Read through Hair Loss Treatment, Causes - Is Hair Loss Normal far more

Hair Loss Causes

We have a lot of hair if not million of them is found in the scalp. It is said that the natural crown of our beauty is our hair especially with women. But what if you are already beginning to lose that crown? Is hair loss normal?

Hair Loss and Growth

Before we could understand hair loss, we should fist know how our hair grows. For two to six years, our hair grows. That is a normal cycle. In that cycle, hair grows approximately one centimeter a month. In the scalp about 90 percent of the hair is in an active phase or are growing while the remaining 10 percent is resting. After about two to three months, that 10 percent starts to fall. But there is nothing to worry because normally, new hair grows and replace their places in the scalp.

Hair loss is normal. It is part of the cycle and everyday is a part of it; as such a person could lose a portion of his or her hair everyday. Moreover, it is a phenomenon experienced by all people, women and men alike, regardless of age and race. However, there are people that experience excessive loss aside from their normal hair growth and loss cycle.

Causes of Excessive Hair Loss

There are so many things that could cause baldness. A major illness like cancer or a surgery can cause a large amount of hair to fall. However, this is temporary. After recovery from the stress of the illness, the hair growth cycle could be restored to normal.

Hormonal imbalances like in the thyroid gland can also cause excessive loss. An overactive or inactive thyroid can also cause loss. Also the imbalances in the female hormone estrogen and male hormone androgen are also known to be causes of hair loss. It is only when the imbalances are corrected that the hair loss may stop.

Another cause that is still related to hormonal imbalances is experienced by women after giving birth. During pregnancy, the body produces hormones that keep the hair of the mother from falling and disturbs the cycle. However, three months after child birth, the cycle goes back to normal.

Some medicines like anticoagulants, birth control pills antidepressants and excessive vitamin A can also call massive hair fall. Fungal infections in the scalp are also one cause; though it is not proven that dandruff, a scalp ailment cause by fungi, is directly related to loss.

Improper Care of Hair

Loss of Hair is also affected with the improper care of hair of an individual. Wearing ponytails, cornrows, or tight rollers can cause a type of hair fall called traction alopecia. In this case, the hairs are pulled and losses their strength. It is only when the pulling is stopped that the excessive fall will discontinue and the hair grows normally. Also, the use of chemicals on the hair is one of the causes of hair fall. These chemicals cause the scalp to swell thus inflaming the follicles and scarring the scalp.

Hair Loss to Baldness

Hair loss can lead to permanent baldness if not treated properly. Men lose more hair than women that is why the term common baldness usually means male-pattern baldness>. This type of hair loss in men is usually affected by genes and is inherited. The most common is in receding hairline from the top of the head. In women, female-pattern baldness is characterized by thinner hair over time in the entire scalp.

Treatment for Excessive Hair Loss

Science and technology have already developed a lot of treatment for hair loss. There are shampoos specifically designed to control hair fall. For the male and female pattern hair loss, there are prescribed drugs or medication to control the hormones that causes it.

Other measures like hair implants, surgery and laser treatments could also be done to reverse the effect of loss of hair.

Dr John Anne is a herbal specialist with years of experience in the field of Alternative Health Care. For more information read about Hair Loss Treatment at Herbal Remedies website. Also read about Home Remedies for Baldness

Hair Loss Treatment, Causes - Is Hair Loss Normal

Examine Women Hair Loss - A Short Discussion extra

Women Hair Loss - A Short Discussion

Hair Loss Causes In Women

Hair Loss Causes In Women

Women hair loss is tied to self-esteem and self-worth in a significant measure. Because so much of society's assessment of an individual is based on how they look, an appearance that is less than beautiful can often by judged very harshly. For women who had thinning hair, the only solution was to try to cover the problem by wearing a scarf, hat or wig.

You may have discovered your thinning status after it had been going on for quite some time. If your hair has previously been healthy and thick, this discovery can be frightening and embarrassing. It may surprise you to know that many women suffer from the same type of genetic baldness that is called male pattern baldness in men. For women, the thinning is not concentrated in one or two areas as it is with men. Instead, women suffer general loss and thinning of hair all over the head.

Heredity plays a large role in female hair loss as well as in male loss. Familial lines on the female side is where the genetic basis comes in. If your mother or grandmother has thinning hair, especially after mid-life, chances are high that you will also be plagued with thin hair.

Low thyroid production levels is another way in which hormones are tied to thinning. Other symptoms of low thyroid include weight gain, headaches and dry skin. Even if your test for thyroid level shows normal range, you can have low production of certain types of thyroid. Adding iodine is important, but you may also need to determine if you need more iodide in your diet. This mineral is often leached out of the body due to fluoride intake.

Genetic and hormonal issues are the most common causes for hair thinning amongst females. A few women have rare diseases that cause specific or generalized hair reduction, but these are extremely rare. Some cancer treatments can cause the hair to fall out.

Before you can treat the symptoms of female hair loss, you will need to determine what the cause of your thinning hair is. Your doctor can help to run the appropriate tests and diagnostic tools. You may need to add some supplements to your diet, or your thinning hair may require medications. Hair loss can be treated if you are persistent

Overcoming women hair loss may take some time to accomplish. Often hair growth cycles will require about six months of treatment before you will see significant regrowth. Most cases do respond to the correct treatment.

Hailey Lossen writes about Women Hair Loss, Hair Loss Help [] and other hair loss issues.

Study Female Hair Loss Causes and Treatments a lot more

Hair Loss Causes In Women

For women, the idea of losing their hair could very well be a cause for panic. This is because hair is perhaps one of the most defining parts of a woman, in terms of personal style and femininity. these concerns are troublesome for many women as they age and see thinning hair get increasingly more prevalent. Each year, more and more women are likely to become victims of serious hair loss, also called alopecia. Though uncommon, alopecia has been seen to begin in women as young as fifteen or sixteen years of age. Alopecia in women becomes much more prevalent as they get older, and can be caused by a variety of factors, including dietary, hormonal, and environmental factors.

It is believed that the causes for female alopecia differ from that of male hair loss, which is almost always caused by a mutation of the male hormone testosterone attacking genetically susceptible hair follicles, resulting in the familiar male pattern baldness that affect the hair at the front and top of the head in men. Where male alopecia generally begins with a receding hairline that then spreads to the crown of the head, female alopecia is more of a thinning effect than anything else, and can occur anywhere on the head. This hair loss is typically not related to the same hormones that cause thinning hair in men, but rather can be caused by a wide variety of factors, making female hair loss more difficult to identify and treat.

