Examine Hair Loss - Causes, Prevention & Treatments far more

Hair Loss - Causes, Prevention & Treatments

Hair Loss Causes

Hair Loss Causes

Beautiful shining hair is akin to beauty & health. However, many people experience unjustified hair loss, which negatively affects their social life and self perception. Hair loss can be attributed to several reasons including hormone changes, dandruff, exposure to chemicals, side effects of strong medications, side effects of radiation, etc. Sometimes hair loss can be the most visible aspect of some serious diseases, inadequate nutrition, or serious physical conditions.

Causes of Hair Loss

Stress & associated hormone changes

Side effects of some medicines

Ill health of liver, kidney and other internal organs


Dandruff & other skin diseases

Incomplete nutrition - lack of proteins, minerals (like zinc) & vitamins

Exposure to chemicals

Excess use of shampoo, soap

Application of too much or too little oil

Kinds of Hair Loss

Hair loss can be classified into different kinds according to the nature of hair loss.

Alopecia areata is characterized by loss of hair in circles. This is mainly induced by stress and mental trauma. Certain physical conditions like Systematic Lupas Erythematosus (SLE) can also be a cause of this condition.

Alopecia totalis is characterized by total loss of hair from the head, leaving behind a bald head and even barren eyebrows. The skin of head turns smooth.

Diffuse alopecia condition has unhealthy, thin and short hair.

Trichotillomania is another condition, prevalent among children, characterized by the children pulling their hair and eating it. Children do this without their conscious knowledge and the hair they eat can remain in the stomach as a ball of hair, leading to pain.

Androgenetic alopecia is the most common type of hair loss found among men. This is caused by excess activity of androgen, a hormone. Women too can suffer from this problem.

Holistic Food to Prevent Hair Loss

Every nutrient that helps in normal body functioning is also required for proper hair growth. Proteins, carbohydrates, lipids (fat), minerals and vitamins play important roles in body functioning and hair growth as well. Inadequate nutrition also first reflects on the hair.

The Essential Food Items to Take to Prevent Hair Loss

Include in your diet a good mixture of everything listed below. Take a mix of everything in moderation. Curcuma longa, cumin seed, etc are good spices to prepare food. Similarly, gooseberry (Embellica officinale), dried grapes, pea (small green pea), etc also promote good physical health and hair growth.

Green and colored vegetables

Wholegrain rice and wheat

Carbohydrate rich root items - tapioca, sweet potato, etc


Milk and dairy products

Fruits - especially orange, grapes, and other slightly sour fruits

However, the quality of the atmosphere, ground, etc under which the plants grow also affect the quality of the food you take. Food crops grown with excess use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, etc have very limited quality.

Food Items to Avoid

If you care about your hair and physical health, avoid the following items.

Soft drinks

Fast food

Overly cooked food

Processed food (canned, packaged)

Agreed, these items are good for your tongue. However, what is good for your tongue may not be good for your body, blood and hair.

Hair Care Precautions

Note the following points to take good care of your hair.

Gently dry your hair with a clean towel after bathing

Always use a clean comb

Don't comb wet hair

Don't comb your hair too often

Comb your hair in the direction of its growth and not against it

Don't use shampoos that contain chemicals - better option is natural shampoos prepared from hibiscus leaves, henna, grounded small green pea, etc

Apply enough oil on hair 30 minutes before bathing - coconut oil, sesame oil, etc are enough

Be gentle on your hair. Don't rub your hair violently and use hair dryer sparingly. Shampoos that contain chemicals actively destabilize your hair. You can prepare natural herbal shampoo from materials available from your backyard itself and it is better than any shampoo that you pay big prices for.

Ayurvedic Means of Hair Care and Hair Growth Measures

Ayurveda suggests different hair oils for healthy hair growth. Amalaki (Emblica officinale) is a major component of Ayurvedic hair oils. Massage your scalp with these oils and you can see healthier hair growth.

Treatments for Hair Loss

Allopathy medicine has quite a few treatments for hair loss, which are listed below.

1. Minoxidil - this medicine prescribed for blood pressure is prescribed for hair loss too. Apply the medicine on your scalp. Effectiveness is 10-20%. Hair loss will come back once you stop using the medicine.

2. Finasteride - this medicine usually prescribed for prostrate enlargement is handy treatment against hair loss. Temporary loss of libido and lowered quality of semen are the usual side effects of using this medicine. Women shall not use this, as it can cause the women to give birth to handicapped child.

