through natural remedies that helps in reversing hair loss. You would get more information when you visit my website at

Kalpana helps you to understand how this natural remedy can work for your loss of hair.

What Causes Hair Loss - Top 5 Causes That You Should Be Aware Of

Understand Hair Loss as Symptom of Medical Disorder additional

Hair Loss as Symptom of Medical Disorder

Hair Loss

Excessive hair loss should never be dismissed as a cosmetic problem, as it can be an early warning sign of impending illness. Any change in hair can be the body's way of telling you to pay attention to your health.

The condition of one's hair is an indication of their entire physical and emotional well-being. When a person is physically or emotionally ill their hair may become dull and lifeless, and may begin to fall out. Traditional Chinese medicine and other healing systems view the outward appearance of one's hair as an indication of the internal system.

Hair loss is a symptom of many medical conditions. Taking hair loss seriously in the beginning stages can help prevent a slight imbalance from becoming a more serious medical condition. In many cases hair loss is temporary and can be easily corrected once the cause is identified and addressed.

An example of hair loss as an early symptom of impending illness was documented in the Journal of Royal Society of Medicine (JRSM, December 1989.) A 40 year old female experienced chronic diffuse hair loss with no other symptoms. Six months later she experienced an attack of ulcerative colitis. She was treated and remained well for eighteen months. During this time her hair loss ceased. Her second attack of ulcerative colitis was also preceded by diffuse hair loss before any other symptoms were present. Because of this pattern, another episode of hair loss could be a warning of the possibility of an upcoming ulcerative colitis attack, and preventative measures can be taken.

Other gastrointestinal disorders such as Chron's disease and Celiac disease often include hair loss as a symptom. These types of disorders hinder the body's ability of absorb nutrients. Malnourishment often shows up in the hair before other symptoms are present.

Hair loss is often the first symptom of any type of adrenal gland imbalance. If treated early balance can be re-established. Untreated adrenal gland disturbances can progress to more serious disorders such as Addison's disease or Cushing's syndrome.

The thyroid is commonly involved in hair loss. A healthy thyroid is essential for healthy hair. Even a slight deficiency or excess of thyroid hormones could cause hair loss. The thyroid should always be checked when hair loss occurs.

There are over 80 different autoimmune disorders. Although hair loss is very common with certain autoimmune disorders such as lupus, scleroderma, and Grave's disease, it can be a symptom of almost all autoimmune conditions. Changes in texture, color, dryness etc. commonly occur in autoimmune disorders. Autoimmune conditions cause the immune system to mistakenly view its own cells as foreign invaders. In response the immune system begins to attack its own body, affecting various organs and body systems.

Any liver or kidney deficiency can manifest as hair loss. In Chinese medicine the kidneys are believed to be the primary organ connected to scalp hair. It is thought that beautiful lustrous hair is a sign of healthy kidneys; and that a weakness in the kidneys can cause thinning and prematurely gray hair.

Problems with insulin and blood sugar levels such as in hypoglycemia and diabetes can cause hair loss. Iron deficiency anemia and pernicious anemia are also causes of hair loss.

Any hormonal imbalance can lead to hair loss. A common cause of hair loss in women is polycystic ovarian syndrome.

Candidiasis albicans is a condition of yeast overgrowth which can become very destructive and cause many health problems including hair loss.

These are some of the more common medical conditions in which has loss can be a symptom. Anytime the body is not functioning optimally hair loss may occur. Because hair is the fastest growing tissue in the body (along with bone marrow) it is very sensitive to any disturbances.

It is important to pay attention to any changes in hair and to identify the cause as soon as possible. Correcting the problem early could minimize future health problems.

If you enjoyed this article and would like to learn more about what causes hair loss, and how to treat it, you may wish to read Hair Loss in Women...Getting to the Root of the Problem by Melanie Vonzabuesnig Please vistit VZ BOTANICALS for more information on hair loss.

Melanie Vonzabuesnig has researched every aspect of female hair loss in order to help other women experiencing hair loss. She used aromatherapy as a natural solution for her own hair loss. Information on aromatherapy and hair loss is available in her book Aroma Hair...Aromatherapy Formulas for Healthy Hair

Understand Cause of Hair Loss in Teens and Adults a lot more

There are many causes of hair loss. Both men and women can obtain it. It can be because of nutritional deficiency, hormone imbalance, stress, and diseases. But generally the most common cause of it is called adrogenetic alopecia. It is the medical term for hair loss or baldness.

Adrogenetic refers to the influence of androgens (male hormones), and genetic predisposition to balding can be the reason of such a hair loss. Genetic is not that simple, and also the hair loss case. Just the presence of someone in your family of balding is not enough to predict that you will also become bald. It is really hard to predict who will go bald and how fast will it be. That is why planning for hair restoration will be very important for those people who gets alarmed about it.