Hair follicles generally grow about half an inch a month and each hair has a growth phase lasting two to six years. After this, the hair "rests," falls out and the cycle resumes as a new hair follicle replaces it. However, some women suffer an interruption in this cycle, generally those who have a genetic predisposition to such hair loss. Such interruptions can speed up the rate at which hair follicles fall out, or slow down the rate of replacement. This can cause noticeably thinning hair all over the scalp, especially at the crown.

Some women who experience hair loss may be suffering from polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), which is a disorder which affects female hormones. They may also suffer from certain autoimmune disorders that wind up causing problems like alopecia areata, which causes hair to come out in clumps or patches. It is also important to note that certain situations in which hair loss is only temporary may exist. For example, many women experience sudden alopecia following childbirth, surgery, crash dieting, and even emotionally traumatizing events. Hair loss from these experiences is usually only temporary, with full hair regrowth occurring within a few months.

A few other potential causes of alopecia in women include anemia, chronic illnesses, thyroid disorders, as well as certain medications. For this reason, it is necessary to get to the "root" of the problem before trying to fix alopecia, as it is likely that an underlying disorder could be the cause of the problem. Once a diagnosis has been made, treatment can follow.

Several options exist for women who want to end the process of alopecia and attempt to reverse the process altogether. For one, it is beneficial for women to get the proper nutrients into their diets in order to stop hair loss caused by way of deficiency. A properly balanced diet contains the essential fatty acids, which can be found in numerous food items like soy, fish, walnuts and canola oil. Vitamin B12 is also a necessity, which is difficult to obtain in vegan diets outside of taking supplements. Many women have found that being deficient in biotin and magnesium can have a dramatic effect on female hair loss.

In other cases, certain products can help women naturally both end and reverse hair loss, such as dietary supplements. With supplements, the goal is to supply the scalp with the proper nutrients it needs to be revitalized and come alive again. This can be beneficial in those who are under strict diet orders or otherwise cannot seem to get enough of the proper nutrients.

These natural hair products typically do not come with very many side effects, if any, and are a very safe, easy to use form of treatment to undergo. Most use oral supplements, but some of the more effective ones combine that with a topical solution that is applied directly to the scalp as well. If you are interested in learning more about one of the more popular two-part supplements for female hair loss, visit

Samantha Dunkin is an expert on naturopathy and herbal remedies, and has contributed her research towards a Female Hair Loss Treatment. She has worked tirelessly to identify and solve the problem of hair loss in women.

Female Hair Loss Causes and Treatments

Examine Hair Loss-Causes - Treatments - Remedies And Products extra

Hair Loss Causes

3 months ago while shopping around I noticed a very interesting thing, which was that there were many people suffering with hair loss. What shocked me even more was that these people were young. That really worried me because I started to feel as though I may be next, and I need to ensure that I did not find my self in a similar position, so I decided to get some information on the topic, to help me and all friends try and avoid being victims to this, in the prime of out lives when we are totally caught up with our appearance. So here are some of things that I came up with.

I always assumed hair loss was associated to old balding men, but that assumption is not accurate as there is also female hair loss.

Apparently hair loss is a normal bodily process that everyone goes through each day at a rate of approximately.50 -100 head hairs a day.

Don't be alarmed these do grow back usually in the same follicle on your head. However if you are losing more than that then it is time to sound the alarms , you are in some trouble.

So you may ask "how would I know if I am losing more that normal amount?" It is not like you are going around each day counting how much is lost. Well, if you do fall in this category then you will be considered as having alopecia, which is a medical term which describes when a person has visibly thin or balding patches.

Now there are a lot of scientific explanations which I read about, but I definitely would not go into detail with them because, well it just does not make sense to me, I am just going to keep it simple.

Causes of Hair Loss

Hair treatments/styling- Now this factor I can totally identify with and I know is the primary reason, why young people experience hair loss.

* When your hair is chemically treated, by bleaching, coloring, perm etc it can damage the hair and may make the hair break or fall out .This is usually temporary hair loss.

* Hair styling however can be of a more permanent nature as it can develop traction alopecia which occurs when the hair is pulled so tightly that it places tension on the scalp.

Now I can testify for both the former and that latter, I use to have a perm, and I colored and bleached my hair often, and I experience so much hair loss at age 19 that I cut off all my hair ,to get a fresh start. However, now I have dread locks, and I have seen some of my friends who also have dreadlocks, complain about their hair line receding and that there hair seems sparse. When maintaining and styling dreadlocks there is a lot of pulling to the scalp so it is quite easy to loose hair with person with this hair type.

Poor nutrition- Our hair is made of a type of protein called keratin, and therefore if the body needs to get enough protein, vitamins, and minerals to sustain hair growth. Nutrition is important because the hair and nails are usually the last parts of the body to receive the nutrients obtained from food therefore if the proper meals are not eaten then the hair suffer.

* This can be seen with person with eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia as they usually lose their hair.

* Vegetarians can also lose their hair if they do not get enough protein from non meat sources.

* Low Serum Iron

Male-pattern baldness -Now this occurs particularly in older men however it can start in the mid -teen years.Male hair loss can be caused by a combination of factors.

* Hormones called androgens and genetics.

* Guys who take steroids like testosterone to build their bodies.

Illnesses or medical conditions

* Uncontrolled diabetes or thyroid disease

* Kidney, liver diseases and lupus


* Acne medicines

* Diet pills that contain amphetamines

* Chemotherapy drugs

Cause of female hair loss

* Birth Control Pills

* polycystic ovary syndrome

Alopecia Areata -hair usually falls out, resulting in smooth, found patches about the size of a coin.

Hair Pulling (Trichotillomania)

Can we stop hair loss?

In most cases it cannot be stopped however certain steps can be taken to deal with the problem, whether it is by the use of permanent or temporary products

For more information on what are the methods and products which can be used you can visit

Hair Loss-Causes - Treatments - Remedies And Products

Hair Loss Causes

Go through Causes of Sudden Hair Loss in Women much more

Causes of Sudden Hair Loss in Women

Hair Loss Causes

Ninety percent of hair loss cases in women can be attributed to hereditary thinning of hair. Thinning of hair in such cases starts in an early age (20-30) which can even lead to pattern baldness in women. However, hair loss in women is not always of that serious nature. Normally, hair loss in women can be reverted.