3. Hair transplantation - hair from one part of the head is transplanted to other parts of scanty hair growth. Strip incision, laser grafting, punch grafts, etc are the main types of hair transplantation treatments. The possibility of hair fall in two-three years and the scars at the areas where hair is taken are to be taken care of.

4. Scalp Reduction - a kind of plastic surgery, where skin of hairless area is removed and the skin from hairy area is stretched. The success depends on hairless area of head and the elasticity of skin.

5. Hairpiece or toupee - wigs are attached to the skin, without being noticed. Can wear and tear in the long run.

In case of hair loss, cure is almost impossible and even prevention is difficult. Put your focus on better physical and mental health than worrying about lost hair.

Dev Sri provides insider information about Ayurvedic herbal medicine practices and Ayurveda in Kerala Find more about Ayurvedic medicines at http://www.KeralaAyurvedics.com/

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Go through Five Causes of Hair Loss in Women That Must Be Known additional

When you think of hair loss most people normally think of men and not women. However, the causes of hair loss in women is quite common and there are many reasons for the causes of hair loss in the women. The five causes for hair loss in women are:

One of the reasons women experience balding is caused by an under active thyroid. An under active thyroid can cause a host of problems including lack of energy, constantly feeling tired, weight gain, and depression. An under active thyroid can also cause hair to fall out.

A second reason for balding in the female gender is stress. Women deal with stress in a drastically different way then men. Women tend to internalize stress which can lead to a complete disruption in the female cycle. Stress can lead to disruption in sleep patterns, eating properly, and many other important factors in daily life. These disruptions can result in the reduction of hair in women.

Heredity is a third reason for baldness in women. The genes of both the mother and father play a large role in whether or not women will maintain a healthy head of hair or experience varying degrees of hair reduction.

The care and maintenance of hair is a fourth reason for hair loss in women. Women who maintain proper grooming habits have healthier hair than women who spend less time maintaining their hair. Women who use quality shampoos and conditioners on a regular basis have healthier hair. Also, women who use less chemicals products such as perms and dyes have substantially healthier hair and experience less hair loss than women who use such products.

The fifth reason that can be attributed to hair reduction in women is a hormonal imbalance in the female body. When a woman begins to enter menopause the levels of estrogen in the body begins to decrease. Estrogen is needed to help produce testosterone. The correct levels of testosterone make it possible for hair to continue to grow and maintain a healthy cycle. Without enough estrogen and testosterone the growth of hair begins to slow resulting in baldness.

Although baldness is more researched and discussed because of its effects on the male culture, it is an epidemic among women. The causes of hair loss in women are far ranging but the above topics shed light on some of the most common reasons women experience baldness.

Hair Loss Causes In Women

John Farikani is an expert in the causes of hair loss in women and men. Discover how to solve your hair loss problems by following the advice found at the following site http://www.baldness-prevention.com

Five Causes of Hair Loss in Women That Must Be Known

Hair Loss Causes In Women

Read Causes For Hair Loss in Women - Why Some Suffer From Excessive Hair Loss much more

If you are one of those who are having hair troubles, you should first dig deeper into the causes of female hair loss before you spend hundreds of dollars on female hair remedies. To help you understand the different causes of female hair loss, read on.

Worry And Anxiety

One of the main causes of female hair loss is stress and anxiety. Reports show that women who are going through some demanding times in their lives and those who are suffering from anxiety disorders tend to lose more hair strands per day than those women who are mentally and emotionally fit. If you have been through some really demanding times lately, do not be overly alarmed if your hair starts shedding alot.

Female hair loss caused by stress and anxiety is passing in nature and it only lasts as long as you are stressed out. To keep your hair from falling off your mind, learn to manage your stress. If things get really strenuous at work and at home, take a few days off from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

Hormonal Imbalance

According to professionals, hormonal imbalance can cause hair loss so there is a big chance that women who are experiencing menopause will go through hair loss. If you are by now in your middle forties or early fifties, your body goes through a great deal of hormonal changes so do not panic if your hair begins to thin out.

Most specialists agree that it is completely normal for women to live through some amount of hair thinning at this stage so be cool about the whole thing. Keep in mind that very few women ever go totally bald and that thinning hair during menopause is temporary in nature.