Normal man and women produce androgenic hormones. Dihydrotestosterone, androsteinedione, testosterone (DHT) is the most common. For men Testicles and adrenals are the one to produce it. For women ovaries and adrenal glands are the one to produce. These hormones are important for both sexes. But have different concentrations, and this is more predominant for males than females. This in part, differentiates the genders.

Exposure of hair follicles to DHT, in a susceptible person, in a period of time leads to male and female pattern to baldness or the so-called adrogenetic alopecia. There is no exact age for balding occurrence. Balding is a process, simple yet this fact is often ignored. This process can be slow or rapid. It usually starts at late teens.

Illnesses and medical conditions is one of the causes of hair loss. Such as thyroid disease and diabetes, can cause hair loss. Those people with liver and kidney diseases and lupus can also have baldness. Adult women and teen girls can have hair loss due to hormone imbalance in polycystic ovary syndrome. Medications such as acne medicines cause hair loss. Amphetamines in diet pills can also cause hair loss. And the very known medication that causes hair loss is chemotherapy.

Alopecia areata is a skin disease than causes hair loss on the scalp and sometimes on the body. It is an autoimmune disease. The own immune system is the one to damage the hair follicles. Alopecia areata starts as small bald patches and can progress to total baldness. Trichotillomania is a psychological disorder in which a person pulls his/her own hair that can also lead to hair loss.

Hair treatments and styling the hair gives tension to scalp and hair becomes damaged and leads to hair loss. Nutrition is also one factor of baldness because of lack of protein, vitamins and minerals that sustains the hair. Disruption of hair cycle growth is also a problem. Like delivering a baby, getting anesthesia, or having surgery.

Hair Loss Causes

Learn More About: Causes of Hair Loss

Cause of Hair Loss in Teens and Adults

Hair Loss Causes

Read Some Causes of Sudden Hair Loss In Humans far more

Hair Loss Causes

Hair loss

Both men and women tend to lose certain hair amounts and thickness with age. Normally everyone loses around 100 from the head every day. Loss of hair is not necessarily caused by a disorder, it may be related to genetics, aging, hormonal and hormonal changes.

While loss of hair is normal in most cases, sudden loss of hair is not normal and should be cause for concern. Some of the major causes of sudden loss include diseases, medication, hormonal imbalance, etc., if your hair is coming out in bunches, it's important to seek medical help to diagnose the problem.

Causes of sudden hair loss

Clinical loss could occur due to a number of reasons as discusses below

Too much exercise - Excessive exercise drains the body of its essential nutrition, which in turn causes the hair follicles to lose their strength. Exercise should be moderate and should be accompanied by a good diet to provide the body with the energy and nutrients it needs

Malnutrition/changes in diet - For normal functioning of the body, a proper diet should be consumed regularly. Malnutrition or lack of a balanced diet deprives the body of important nutrients, which affects the functioning of various organs. For healthy skin it's important to consume a proper balanced diet

Lack of enough sleep - Not getting enough sleep stresses the hair follicles casing hair to fall off more than usual

Medications - Various medications including anti - depressants, calcium blockers, and contraceptives in women cause hair to fall.

Pregnancy and childbirth - In women hormonal changes related to pregnancy and giving birth may cause sudden loss. This normally occurs two to three months after childbirth as the body undergoes through hormonal changes

Allergies - Allergies caused by medication, dust, weather changes can lead to itching and sudden hair loss. Hot weather especially causes the hair to lose moisture leading to hair loss.

Chemotherapy - Undergoing chemotherapy leads to serious and sudden hair loss in patients. Though re - growth occurs after the treatment, hair may lose its texture and color after treatment

Viral infections - Sudden loss can occur due to attack by various viral disease causing organisms.

Thyroid diseases - Under active or hyperactive thyroid can cause sudden hair loss. Each condition causes hormonal imbalance in the body leading to loss.

Most of the sudden hair loss type's above mentioned can be classified as stress induced as they cause stress to the hair follicles either directly or indirectly. Stress disturbs hair growth as it causes slowed hair growth.

David C. Brown holds a Master of Education from Texas A@M University in College Station, Texas and a Bachelor of Science in Education from Midwestern State in Wichita Falls, Texas If you find this article helpful, please visit my website.

Some Causes of Sudden Hair Loss In Humans

Hair Loss Causes

Examine Physical Causes Of Hair Loss And Baldness extra

Physical Causes Of Hair Loss And Baldness

Hair Loss Causes

Going bald isn't always about growing older, or whether or not your father or grandfather was bald. Losing your hair can be a sign that something physical is going wrong. It can mean that you're sick in some way, that your hormones are out of whack (especially in postpartum women), or you're simply not eating right. Some medicines can cause you to lose your hair, and believe it or not, even some hairstyles!