There are a number of reasons for such sudden but restorable hair loss. It is advisable that women in such cases see a hair restoration physician who is able to evaluate the causes for the hair loss. Young women having sudden hair loss may also need to do a hair analysis test for ascertaining nutritional deficiencies or for ruling out certain causes. The sudden hair loss occurring in women can be categorized as follows:

Drugs that cause hair loss

Telogen effluvium

There are a large number of drugs that cause hair loss leading to a condition which is called telogen effluvium (TE). In this case, most hair in active growth phase is shifted into a resting (telogen), non-growth stage. Hairs that remain in a non growing stage for few months are finally shed in large numbers. Some times this condition can be confused with genetic female hair loss. However, normally TE is characterized by generalized thinning of the hair which does not follow any particular pattern. There is more thinning on top of the scalp than at the sides and back of the scalp. The hairs that are shed are typically telogen hairs which can be recognized by a small bulb of keratin on the root end. Drugs that are known to cause sudden hair loss are the following:

o Oral contraceptives

o Anti thyroid medication

o Blood pressure medication (such as beta-blockers or water pills)

o Blood thinning medication such as coumarin, heparin and propanolol

o Excessive vitamin A

o Cholesterol-lowering drugs

o Anti-histamines/ulcer drugs

o Anti-convulsant drugs

o Anti-thyroid drugs

o Non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

o Arthritis drugs

o Tricyclic anti-depressant drugs

Telogen effluvium is not normally a permanent form of hair loss. Eventually, the hair follicles can recover. Recovery and return to normal hair density is very slow and can also take many months after the causative factor is removed.

Anagen Effluvium

Besides the telogen effluvium, there is another condition called as anagen effluvium which can be induced by certain drugs. Drugs that cause this kind of hair loss are cytoxic drugs that are given for cancer therapy. These drugs and other such stop the proliferation of cells which are responsible for hair growth. In contrast to telogen effluvium, anagen effluvium involves the shedding of the anagen hair which can be recognized by a tapered or feathered root end. This condition results in rapid hair loss, sometimes to extent of losing all the scalp hair. The hair loss can be very extensive, but often reversible when the medication is stopped.

Other than the drugs causing hair loss, there are a number of other factors responsible for sudden hair loss. These include the following:

o Diet deficiency - Lack of vitamins or minerals and particularly iron

o Crash dieting - Hair follicles in this case do not grow for the lack of nutrients.

o Hormones/Pregnancy/Childbirth - Abnormal hormone levels in women especially during pregnancy and child birth are known to result in hair loss due to lack of nutrients, as the embryo or feeding the baby causes a drain on supply

o Fever induced alopecia - High body temperature, in response to infectious chronic disease, stresses dividing cells of the hair follicle and they respond with reduced activity and stop growing.

o Ultra violet (UV) radiation - Low dose UV radiation may destroy some of the sensitive hair follicle cells and slow down growth activity

o Acute blood loss - Blood loss effectively starves the hair follicles of nutrients forcing them into reduced activity

o Hyperthyroidism or
Hypothyroidism - Under and over activity of thyroid hormones have a profound affect on hair follicle activity leading to hair loss.

o Extreme physical stress such as surgery - Surgery places extreme physical and emotional stress on the individual and can lead to telogen effluvium

o Emotional stress - Chronic emotional stress or sudden shock can adversely affects hair follicles although the mechanism by which it works is not known

o Severe illness - Severe or chronic illness alters the normal functioning of the human body and this may have an impact on hair follicles.

o Excessive washing, drying and perming - All these process cause disruption of hair cuticles at some places resulting in swelling and fraying at those places. It may ultimately lead to hair loss.

But as in most cases hair loss is not permanent. Hair growth can be restored after the factor causing hair loss is removed.

Maria Karla is a beauty and hair expert. She has got many research papers published on She is also a visiting faculty in several universities. For more information please visit

Study Causes of Hair Loss - Can You Avoid Them? far more

Causes of Hair Loss - Can You Avoid Them?

Hair Loss Causes

Hair Loss Causes

As it turns out, the causes of hair loss, some can be, but some can't be avoided.

The causes, such as your diet, the way you care for and style your hair, the amount of stress in your life, some illegal drugs etc. are controllable by you.

However, there are causes which are not controllable by you such as genetics (inherited male pattern baldness), changes in the hormone levels (menopause and pregnancy), certain diseases (diabetes), some medications used in the treatment of illnesses and diseases, cancer drugs and treatments, even surgeries, etc.

* By eating a protein rich diet, having protein powder shakes or supplements, you can stop hair loss due to poor eating habits and lack of protein. Also other supplements like zinc are good for your hair.

Keeping a balanced diet and making sure you get a lot of nutrious fruit and vegies, as well as taking a good multi-vitaminwill also be effective in making sure that your hair stays thicker and healthier.

* Of course another reason for hair loss is from the way that you care for your hair. Brushing often and removing the hair that has died. If dead hair is brushed away, it will allow another hair to grow underneath it.

However, if it is kept in the hair for a long period, it will suffocate the root of the hair and another hair will not be able to replace the dead hair in the same area.

Do you regularly wash your hair to remove the dirt that stops the hair root from growing. Washing, as does brushing, helps to move the hair nutriets around the scalp.

Do you use a blow dryer, curlers, or a curling iron? Keep the heat down. The high heat, over time, is bad for your hair.

How do you style your hair? Perms, straightners and some shampoos damage you hair every time you use them. Also pulling on your hair, such as with pigtails or tight rollers is damaging and can potentially cause condition known as traction alopecia.

* When stress begins to take place in your body, it causes your hormones, as well as the balance of your body to change. There may be an excess of hormone that is produced in order to try to balance your body. This may then go into the scalp area and begin causing hair loss. This hair loss will likely be noticeable after two to four months.

Fortunately there are a number of things that you can do in order to stop it. When you eliminate the stress, the hormone levels, you return to eatting a healthy diet and the production of particular nutrients, your hair will quite often grow back as healthy as it once was..

You need a variety of ways to relax yourself. Deep breathing, meditation techniques, and exercise can be used to let go of daily problems and will help to reduce the stress levels.


Knowing why hair loss occurs will go a long way in help you in preventing hair loss. By taking care of your hair, as well as understanding how different things will affect hair loss.

Gaining the right information about hair loss and knowing how it will affect you are the first step to keeping healthy hair.

Stop your hair loss and find what you need in the way of treatments for thinning hair loss and natural hair loss shampoos by clicking over to

Understand Sudden Hair Loss: Identifying The Causes Of Sudden Hair Loss extra

Sudden hair loss is characterized by the sudden loss of large amounts of hair. For example, large amounts of hair left on the pillow after sleeping and large amounts of hair coming out when washing or brushing your hair. And we're not talking about a few hairs here. In the case of sudden hair loss typically large chunks of hair fall out on a regular basis, often times leading to significant bald areas on the scalp.