Radiation And Chemotheraphy

Perhaps the only time that women will ever go totally bald is during a radiation or chemotherapy therapy. We have to comprehend that these types of treatment are very invasive and they can bring about serious side effects including hair loss. Luckily, the unwanted effects of radiation and chemotherapy are short lived and those who go through these sorts of treatment ultimately get their hair back.

Hair Loss Causes In Women
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Causes For Hair Loss in Women - Why Some Suffer From Excessive Hair Loss

Examine Frequently Asked Questions - Hair Loss in Women extra

While hair loss is most commonly associated with men of a certain age, it can also affect women. There are various reasons why a woman may begin to see her hair thinning or falling out, and the causes and treatments are explored below with these frequently asked questions.

What could cause women to begin losing their hair?

A simple question without a simple answer! Like anything associated with the human body, losing hair is rarely caused by a single, identifiable issue in every person who experiences it. The condition in women can be attributed to many things, including but not limited to:

Stress / emotional upheaval (some women report suffering from hair loss while undergoing a divorce, for example)
Medical causes
A reaction to certain types of medication
Genetic factors (if your mother or grandmother suffered from the problem, it is more likely that you will, too.)

How do I know what is causing my hair loss?

First and foremost, examine your life. The condition usually has a definitive cause, such as going through the menopause or taking new medication. If there is anything different from the way your life usually is, this could be causing your problem.

Secondly, talk to your GP. Although hair loss is not a serious condition (and is not an associated symptom of serious conditions), it can be due to certain hormone or vitamin deficiencies. These will need to be tested for via blood tests, so talking to a doctor is important if the hair loss is persistent.

Most cases of female hair loss are temporary, so your best bet initially is to sit and wait it out. If things have not improved in six months or so, do as advised above and seek the advice of a doctor.

Does using a hairdryer / hair straightens / shampoo cause women to lose their hair?

No, these are absolute myths usually peddled by those looking to sell a "miracle cure" for female hair loss. None of the aforementioned cause hair loss in women; it is caused by internal factors, not external appliances. There are other reasons to watch your use of such appliances and products, but hair loss is not one of them.

What is "normal" in terms of hair loss? How do I know when I definitely have a problem?

Depending on your hair thickness, it is normal to lose around 300 strands of hair a day just through normal brushing. This is increased when your hair is washed (or wet for any other reason). Those with thicker hair could lose twice as much per day without any difference being noticeable.

Hair loss only becomes an issue when you begin to see bald patches appearing on your scalp. Hair coming out when brushes or when showering is generally to be regarded as normal unless patches are forming on the skin.

How can I stop my hair from continuing to fall out?

As mentioned above, most causes are changeable - so the wait and see approach is applicable. If, however, you have a chronic condition, you have the same options available to balding men: hair transplants and scalp reduction. These costly procedures are purely cosmetic and are not recommended in anything but the most extreme of cases.

Contrary to many a manufacturer's claims, products such as specialist shampoos and conditioners are unlikely to stop your hair from falling out. Examine the internal cause to truly tackle any issues with female pattern baldness.

Hair Loss Causes In Women

For anything to do with hair - from styling to dyeing to keeping locks looking luscious - visit HairCare101 today! Fun, friendly advice you can trust.

Frequently Asked Questions - Hair Loss in Women

Examine Hair Loss in Women Causes Emotional Depression much more

Hair Loss Causes In Women

Horrified by my own reflection, I fell to the cool tile of my bathroom floor and sobbed uncontrollably. "Why God, why are you doing this?" I demanded. It was now impossible to conceal my baldness with the few strands of hair remaining on my scalp. It was inevitable...soon I would be completely bald.

I was advised to get a good wig and get on with my life. My friends and family urged me to count my blessings and concentrate on my strengths rather than my weaknesses. I felt guilty and vain to worry about something so trivial as hair when other people were faced with more serious, life-threatening problems. "It's just hair" I told myself over and over. But hair is more than just hair. Why else would it be referred to as our "crowning glory?"

When we have hair, we can style it one way to match our mood; or, we can style it a different way to change our mood! We can tell the world who we are by how we wear our hair. We can look elegant or conservative when it's appropriate. Within minutes, with a few products and styling tools we can look fun and spunky. Without hair we lose an important tool for expressing who we are or how we feel.