Hair Basics:

A single human hair is made up of: a hair shaft (the part that shows), a root; and a follicle (the part where the hair root grows), from which the hair root grows. Everyone loses some hair everyday - usually between 50 and 100 strands. Problems arise when you either lose more than that, or the hair follicles fail to grow new strands to replace the ones lost on a normal basis.

What Causes Hair Loss?

Hair loss can be caused by a lot of factors: genes, heredity and age are the most common factors. Although a nuisance, they can't hurt you. But from time to time, severe hair loss can be a sign of other problems:

Illnesses or medical conditions.

Uncontrolled diabetes or thyroid disease can both interfere with hair production and cause you to lose your hair unnaturally. People with kidney, liver diseases and lupus can also lose hair.


The side effects of some medications can cause premature hair loss in some people. The most common are acne medications, diet pills that contain amphetamines and some cancer treatments.

Alopecia areata (air-ee-ah-tuh) is a skin disorder that causes the hair on the scalp (and other parts of the body) to fall out, affecting more than 4 million people in the United States alone. Alopecia areata is believed to be a type of autoimmune disease that damage's hair follicles when a person's own immune system attacks them.

Trichotillomania ( trik-o-til-uh-may-nee-uh) is a psychological disorder that causes people to repeatedly pull there own hair out, leaving unsightly bald patches.

Hair treatments and styling.

Having your hair colored, bleached, straightened or permed too often can cause both temporary and permanent damage to the hair follicles, which can inhibit hair growth. In some cases, even wearing your hair pulled back to tightly too often can place excess tension on the scalp, causing traction alopecia, which can permanently damage the hair follicles.

Poor nutrition.

When the body doesn't get enough protein, vitamins, and minerals to sustain hair growth baldness may occur.

Disruption of the hair growth cycle.

Sometimes, hair growth cycles are disrupted by trauma caused by childbirth, surgery or even undergoing anesthesia. Since it can take months for hair to grow, a person with a disrupted hair growth cycle may not notice any major changes for weeks or months after the incidence occurs.

Male-pattern baldness.

The most common culprit of male baldness is androgenic alopecia, also known as male-pattern baldness, caused by a number of factors, including hormones called androgens and genetics.

No matter what the cause, it's important to see a doctor if you notice a sudden change in hair growth patterns or unusual balding patterns that suddenly appear with no apparent cause.

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Go through Hair Loss - Why You're Losing Hair a lot more

Hair Loss

Hair loss, which is also called Alopecia, is a condition that affects both men and women. It refers to the partial or significant loss of hair from where the hair normally grows. Why should you be concerned if you are losing hair? First, it may be a cause of an underlying condition so consulting a doctor is always recommended. Not only that, hair is an integral part of the body and it could be devastating for someone who will lose it. Losing hair could have great psychological impact on someone affected since it could bring down self-esteem, self-respect, and confidence. Hair is the most decorative part of the body. It is almost as if it is the first thing that others notice in you. Without it, you might feel incomplete.

Coping with hair loss is not an easy task but there are things that you can do to at least hide your balding head. Hair additions, hats, and fixing your hair style can all help but if you are really concerned about it, consult your psychologist. This is especially helpful if you are feeling anxious, depressed, or shy when you are surrounded with people. Always keep in mind that in most cases, you could re-grow your lost hair. There are products available but you should always consult with your doctor to determine what treatment is necessary.

Alopecia can be categorized into various categories but the most common types are Telogen effluvium, Alopecia areata, Androgenetic, and scarring alopecia. Telogen effluvium, the first type, is a stress-related hair loss. It is non-scarring which means this condition is temporary and hair re-growth is still possible. Alopecia areata causes the loss of hair which looks like round patches. It is a shedding of scalp hair that is recurring. The third one which is androgenetic alopecia is a very common condition. This is called male pattern baldness in men that usually forms above the temples. Lastly, scarring alopecia is also known as permanent hair loss.

There are many causes attributed to alopecia like anxiety, hyperthyroidism, nutrition-deficient diets, infectious diseases, and some medications. Women during and after pregnancy may also experience hair fall out but this is only temporary. This is because of the sudden surge in hormone levels in the body of pregnant women. Two things that are almost inevitable though are age and genetics. Hair loses its beauty and strength as we age. By age 50, specifically, the amount of the hair follicles has declined by one-third. If you have a family member in your generation that had Alopecia before, it increases the chances of you having the same condition.

Since hair loss is a reversible condition, there are various treatment available depending on the type of Alopecia one has. There are also products available like Rogaine, Hairisol, and Provillus. Some may also consider natural remedies to be helpful while others also take vitamins for hair re-growth. There has been many scientific studies conducted and now we can do things that might not have been possible in the past. Lastly, surgery and hair transplant is also an option. For instance, in scarring alopecia, bald areas can be surgically removed and hair transplant can be an option. Different types of hair loss has their own unique treatment. It is crucial to know what type of Alopecia you have in order to determine what type of treatment is necessary.