And while there can be other causes of sudden hair loss such as the side effects of some medications and diseases such as diabetes and localised infection of the scalp, sudden hair loss is almost always caused by a sudden emotional shock or trauma. Sudden hair loss doesn't discriminate against men or women and can occur in both sexes although it typically is more common in males.

The cause of sudden hair loss that accompanies trauma is due to sudden hormonal imbalances occurring as a consequence of the shock of the trauma. Adrenaline gets dumped into the system leading to erratic behaviour of the other hormones, which if not addressed quickly can lead to a host of health complaints.

Like most acute conditions, the causes of sudden hair loss need to be identified as early as possible in order for the appropriate treatment to begin. A medical practitioner needs to be consulted in order to rule out any other diseases that may be causing the sudden hair loss, and also to make adjustments to any medication the patient may be taking that may also be contributing to their loss of hair.

In order to arrive at the definite cause of the sudden hair loss, various tests will need to be performed. Blood tests are typically used to evaluate nutritional levels, hormonal imbalances, and any possible disease states that may be causing the hair to fall out.

Just as there are numerous causes for hair loss that occurs over a period of time, if any treatment is to be undertaken the appropriate cause must be determined. In some cases an incorrect treatment, my actually exacerbate the problem.

In regard to treatment, the sudden loss of hair is almost always occurring due to, something that is happening in the present time or in the very recent past. And as such, whatever that cause is, it needs to be addressed rather than simply prescribing hair loss medications and hair loss shampoos.

While it is certainly possible in the case of long-standing, hair loss to self prescribe and treat yourself (sometimes quite successfully) sudden hair loss is a medical condition that needs medical evaluation and treatment.

An added problem that needs to be considered with this kind of hair loss is the psychological impact that the hair loss itself is having. If the cause of the sudden hair loss is determined to be psychologically or emotionally based, then worrying and stressing over the hair loss, while being a totally normal reaction that most people would have, will only make the problem worse. A condition caused by stress, rarely improves by being more stressed about it.

If it is determined that the treatment is going to be ongoing over a long period of time some counselling may be appropriate to help with the psychological impact of the hair loss.

If you become aware of sudden hair loss the best course of action is to see your doctor about the problem and be guided to the appropriate treatment based on their evaluation. And while it is easy to say not to worry about it, be aware that any additional stress or strain you put on yourself at this time will definitely hamper the quick resolution of your sudden hair loss problem.

Hair Loss Causes
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Sudden Hair Loss: Identifying The Causes Of Sudden Hair Loss

Study Hair Loss: Cosmetic Solutions for Good Cover Up a lot more

If you are beginning to lose your hair, while looking for a solution, you may feel too embarrassed to go out and socialize. Even a short trip to the neighbourhood store may make you feel uncomfortable as you fear what others may say about your appearance. Using cosmetic solutions for good cover up of your thinning scalp can help you still get up and go.

The first way in which you can still look presentable is through hair loss concealers. There are a variety of these that are easily available. One common hair loss concealer helps in building fibers. These are tiny fibers that are placed in the area where the scalp area is losing hair. You get the appearance of thicker looking hair in those particular areas. You can also use a masking lotion, hair thickener or hair fattener in order to give your hair more volume and look thicker throughout the day.

Another consideration that you can "cover up" is to simply change your hairstyle. Your hairs are built to naturally turn and grow in a particular way. If you are losing hair in one area, choose a style that can help you cover the scalp area. Having an excellent beautician or hair stylist will help in determining which style can help you achieve this.

Different types of shampoo are also available that will help you get the effect that you want. For instance, one type of shampoo can enhance volume of your hair and will provide your scalp with extra nutrients in order to stimulate growth. This essentially boosts the appearance of your remaining hair while speeding up the growth of new hair.

For cosmetics that will help you to improve your appearance to cover up your hair loss, please ensure that the ingredients in them are proven to help and that they do not have any negative side effects. Having an idea of ingredients that help in hair growth or prevent hair loss definitely helps. Another way of doing research is to read product reviews for effectiveness.

Cosmetics for hair loss is highly recommended if you are conscious about your hair loss and having feelings of negativity about the way you look. Do explore the options of cosmetic solutions as this can well mean getting rid of your depression and getting a life, while waiting for your new hair to grow!

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Hair Loss: Cosmetic Solutions for Good Cover Up

Examine What Causes Hair Loss Among Children? extra

Hair Loss Causes

Hair loss is not only restricted to people of middle age or old age, it may even strike children. Although percentage of children suffering from loss of hair is comparatively very less than adults afflicted with it, an incredible number of American kids are facing trauma of untimely hair loss from scalp. And this number is increasing day by day.

Like adults even children suffer hair fall due to varied reasons. There are three or four types of probable reasons that contribute to hair loss among children. However a child's hair loss could be successfully treated provided dermatologist is successful in ascertaining the reason behind the loss.

Alopecia of kids is primary reason of hair fall in children. In United States itself around two million kids are afflicted with Alopecia. Although a good chunk of kids could be treated successfully, many kids are unable to re-grow hair and that make them live with the life time embarrassment and agony of not having hair on their scalp.

Following are the major causes responsible for hair fall among children:

1. Telogen Effluvium of kids: A severe shock, trauma and emotional distress can cause loss of hair among children. Though this is usually a temporary loss of hair. Even very high fever could contribute to this type of hair loss. Although follicles prove resilient when Telogen Effluvium strikes, the follicle's efficiency to regenerate hair get affected permanently. And in the long run, it facilitates permanent hair loss with aging.

2. Trichotillomania of kids: Well, this condition results in partial hair fall. This type of hair loss is unevenly spread over the scalp. It may also affect eye brows. The disease is defined as constant urge of kids to pull their own hair. This habit is usually an outcome of fear psychosis. So the root cause of problem needs to be addressed to cure Trichotillomania.

3. Tinea Capitis- The disease is also known as ringworm of scalps. This fungus propelled hair fall complication is a major contributor of hair fall among kids. It's a transmissible disease. Kids suffer from this type of hair loss but hardly realize that their scalp is afflicted with this fungus. Till the time parents notice it, the damage to follicles is already done. However this type of hair fall is curable and kids below ten must be saved against it.

4. Traction Alopecia of kids: Kids happen to be very careless and negligent towards hair and they put hair to various types of physical damage that could be a cause of hair fall among kids.

These are some important hair loss complications in kids. As a parent, it's your duty to provide your kids with enough hair safety so that they could not suffer hair fall.

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What Causes Hair Loss Among Children?

Go through Women Hair Loss: Causes and Prevention more

Women Hair Loss: Causes and Prevention

Hair Loss Causes In Women

No one dreams of getting bold. For women who are very vain, hair loss is one thing that will totally freak them out. Hair loss does not choose a specific gender or age. It may come during the early phase of one's life or could also be a little later. But then hair loss on men is more common than it is with women. Only that women recognize hair loss at once because of their routinely regimens.