Many women feel guilty for caring so much about their hair when there are bigger problems in the world. Women with hair loss should not feel guilty for mourning their hair loss. As we lose our hair we feel like we're losing part of ourselves.

Mild to severe depression is common for women experiencing excessive hair loss, especially when it is dismissed as a cosmetic problem; and the only advice they are given is to "learn to live with it."

Although I was given the same advice, I didn't follow it. Instead I decided to do something about it. Believing that "knowledge is power" I armed myself with information, learning as much as possible about the types and causes of hair loss.

Taking control of the situation helps to alleviate the associated depression. Learning how other people helped their hair loss creates hope and determination. It changes the focus and creates the confidence needed to help restore physical and emotional help and to find the right treatment, based on individual needs to improve the quality of one's hair.

Melanie Vonzabuesnig is the author of Hair Loss in WomenÂ…Getting to the Root of the Problem [http://www.lulu.com/content/417641/] She is passionate about empowering women with information and solutions involving female hair loss. She used aromatherapy to overcome her own severe hair loss problems and has been able to maintain healthy hair for many years now. She went on to study aromatherapy and massage therapy, specializing in female hair loss issues. For more information visit VZ BOTANICALS or email at vz1@verizon.net

Hair Loss in Women Causes Emotional Depression

Go through Three Major Causes of Hair Loss in Women a lot more

Hair loss is one of the most common problems among men and women. Although it is very common, many people still find it difficult to accept that they will soon go bald, and so they try to find ways to control thinning hair. Causes of hair loss differ from one person to another, but the most common factor is the aging process. If you are experiencing hair loss early in life, there may be other factors causing it. It may even be a sign of a serious medical condition such as diabetes.

Hair Treatments

For some women who started out with thick hair, it may come as a surprise to find too many strands of hair left on their hairbrushes or on the sink. It may be caused by using different hair treatments that have chemicals which may cause your hair strands to be brittle. If you are constantly submitting your hair to frequent dyeing, straightening, perming, your hair may be trying to tell you something that enough is enough!

Auto Immune System

For women, the most common incidence of thinning hair is alopecia areata, which usually comes from changes in the autoimmune system. This disease is usually triggered by stress and an over active immune system may step in to protect the body from it. In the process, hair cells are attacked and patches of bald spots on the head will appear. The usual treatment for this kind of hair loss condition is by corticosteroid injections or hair growing creams and lotions.

Genetic Hair Loss

There are instances when thinning hair is genetic, and the usual treatment for this is a product like Rogaine or Minoxidil. In most cases however, hair regrowth may happen, but new hair may be thinner. If hair loss is genetic, there isn't much you can do about it, except maybe hair transplant or wearing wigs.

Whatever the cause of your hair loss may be, you need to consult your doctor in order to properly pinpoint the cause of your thinning hair and to recognize the best solution for it.

Hair Loss Causes In Women

Lisa Tanady has been writing articles professionally, both online and offline, for more than 4 years. She is not only writing in the subject of health, but also in dieting, weight loss, acne and many other more. Check out her latest website in wrapping paper wholesale [http://www.wrappingpaperwholesale.com/] which discusses wholesale gift baskets [http://www.wrappingpaperwholesale.com/wholesale-gift-baskets.html].

Three Major Causes of Hair Loss in Women

Hair Loss Causes In Women

Study Find Out What Causes Hair Loss In Women extra

Hair Loss Causes In Women

Many people still believe that hair loss is predominantly a problem that men suffer from. But this is just not the case, as today you will find that 1 in 4 women also suffer from some form of this, it can occur at any stage of their lives as well. In this article, we take a look at what the main causes of hair loss in women are today.

1. Female Pattern Baldness -

This is the most common of all the kinds that women are going to suffer from and is the exact same type that men suffer from as well. The main reason why a woman would suffer from this, known as Androgenetic Alopecia, is that the body is reacting adversely to male hormones.

Women, just like men, have the hormone testosterone in their bodies (but not at the same levels normally). However sometimes this hormone will convert into DHT, which then affects the way hair grows normally. In most cases, female pattern baldness is not as extreme as it is in men and will often occur much later in life, but it is still the same as the condition in men (male pattern baldness).

2. Telogen Effluvium -

This particular condition is the second most common that women suffer from. Where as the above you will see hair begin to recede or be lost altogether, this particular condition causes the hair to become somewhat thinner over the whole scalp.