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Hair Loss - Why You're Losing Hair

Study Unusual Causes of Hair Loss in Men and Women more

Medical treatments have been known to lead to loss of hair. This typically includes chemotherapy, which can cause hair cells to cease dividing with the hair becoming weaker and thinner. This usually occurs between 1 and 3 weeks after the beginning of treatment with the hair growing back after the completion of the therapy.

Another potential cause of hair loss is a thyroid condition. An underactive or overactive thyroid has been attributed to difficulties with hair growth. However, there are certainly medication which can treat this type of hair loss. Therefore, a physician should be consulted if loss of hair occurs.

Another condition, referred to as Alopecia Areata, leads to loss of hairstrands. In this disorder, patches typically fall out of the head resulting in smooth bald areas. Although the cause is not yet known, topical creams and other treatments along with light therapy have been successful in treating most patients.

Women who are taking birth control may also experience baldness although it has been found that the majority of these women were genetically predisposed to undergo hair thinning. Once the dosage of birth control is stopped, hair thinning typically ceases.

Overdoses and deficiencies in vitamins, minerals, and nutrients may also lead to balding. High Vitamin A has been known to contribute to balding as has deficiencies in iron. It is common for women who are menstruating to have low iron while other individuals simply do not consume enough dietary iron or have a condition which prevents them from absorbing the nutrient in sufficient quantities.

Low levels of protein can also cause baldness as the body may take protein from the hair, forcing the hair to enter resting instead of growing phase. This loss of hair is not permanent and will cease after protein in the diet is increased.

Ringworm, a fungal infection, can also cause balding. The hair becomes broken and the scalp often swells and becomes red. Ringworm is quote contagious and is most common within children. Oral medications are typically used to treat the condition. As is the case with dietary deficiencies, the loss of hair is temporary.

If hair is not properly cared for, it can become thin as well. Most hair treatments such as highlighting, straightening, perming and coloring can lead to loss of hair if done incorrectly. Improper combinations of chemicals can lead to weakening and breaking of the hair. Additionally, if hair treatments are attempted too often, this could lead to damage as well. Overbrushing of the hair and excessive shampooing can also become problematic. Brushing is particularly damaging when the hair is wet. However, as long as you are careful to take good care of your hair and treat it gently, there is no reason why hair care should result in damaged hair.

Hair Loss Causes In Women
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Unusual Causes of Hair Loss in Men and Women

Go through Ways to Fight Hair Loss additional

Hair Loss

Hair loss is one of the most common concerns for many people in their middle age. Though baldness is more common among the men, hair loss is something which most of the women undergo. Though women generally do not go absolutely bald but hair loss definitely leads to thinning of hair and who knows, it may also lead to baldness.

Most of the women suffer from hair loss or symptoms which suggest hair loss. There can be various reasons behind it. Stress is one of the main reasons why women undergo hair loss. Hormonal changes can be the other reason. In some cases it is genetic. Nutritional deficiency can also be the underlying cause of hair fall.

To combat hair fall there are various kinds of hair loss treatments available in the market. There are several shampoos and lotions which can prevent hair fall.

One can even use natural remedies to stop hair fall. Some of the natural herbs which help in this are tea, ginger, rosemary, liquorices extract and many more. The problem with these is that it takes a very long time to show results. They are kind of hit and trial method because one is not sure whether these remedies will have the desired effect. But for the people who have already lost a lot of hair and are on their way to baldness these lotions will not help them bring back their hair. For them the best option would be hair restoration.

There are various methods of hair restoration. The most popular one is hair transplant. In hair transplant hair is taken out from your own head from the areas where there is thick growth of hair and transplanted on the bald areas. This hair will then grow naturally. Earlier it used to be very painful but now days it can be done without causing any pain.

This helps you grow natural hair once again. The hair is taken out with the hair follicle and is put in the bald area with the hair follicle so that it can again grow naturally. These treatments are used more by men than women to cure their baldness. Since these methods involve surgery many people avoid undergoing this treatment. To solve their problem the other method of transplanting hair was invented which are laser transplants. It does not involve any surgery and therefore no pain.

Therefore whether your problem is thinning hair or complete hair loss, there is a solution for all kinds of hair problems now days. But for all those who do not suffer from this problem yet it is better to take care of your hair from the very beginning. If you see symptoms of hair loss immediately get it checked up. Always keep stress at bay and eat nutritious food. If the problem still persists you always have these options available.

For any help on hair loss, check out the info available online; these will help you learn to find the Advanced Hair Studio!

Ways to Fight Hair Loss