Women hair loss is a big problem. Generally, women treat their hair as their crowning glory. What will happen if they suffer from hair loss? The hair will obviously lose its radiance and striking effect. And this fact makes women terribly worried. Will it ever grow back? Will my hair be the same again? Is there a treatment for women hair loss? Now these are just among the millions of questions asked by women who go through the agony of hair loss.

Women hair loss particularly affects the psychological well-being of women. Reports prove how women moving around the corporate world have to quit their jobs because they discovered that they are getting bald for no apparent reason. The socialization process of women also gets affected. Women hair loss prompts them to withdraw from the usual activities which they typically take part in. In more ways than one, their interaction with other people gets limited.

The Main Causes of Hair Loss

Why does women hair loss come into the picture? What causes women hair loss? No matter what drives women hair loss to spread its lunacy, the matter is nonetheless a major concern to all. There are various factors that lead to hair loss but the thing that must be borne in mind is that there is always a solution to it if only the right medication will be applied.

The recorded factors that cause hair loss are skin disorders, recommended drugs and therapies, stress, pregnancy, chemotherapy, hereditary predisposition, bacterial infection, radiation, and extreme androgen production. In most cases, only one of these factors cause the hair loss but there is also the possibility that these factors are combined that hence bring about a greater effect of hair loss.

As in the case of women hair loss, specialists emphasize that menopause is also another factor to be looked into. It is in this phase that women experience a decrease in hormonal production so the body goes through a sudden change.

The Prevention of Women Hair Loss

Can women hair loss be prevented? Specialists have answers to this dilemma. Since the women are very much particular with how they look, they are expected to attend more to the prevention of women hair loss. Experts say that a healthy diet is likely to increase the possibility of preventing women hair loss especially by taking in foods filled with proteins. Do not use unnecessary drugs. Ensure proper hygiene. Do away with hormonal drug therapies. A good exercise will help eliminate too much stress too. Another effective medium is the use of natural therapy. It points to the use of the therapeutic herbs like the sage which is a good medication for feeble hair, the rosemary which can boost dark hair, the chamomile that is able to promote a healthy growth for the hair, and the burdock root which aids in stopping falling hair. An important advice though is to make use of the natural cure only as a supplement. The specialists' prescribed medication is still the most effective.

Jeanette Pollock is a freelance author and website owner of []. Visit Jeanette's site to learn more about women hair loss [].

Understand Women Hair Loss: Causes and Prevention extra

Hair Loss Causes In Women

No one dreams of getting bold. For women who are very vain, hair loss is one thing that will totally freak them out. Hair loss does not choose a specific gender or age. It may come during the early phase of one's life or could also be a little later. But then hair loss on men is more common than it is with women. Only that women recognize hair loss at once because of their routinely regimens.

Women hair loss is a big problem. Generally, women treat their hair as their crowning glory. What will happen if they suffer from hair loss? The hair will obviously lose its radiance and striking effect. And this fact makes women terribly worried. Will it ever grow back? Will my hair be the same again? Is there a treatment for women hair loss? Now these are just among the millions of questions asked by women who go through the agony of hair loss.

Women hair loss particularly affects the psychological well-being of women. Reports prove how women moving around the corporate world have to quit their jobs because they discovered that they are getting bald for no apparent reason. The socialization process of women also gets affected. Women hair loss prompts them to withdraw from the usual activities which they typically take part in. In more ways than one, their interaction with other people gets limited.

The Main Causes of Hair Loss

Why does women hair loss come into the picture? What causes women hair loss? No matter what drives women hair loss to spread its lunacy, the matter is nonetheless a major concern to all. There are various factors that lead to hair loss but the thing that must be borne in mind is that there is always a solution to it if only the right medication will be applied.

The recorded factors that cause hair loss are skin disorders, recommended drugs and therapies, stress, pregnancy, chemotherapy, hereditary predisposition, bacterial infection, radiation, and extreme androgen production. In most cases, only one of these factors cause the hair loss but there is also the possibility that these factors are combined that hence bring about a greater effect of hair loss.

As in the case of women hair loss, specialists emphasize that menopause is also another factor to be looked into. It is in this phase that women experience a decrease in hormonal production so the body goes through a sudden change.

The Prevention of Women Hair Loss

Can women hair loss be prevented? Specialists have answers to this dilemma. Since the women are very much particular with how they look, they are expected to attend more to the prevention of women hair loss. Experts say that a healthy diet is likely to increase the possibility of preventing women hair loss especially by taking in foods filled with proteins. Do not use unnecessary drugs. Ensure proper hygiene. Do away with hormonal drug therapies. A good exercise will help eliminate too much stress too. Another effective medium is the use of natural therapy. It points to the use of the therapeutic herbs like the sage which is a good medication for feeble hair, the rosemary which can boost dark hair, the chamomile that is able to promote a healthy growth for the hair, and the burdock root which aids in stopping falling hair. An important advice though is to make use of the natural cure only as a supplement. The specialists' prescribed medication is still the most effective.

Jeanette Pollock is a freelance author and website owner of []. Visit Jeanette's site to learn more about women hair loss [].

Women Hair Loss: Causes and Prevention

Examine Causes of Female Hair Loss - Hair Loss in Women is More Common Than You Think much more

Causes of Female Hair Loss - Hair Loss in Women is More Common Than You Think

Hair Loss Causes

Causes of Female Hair Loss

Today, serious hair loss is an increasing problem that affects about 30 million women in America of all ages. Every month, our hair grows at the rate of about half an inch, and each hair has a growing phase of from two to six years. After that, the hair "rests" for a while, then proceeds to fall out, and the follicle which nourished it starts to grow a new strand as part of an ongoing cycle.

Some of us are genetically predisposed to hairloss, and a group of hormones disturbs the growth process. These hormones (androsteinedione, testosterone, and dihydrotestosterone) are present in a man's body in greater amounts and in a women's body in lesser amounts. In time, some of the hair follicles die, and others are no longer able to produce or maintain normal hair growth.

Female Pattern HairLoss

In women, medical professionals refer to this as "female pattern hairloss," a broad term indicating that many other causes are also related to this condition. These include other enzymes, blockers, and hormone receptors. Since it is diffuse, female pattern baldness encircles the top of the head, and enzyme and hormone receptor sites vary throughout the scalp.

Other causes of female pattern hair loss include polycystic ovary syndrome (a female hormonal problem). Certain autoimmune disorders may cause inflammation of the scalp, and the hair comes out in patches or clumps. Women's natural hair growth patterns can also be altered by severe emotional trauma, childbirth, surgery, "crash" dieting, anemia, thyroid conditions, and certain medications.