Often women who have suffered from some traumatic event in their lives find that they can start to suffer from this problem. The reason being that their body has been placed under stress, which it finds difficult to cope with, and this results in hair growth being prevented or reduced. Some women, after having a child, may find that they suffer from this particular problem. Once the body is able to cope and starts to return back to normal, then regular hair growth usually resumes and the thinning stops.

3. Alopecia Areata -

This is the 3rd most common type of seen today in women. You will find that rather than the problem being localized and affecting one particular area of the scalp, this one results in hair being lost on various different parts of the scalp.

The women who are most likely to suffer from this particular problem are those whose immune system is not working properly. It is a very common occurrence when women are undergoing some form of treatment such as chemotherapy. Normally however once treatment ceases and the immune system becomes re-established then hair growth begins once more. However, for some women it can be so severe that there are no chances of hair growth happening at anytime.

It is important that women understand fully what causes hair loss in women in order that they can treat it effectively should it happen to them. If you at any stage feel that you may be suffering from a one of these conditions, you should start looking for ways to stop your hair loss and to re grow your hair.

Do not Delay in learning more about how to regrow your hair naturally, Reviews of Natural hair loss solutions [http://growhairtoday.com/hair-growth-solutions-reviewed/?bid_keyword=Find%20Out%20What%20Causes%20Hair%20Loss%20In%20Women]

Visit What Causes Hair Loss In Women [http://growhairtoday.com/what-causes-hair-loss-in-women-25] For more info on hair loss. I have found this great site dealing with hair loss, GrowHairToday.com [http://www.growhairtoday.com], I found this to be an excellent resource for learning more about hair loss.

Find Out What Causes Hair Loss In Women

Examine Hair Loss, Causes and Natural Reversal additional

What To Do

Determine any and all factors from below that may be causing you hair loss and then take the corrective actions. This is most often done through eliminating certain products, working to decrease medications and having some metabolic lab work with a medical doctor, and dietary and lifestyle changes with a holistic health practitioner who will most likely recommend Vitamin-Mineral Analysis of the hair.During this investigative process, there are things to incorporate to prevent further hair loss and stimulate new growth as listed below under Remedies.

There are six common categories that cause significant hair loss in men, women and children.

1-Environmental Factors
Chemicals from the environment, food, cleaning, hygiene and beauty products.

Over processing the hair. Too much sun exposure.High levels of stress. A low body fat percentage,irregular eating patterns and excessive physical strenuous activity (often associated with nails falling off in athletic individuals).

3-Shocks to the system
Medications, illness, infection, stress, fast drop in weight, medical trauma and psychological traumas.

Note: Trichotillomania is a disorder characterized by pulling out one's own hair-this particular article does not address this issue.
4-Dietary causes
Inadequate protein, Mal-nourishment, high levels of Vitamin A, heavy metal or other toxic build-up.

5-Metabolic causes
Poor thyroid function, sluggish lymph function, toxicity, pregnancy, hormonal imbalances (especially too much testosterone/not enough estrogen), anemia, autoimmune diseases (chronic fatigue), poly-cystic ovary syndrome, skin inflammations (psoriasis, dermatitis) and general allopecia.

6-Medication side-effects
Anti-clotting drugs, cholesterol-lowering drugs, antidepressants, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), chemo-therapies and antibiotics. Also, hormonal drugs containing estrogen and testosterone such as menopausal drugs, birth control and steroids.

Growth cycle of Hair
It is important to know in which stage the hair is falling out.
Phase 1. Anagen: growth phase last 2-8 years (90% of hair)
Phase 2. Catagen: transition phase, hair follicle shrinks, 2-3 weeks (5-10% of hair)
Phase 3. Telogen: resting phase, 2-4 months (5-10% of hair)

Remedies for Lifestyle,Nutrients, Food & Supplements
Your hair, skin and nails needs protein,Iron, Biotin, Omega fatty acids and Zinc to stay healthy.
• Take a gender and aged based daily Multi-Vitamin.
• Increase greens loaded with protein (spinach, broccoli, sprouts, kale) and Biotin (Swiss chard).
• Increase scale fresh water fish for the Omega's and protein
• Additional Biotin and Omega's may need to be supplemented depending on your individual needs.
• Work with Practitioner to determine why your immunity is compromised
• Obtain a Vitamin-Mineral-Toxin Hair Tissue Analysis

Scalp stimulation
Olive oil scalp massage: Rubbing your scalp not only releases tension but it increases the release of dopamine and serotonin.The Olive Oil will help to stimulate the hair follicles of the scalp while also conditioning damaged hair.

