When you think of hair loss most people normally think of men and not women. However, the causes of hair loss in women is quite common and there are many reasons for the causes of hair loss in the women. The five causes for hair loss in women are:
One of the reasons women experience balding is caused by an under active thyroid. An under active thyroid can cause a host of problems including lack of energy, constantly feeling tired, weight gain, and depression. An under active thyroid can also cause hair to fall out.
A second reason for balding in the female gender is stress. Women deal with stress in a drastically different way then men. Women tend to internalize stress which can lead to a complete disruption in the female cycle. Stress can lead to disruption in sleep patterns, eating properly, and many other important factors in daily life. These disruptions can result in the reduction of hair in women.
Heredity is a third reason for baldness in women. The genes of both the mother and father play a large role in whether or not women will maintain a healthy head of hair or experience varying degrees of hair reduction.
The care and maintenance of hair is a fourth reason for hair loss in women. Women who maintain proper grooming habits have healthier hair than women who spend less time maintaining their hair. Women who use quality shampoos and conditioners on a regular basis have healthier hair. Also, women who use less chemicals products such as perms and dyes have substantially healthier hair and experience less hair loss than women who use such products.
The fifth reason that can be attributed to hair reduction in women is a hormonal imbalance in the female body. When a woman begins to enter menopause the levels of estrogen in the body begins to decrease. Estrogen is needed to help produce testosterone. The correct levels of testosterone make it possible for hair to continue to grow and maintain a healthy cycle. Without enough estrogen and testosterone the growth of hair begins to slow resulting in baldness.
Although baldness is more researched and discussed because of its effects on the male culture, it is an epidemic among women. The causes of hair loss in women are far ranging but the above topics shed light on some of the most common reasons women experience baldness.
Hair Loss Causes In WomenJohn Farikani is an expert in the causes of hair loss in women and men. Discover how to solve your hair loss problems by following the advice found at the following site http://www.baldness-prevention.com