Since the causes are varied, it is essential for women who suffer significant hair loss to obtain a correct diagnosis of their condition and find the underlying medical problem that should be treated initially. This is often done with blood tests or, when it becomes necessary, a scalp biopsy.

If you are a woman looking for a cure for your hair loss, I highly recommend you try out Provillus for women. Provillus is the only topical and dietary supplement approved by the FDA to regrow hair for women. Check out my personal review of it here: []

Understand Hair Loss in Women extra

Hair Loss

Hair loss was previously thought of as only a male problem. However, some studies have indicated that up to 60% of women suffer hair loss at some time in their lives, so it is also very much a female problem. In this article I have discussed some of the causes of women's hair loss.

Genetic ...
With female genetic hair loss, the inherited tendency towards losing it is activated by a change in the hormonal balance within the scalp and follicle. At first, an increase in the rate of hair shedding is observed, followed by a decrease in fiber diameter, and then by the number of hairs in the affected area. This leads to wider partings and a diffuse thinning from just behind the frontal hair line to the crown.

Post-Menopausal ...
The natural reduction in circulating female hormones (estrogens) during this time can change the estrogen to androgen (male hormone) balance. This can lead either to further loss or can cause a first episode of the condition.

Thyroid imbalances can produce significant changes in growth and quality. Some studies have shown that approximately 2% of women are affected. Only a blood test can accurately diagnose this condition.

Following childbirth, more than 50% of women can experience post-natal hair loss, however, this usually regrows without treatment. In those few women where it does not regrow, other reasons may be present such as hormonal and/or nutritional factors. If a woman experienced hair loss in one pregnancy she may not after a second or subsequent pregnancy, and vice versa.

General health disturbances can cause increased shedding 6 to 16 weeks after the start of the problem. No treatment is usually required. Sometimes additional shedding can be caused by the medications given to help the illness, or if a prolonged fever is associated with the illness.

The loss of weight in a short period of time or a change in eating habits can cause an increase in shedding. In addition, a deficiency in protein intake or of certain vitamins and minerals can also lead to more loss. In most cases, however, once the diet program is finished or the eating habits have been improved, the hair should regrow.

The importance of good care...
Some hair loss disturbances may be due simply to incorrect shampooing or hairdressing procedures. Vigorous brushing, over processed perms and/or colors can cause hair due to breakage.

Dr. David H. Kingsley, PhD is a board certified trichologist (hair loss specialist). He is the only trichologist in the world who is a member of the American Academy of Dermatology. Dr. Kingsley has 3 New York City trichology centers. For more information on hair loss, please log onto

Hair Loss in Women

Examine Hair Loss Causes - Facts to Know much more

Is losing your hair bothering you? In fact it is natural that a person will get really worried about hair loss, since hair is one of the prominent parts of the beauty and personality of both men and women. This article shares some facts on the causes of hair loss.

Hair Loss Causes

Alopecia is known to be a major factor causing loss of hair. There are however 3 main categories of hair loss.

- Alopecia areata
- Alopecia totalis
- Alopecia universalis

Alopecia areata

Among them, alopecia areata happens to be the most widely known. This leads to hair thinning, which results in smaller, round patches. And if it's not treated in time, these things develop into larger bald spots. As a result, they cover up most of your scalp before you can even take some remedial steps to stop these things.

Alopecia totalis and alopecia universalis

When proper treatment is taken, it does sometimes take a couple of months for natural hair regrowth. Alopecia totalis is the 2nd category of alopecia. It starts with smaller patches of frightening hair losses - just in the way alopecia areata does. But the key difference here is that the afflicted person eventually loses all his hair. And the 3rd type is called alopecia universalis and it is about losing hair all over your entire body.

Auto-immunity of alopecia

All these types alopecia are known as auto-immune hair loss conditions. But this hardly means that a person suffering such alopecia is undergoing some sort of autoimmune condition. It is just that in many cases this turns out to be such a critical condition. And there's also another category of loss that is known to be traction alopecia. The reason it has been named so, is because it's usually caused when the hair is pulled into tight braids or buns.

Thyroid disorders

Hair loss is sometimes also caused by some sort of thyroid disorders. Every human being has a thyroid production facility within the body. Thyroid hormones are responsible for regulating the metabolism of your body. When your thyroid isn't working right, you might actually encounter hair loss. So how do you know if you're suffering a thyroid imbalance?

Well, a simple and easy blood test is all you usually need for determining if you are suffering such a problem. And if the diagnosis discovers such an imbalance, you should be able to heal that with proper medication. But there is still another problem. When you take some sort of medication for healing your thyroid disorders, the medication itself might cause further loss as well.

Additional Factors

Other causes leading to hair loss are there that are direct or indirect resultants of different kinds of therapies or medications used for treating other diseases such as cancer.

However, some of the most prominent causes of loss of hair are:
o Chemotherapy
o Radiation treatments
o Fungal infections (has similarity to ringworm)
o Stress
o Some particular types of prescription drugs

Before taking medication for hair loss, it is advised that you consult with a dermatologist.

Hair Loss Causes

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Hair Loss Causes - Facts to Know

Understand Hair Loss In Women far more

Hair loss is in women is not as uncommon as you might think. It does not only happen to men. As a result, more and more hair loss treatments are being developed for women.

While we are used to seeing balding men, we are not accustomed to seeing balding women. Women tend to hide their hair loss under hats or wigs. Women are more self-conscious about their hair loss than most men are. Therefore it is all the more important to have effective treatment for women with hair loss.

Causes of hair loss in women

It is normal to shed some hair each day. In fact, experts say healthy people shed as many as 100 hairs each day. When a hair falls out, a new hair begins to grow from the same follicle. As some women grow older, though, new hairs may not grow. Hair usually thins gradually all over the head. Thinning hair can occur in younger women, but often begins to occur during menopause.

Hair loss in women can be caused by a number of other things. For instance, women often lose some hair during pregnancy. Hair will regrow after childbirth. Surgery may also cause hair loss due to anesthesia. Hair will regrow on its own and hair loss treatment is usually not needed.

A poor diet can lead to hair loss. Hair is made up of protein, so it is important to eat a healthy diet that includes foods with protein. Hair also needs minerals, particularly iron, in order to grow. An iron deficiency can lead to hair loss in women. Taking an iron supplement can help immensely.