Jojoba Oil with a few drops of lavender and bay essential oils may help promote new hair growth by mimicking the scalp's own sebum (Lavender has a calming effect in Aromatherapy).

Hair Hygiene
Be weary of "natural products" read the ingredients label. Yes, it may contain natural products but it more than likely contains added chemicals (lauryl sulfates, and many more) which cancels out the value natural ingredient. Try to find products that use Vitamin C, E and Coconut oil as the "preservative."

To prevent further hair loss, try to find Biotin and Aloe Vera based products. Aloe Vera promotes healthy hair and prevents further loss through balancing the pH level of the scalp and cleansing the pores.

Coconut Oil acts as a natural conditioner and can help heal the hair by protecting it against breakage.

Natural Dyes
You can make you own natural and safe gray rinses or color enhancers in the comport of your own kitchen that will not damage you hair and add nutrients to it.
Light Blonds, look for chamomile.
Dark Blonds, look for marigold.
Light -Medium Brunettes, look for Tag alder bark.
Dark Brunettes, look for Sage.
Blacks, look for Walnut hulls.
Reds, look for Henna.

More often than not, hair loss does not have to be a permanent affliction. Please be weary of putting additional chemicals on your hair and in to your body in the name of "hair re-growth" promises. Remember, for every ailment that occurs in nature, there is a cure in nature.

Hair Loss Causes

I am a Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, Master Herbalist, Nutritional Consultant and Certified Master Gardener. In addition to Wellness Coaching in my start up private practice, I am a Family Support Educator and Advocate in the Corporate world and in the Court room for children in the foster care system. My educational background began with a BA in Psychology with a concentration on Sociology. My continuing education has concentration on all of the above as well as social work, religious studies and physical fitness training. My current educational endeavors are gearing toward the Sciences of Body Physiology and Sports Health Psychology. I adhere to a holistic perspective that optimal wellness comes through wholeness and we can only achieve this through balance. Although homemade health has universal aspects, each individual is special and will have unique needs. Remember, Optimum Wellness is more than the absence of dis-ease and one's journey is never a linear path. To learn more visit https://sites.google.com/site/holisticapproaches/ and connect with Holistic Approaches on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/pages/Holistic-Approaches/231177590236966 Coming soon to YouTube and Skype to better serve clients that are out of the area. At this time out-of-state consultations are available via telephone and email support:)

Hair Loss, Causes and Natural Reversal

Read through Laser Therapy For Hair Restoration Treats Hair Loss more

Hair loss and thinning can start at any age, in men or women. Although there are many misconceptions and myths about balding and why we lose our hair that include overuse of hair products, wearing a hat too often, stress, blow drying hair and more, the truth is that 95% of hair loss is an inherited condition from your mother or your father. Hormone conditions and age can also contribute to hair loss.

Coping with balding and sparse hair has been something that our society has been experimenting with for many generations. Popular ways include wearing hats, wigs and toupees, creative hairstyles (such as combing thicker areas of hair over the balding spots), hair transplant surgery and/or topical or oral drugs that promise to stimulate hair growth. Some of these remedies can be costly, while others are less expensive, but none of them really address the "root" of the issue - which is the failing function of the hair follicle.

Normal hair follicle cycles include growth for about 1000 days, "resting" for about 100 days, and shedding. A healthy head of hair sheds an average of 50 to 150 hairs each day, not significant when a typical adult head of hair has over 100,000 hairs on it. As previously mentioned, hair loss is primarily dictated by a person's genes. When hair loss and patterned baldness begins, the hair follicle cycles become abnormal, sometimes referred to as a "miniaturized" follicle, that produces hair that is weak, lacks luster and is thin. As these miniaturized follicles become dominant on the head, the thinning hair no longer adequately covers the head, causing the person to have bald spots. It is at this point that laser hair therapy can be beneficial.

Low level laser hair restoration therapy works by penetrating the scalp about five to six millimeters, stimulating the body's mechanism to repair and heal the miniaturized hair follicles which leads to normalization of cell function and the halting (reversal) of the miniature hair follicles. The laser therapy does not alter the molecular structure of the hair follicle, nor does it have a thermal component that can cause burns or injuries. It is considered a non-surgical therapeutic laser that is certified Class 3A by the FDA.

