Examine Women Hair Loss - A Short Discussion extra

Women Hair Loss - A Short Discussion

Hair Loss Causes In Women

Hair Loss Causes In Women

Women hair loss is tied to self-esteem and self-worth in a significant measure. Because so much of society's assessment of an individual is based on how they look, an appearance that is less than beautiful can often by judged very harshly. For women who had thinning hair, the only solution was to try to cover the problem by wearing a scarf, hat or wig.

You may have discovered your thinning status after it had been going on for quite some time. If your hair has previously been healthy and thick, this discovery can be frightening and embarrassing. It may surprise you to know that many women suffer from the same type of genetic baldness that is called male pattern baldness in men. For women, the thinning is not concentrated in one or two areas as it is with men. Instead, women suffer general loss and thinning of hair all over the head.

Heredity plays a large role in female hair loss as well as in male loss. Familial lines on the female side is where the genetic basis comes in. If your mother or grandmother has thinning hair, especially after mid-life, chances are high that you will also be plagued with thin hair.

Low thyroid production levels is another way in which hormones are tied to thinning. Other symptoms of low thyroid include weight gain, headaches and dry skin. Even if your test for thyroid level shows normal range, you can have low production of certain types of thyroid. Adding iodine is important, but you may also need to determine if you need more iodide in your diet. This mineral is often leached out of the body due to fluoride intake.

Genetic and hormonal issues are the most common causes for hair thinning amongst females. A few women have rare diseases that cause specific or generalized hair reduction, but these are extremely rare. Some cancer treatments can cause the hair to fall out.

Before you can treat the symptoms of female hair loss, you will need to determine what the cause of your thinning hair is. Your doctor can help to run the appropriate tests and diagnostic tools. You may need to add some supplements to your diet, or your thinning hair may require medications. Hair loss can be treated if you are persistent

Overcoming women hair loss may take some time to accomplish. Often hair growth cycles will require about six months of treatment before you will see significant regrowth. Most cases do respond to the correct treatment.

Hailey Lossen writes about Women Hair Loss, Hair Loss Help [http://www.hairloss-online.com] and other hair loss issues.