Over treating hair with chemicals, such as those found in some hair dyes and permanents or straighteners can cause hair loss in women. Hair will usually regrow if you stop using these chemicals. Certain hairstyles can also lead to thinning hair. Tight buns, braids, or cornrows put extra strain on the scalp. This can actually cause scarring on the scalp, and then hair cannot grow there anymore.

Thyroid disease can cause hair loss. Medical treatment to correct the hormonal imbalance caused by the thyroid disease will allow the hair to regrow.

Certain medications will also cause hair loss in women, such as the chemotherapy sometimes used to treat cancer. If you think your medication is causing you to lose your hair, talk to your doctor. Never stop taking medication without checking with your doctor first.

Hair loss treatment

Hair loss treatment is not necessary in many cases. If hair loss is due to pregnancy, it will usually regrow following childbirth. If it is due to anesthesia used during surgery, it will usually regrow on its own. If hair loss is due to a poor diet, improving the diet is often all the treatment that is needed. If you wish to speed the natural hair regrowth process, you can try a hair loss treatment.

If hair loss is due to a medical problem, such as thyroid problems, you will need to see a doctor to get medical treatment. Your hair may then regrow on its own. If not, you may want to try some hair loss treatments.

If your hair loss is due to the normal aging process, then there are several hair loss treatments you can try. There are topical treatments, such as Rogaine, which you apply to your scalp. There are also oral medications, such as Propecia. Both of these have been proven to help treat hair loss in women. If you are on any medications, talk to your doctor to make sure these treatments are safe for you.

Hair Loss Causes In Women

For more information about female hair loss, please visit for This website provides information on treatment and new hair loss discoveries.

Hair Loss In Women

Hair Loss Causes In Women

Go through Causes of Itchy Scalp Hair Loss additional

Causes of Itchy Scalp Hair Loss

Hair Loss

Skin cells build up on the scalp if oily hairs are not washed regularly. Itchy scalp can be prevented if they are washed regularly. Itchy scalp can be due to insufficient oil on scalp skin. It can be if you wash your hair with too hot water or using shampoo more frequently or due to weather can create scalp skin dry. Neurogenic Excoriation creates scratch on scalp skin. Dandruff and lice makes persons scalp itchy after which it may become dry. Having acne on head or on scalp also creates itchy scalp.

Itchy scalp treatment with 3 different oils
Lavender oil, rosemary oil and jojoba oil are solution to itchy scalp skin. Lavender oil combats with itchy scalp, dandruff fungi, burning sensation and lice as well. It is widely used in aromatherapy. Massaging deep gently on scalp with rosemary oil makes the scalp moist. This oil stimulates the hair follicles to re grow hair; it also helps to fight with dandruff. Jojoba oil maintains or control the dandruff on hairs it makes scalp wet. Eczema or psoriasis is curable through jojoba oil it is more effective.

Hair loss
Dry scalp is often prone to be affected by fungal affection. It may cause red itchy scalp hair loss if problem grow worse. Calcium and phosphorus are two chief nutrients that the scalp needs to nourish the hair. A decrease in the level of calcium and an increase in the level of phosphorus result from the reduced formation of parathyroid hormone. You can treat hair loss or male pattern baldness with propecia finasteride tablets.

Who can take Propecia?
Person allergic to inactive ingredient Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, Microcrystalline cellulose, Hydroxypropyl cellulose LF, Sodium starch glycolate, Pregelatinized starch, Lactose monohydrate, Yellow ferric oxide, Magnesium stearate, Titanium Dioxide, Docusate sodium, Red ferric oxide, Talc should not take propecia. Pregnant women should not handle broken or crushed tablets because it may harm to unborn baby organs.

How to buy propecia UK
Propecia is available in UK since 1997. Buy propecia UK online from pharmacy or clinic on available on web. Provide your medical details and personal details while doing free online consultation. Your medical details are evaluated by GMC registered doctor who does provide valid prescription to buy propecia from genuine pharmacy. You can enjoy to buy propecia online along with you can also save time and money.

Buy propecia UK [] online from online pharmacy and online clinic. Propecia finasteride [] is approved drug for male pattern baldness.

Read Ultimate Guide To Avoiding Hair Loss much more

Hair loss (Androgenetic alopecia) refers to the reason of hair loss that is influenced by the androgen hormone, the genetic tendency for balding and aging. Because hair loss is caused by these hormones, treatment is available to immediately and dramatically prevent the loss of hair.

Androgenic Hormones

In general, normal men including women make male hormones. Testosterone, underestimation, and dihydrotestosterone (DHT), are the most common that they produce. Androgens are manufactured by the men's adrenals and testicles, and in women, by their adrenal glands and ovaries. In both sexes, these hormones are important but take place in different concentrations and amounts.

When hair follicles are exposed to DHT, a genetically prone individual, over time, leads to androgenetic alopecia, or female and male pattern baldness.

In particular cells of the hair follicle, as with in the sebaceous glands, there are enzymes called 5-alpha-reductase that are in high levels, converting testosterone which is then carried to these areas by the blood, and into DHT.

Hair loss myths:

Myth #1: Hair loss of an individual is inherited from the mother side.

Not true. Genetics is one factor of hair loss, it can be inherited from either the father's or the mother's side.

Myth #2. Frequent cutting of hair will make it grow thicker.

Not true. Although when the hair is cut, it would appear thicker at first, after three days or so, your hair would drop off and new hair would grow, having the same diameter as the pre cut hair.

Myth #3. Wearing a Hat Can Cause Hair Loss.

Not true. The hat can help by blocking off the sun's harmful rays. Although wearing a hat for a very long period of time may cause sebum accumulation due to temperature changes and can react with cholesterol creating a hardened sebum plug that will cut off oxygen circulation causing the hair to fall out.

Myth #4. DHT is the reason for hair loss.

Not true. Although an over production of DHT is a significant reason for hair loss, it is not the only cause.

Myth #5. Frequent shampooing and blow drying lead to hair loss.

Not true. Heat can damage the hair, reason for brittle hair; it does not harm the roots of the hair.

Even worse, some perscription drugs are known to cause hair loss. Avoid if at all possible the following drugs:

- Cholesterol-lowering drugs:

- clofibrate (Atromis-S)

- gemfibrozil (Lopid)

- Antidepressants:

- tricyclics, amphetamines

- High blood pressure:

- atenolol (Tenormin)

- metoprolol (Lopressor)

- nadolol (Corgard)

- propranolol (Inderal)

- timolol (Blocadren)

- Antithyroid:

- carbimazole

- Iodine

- thiocyanate

- thiouracil

- Ulcer drugs:

- cimetidine (Tagamet)

- ranitidine (Zantac)

- famotidine (Pepcid)

- Anticoagulents:

- Coumarin

- Heparin

Actions you can take to prevent hair loss:

- Stop coloring or perming your hair very often for it can damage it
- Limit exposure of your hair to chlorine
- Avoid exaggerated brushing or combing wet hair
- Use a conditioner every after shampoo to make grooming manageable and easier
- Regulate heat exposure. Blow-drying, hot-curling and exposure to straightening irons may damage your hair over time
- Avoid medications that can lead hair loss such as Vitamin A, testosterone products, beta blockers, certain antidepressants and certain cholesterol-lowering agents
- Too much alcohol should be avoided. Be careful in choosing your hair care products as some contain alcohol and can contribute to hair dryness, brittle and hair that is prone to breakage.
- Tight ponytails and braids can lead to hair damage
- Maintain a healthy diet, eating lots of fruits and vegetables and drinking enough water
- Birth control pills can contribute to hair loss
- Consult your doctor if should you notice abnormal hair loss, as certain medical conditions such as lupus or having polycystic ovaries, or hyperthyroidism can cause hair loss

Vitamins you can take to prevent hair loss:

- Thiamin ( B1)

Containing the mineral sulfur, this is the essential element of the hair that gives gloss and shine.

- Riboflavin (B2)

This vitamin is vital for body cell breathing, ensuring efficient oxygen utilization for cell repair and production.

- Niacin (B3)

Helps to widen capillaries and vessels thereby increasing the blood circulation to the scalp to help stimulate hair growth. It also may reduce the cholesterol build up which is essential since cholesterol on the scalp will convert to the enzyme 5 alpha reductase.

- Pahtothenic Acid (B5)

This vitamin helps in restoring hair color and brightness. It works with the amino acid Tyrosine Folic Acid, PABA and Copper in the deterrence white and gray hair.

- Biotin (B7)

Biotin is a widely used ingredient in hair products due to its hair promoting properties. Biotin increases hair cortex elasticity , prevents breakage, and thickens hair cuticle.

- Cobalamin (B12)

Regenerates red blood cells for healthy hair.

- Pyridoxine (B6).

Responsible for protein intake balance, it helps in transporting amino acids to the proper tissues. This is also essential in the conversion of one amino acid to another like the conversion of Methionine to Cysteine. With Inositol, they regulate oil flow to the scalp and the skin.

Hair Loss
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Ultimate Guide To Avoiding Hair Loss

Understand Causes of Hair Loss in Women - Natural Treatments to Regrow Hair Fast extra

Causes of Hair Loss in Women - Natural Treatments to Regrow Hair Fast

Hair Loss Causes In Women

Hair Loss Causes In Women

There are many causes of hair loss in women. The loss of hair is often most noticeable after shampooing. You may notice an excessive amount of strands in the drain, or you may have extra strands in your comb after you finish styling your hair. Thinning hair can be a very distressing problem for women. The good news is there are natural remedies you can use to grow some of your hair back.

Common Causes of Hair Loss in Women
Androgenic alopecia, also known as female pattern baldness is an inherited condition which causes the strands to start thinning. It is also one of the most common causes of hair loss in women.

This condition is associated with the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT prevents the strands from getting the nutrients they need in order to survive. As the follicles lose their ability to function, the strands begin to fall out.

Hormonal changes can also cause female thinning hair. The shifts in hormone levels after childbirth or the hormonal fluctuations which occur during menopause can disrupt the growth cycle of the strands.

Thinning hair can be a symptom of an illness. Thyroid disorders, diabetes, lupus, anemia, and stress can cause the strands to fall out.

Other causes of hair loss in women include vitamin deficiencies and the over use of hair products which contain chemicals. The frequent use of perms, styling gels can cause the strands to start thinning.

Certain vitamins can help reverse one of the leading causes of hair loss in women. Many women who are losing their hair have vitamin deficiencies. You can make sure your strands are properly nourished by getting enough of the vitamins A, B, C, and E.

Vitamin B is especially important because it helps the body produce protein to nourish the strands. If you do not get enough of this vitamin, your strands can actually stop growing.

There are herbs which can also reverse some of the causes of hair loss in women. Green tea contains compounds which prevents testosterone from being converted into DHT. For best results, apply the tea directly to your scalp. Rosemary, nettle root extract, and pumpkin seed can also stimulate hair growth.

It is very important for you to begin treatment for your thinning hair as soon as you notice that your strands are thinning. This will significantly increase your chances of getting your strands to grow back. If the follicles sit there for too long without strands, the follicles will lose their ability to function and the hair loss will become permanent. Learn more about choosing an effective hair loss remedy and preventing baldness.


Study How to Treat Hair Loss Naturally and Effectively additional

The way you look is truly important nowadays. More and more people are being concerned with the way they look.

If you one of those who are suffering from hair loss, for sure you are in search for way to solve this problem. Yes, there are lots of ways to treat hair loss. There are lots of products that are made available in the market and in the internet that claims that they can all treat hair loss.

There are lots of reasons why people are suffering from hair loss. This article will mention few of these reasons, so just continue reading.

Stress is one of the reasons why you may suffer from hair loss. Stress which was caused by traumatic or dramatic situation in one's life like death of a loved one and so on, can shock the hair growth cycle. Telogen effluvium is the condition called when hair lessen due to the stress that a person is experiencing.

The other reason of hair loss is Androgenetic alopecia. Alopecia areata is another factor that can bring hair loss, this is a condition that happens on the scalp and other parts of the body and it is due to immune system deficiencies.

Infection and illnesses are other reasons of hair loss. These conditions can cause lessening of hair to both men and women. But typically, hair will grow again after the infection or illness was cured.

For women, during their pregnancy and child birth, they can experience hair loss. The hair of women can suffer dormant phase on the 3rd to 6th months after delivery.

There are lots of chemicals and tinting that people use in their hair and these can bring about hair loss. Chemicals can harm or affect the hair, it can deteriorate the hair in due time.

Yes, there heaps of factors that can bring about hair loss so it is better for you to know these factors.

If you are in search for herbal remedy that can treat hair loss, you need to find the one that can effectively treat your hair and also that can treat it without any side effects that can affect you. In looking for herbal remedy, it is better to purchase it in a reliable company or site. You have to take time in finding the reliable company or site that can give you high-quality product.

You can make sure that the company or site is reliable if it can provide lots of information about the herbal remedy and how it works for you. You also have to know the ingredients that the herbal remedy have in order to assure that it will work well.

As soon as you find the herbal remedy that you need for your hair loss, make sure to follow the directions by reading the label carefully.

Eliza Maledevic Ayson

Eliza Maledevic writes for - SEO Company

How to Treat Hair Loss Naturally and Effectively

Hair Loss