Various studies have shown that the effects of low level laser light therapy can increase scalp blood flow and micro-circulation by 20-30%, stimulates and accelerates hair growth, stops progression of hair loss, repairs and improves hair shaft quality.

Laser hair restoration works best on people who have thinning hair, not on people who have little or no hair, and the process usually takes six months or more. A typical treatment includes sitting under the laser for two 30-minute sessions per week and, often, routine maintenance after the treatment is completed. Compliance, and patience, are the keys to a successful hair restoration treatment.

Terry J. Perkins MD is a nationally-recognized, double board certified cosmetic surgeon, who specializes in facial cosmetic surgery, skin rejuvenation, and body contouring. Dr. Perkins practices at the Cosmetic Surgery Center Medical Group in Santa Barbara and Oxnard, California and is also the founder of Evolutions Medical Spa in Santa Barbara where he offers hair loss restoration and other non-invasive aesthetic treatments. At Cosmetic Surgery Center, Dr. Perkins offers a wide array of services designed to effectively meet his patients' aesthetic needs and is an expert in performing surgeries that give a natural, rested, "non-operated" look. He has his own state-of-the-art, fully accredited plastic surgery center in Santa Barbara, CA, geared to the safety and comfort of his patients.

Laser Therapy For Hair Restoration Treats Hair Loss

Hair Loss

Study Female Hair Loss Causes - Why Some Women Go Bald more

Female Hair Loss Causes - Why Some Women Go Bald

Hair Loss Causes In Women

At one time, it was estimated that about 30 million females were suffering from baldness. At first glance, this may come quite as a surprise. Who would have thought that female baldness was this widespread?

Female hair loss causes cover a wide variety of factors. One significant factor is that women also have testosterone in their bodies, albeit at a much lower level. The by-product of this, which is known as DHT or dihydrotestosterone, causes damage to the hair follicles, leading to loss of hair. Women who are sensitive to this male hormone are very likely to experience baldness.

A deficiency in certain vitamins and minerals is also one of the female hair loss causes. In order to avoid this type of hair loss cause, it is best to have a diet that is rich in zinc and magnesium and vitamin B. Another reason for female baldness has to do with stress. In extreme cases, the loss of hair can be irreversible. In some cases, though, like childbirth where the stress and the hormonal imbalance are temporary, excess shedding of hair should cease within months.

For supplements that can help with loss of hair, one can try products like Provillus. This has a separate formulation for women. This takes into account the separate needs of women when it comes to dealing with balding or excessive scalp damage. As always, it is best to consult your doctor or a health practitioner before trying out any supplements to help determine its suitability and safety.

You are free to reprint this article as long as it remains unchanged and intact. The author resource box must also be included.

Darryl Delatorre is an avid researcher of hair loss and the natural remedies that could be a solution to it. If you found this article informative, please check out his website at http://balding-hair-repair.blogspot.com.

Examine Sudden Hair Loss a lot more

Sudden Hair Loss

Hair Loss

Hair Loss

If you notice strands of hair on your pillow when you wake up in the morning or some strands entangled in your comb, do not worry. A person looses 80 to 100 hairs each day, and these hairs grow right back. But if you start noticing large clumps of hair instead of a few strands, then you may be suffering from sudden hair loss. The two main reasons of natural sudden hair loss are genes and stress.

The majority of sudden hair loss is due to genetic makeup. Hereditary hair loss happens gradually, but in large chunks. It is passed by either the father or the mother. Studies have suggested that genes causing hair loss coming from the mother?s side has a greater chance of being passed on to the next generation, although this has never been clearly proven.

Psychological stress, trauma in the body, or any stress that leads you to experience hormonal changes or imbalance is also identified as a source of hair loss. Once the changes in the body are normalized, hair growth will return back to normal.

Another cause of sudden hair loss is chemotherapy. Whenever a cancer patient undergoes chemo treatment to fight the spread of cancer, the treatment, unfortunately, also affects healthy hair follicles in the process, which leads to hair loss.

If you experience sudden hair loss, contact your doctor immediately to determine the cause. If no reason for stress is identified and you are not suffering from medication side effects, it could possibly a sign of a disease.

A doctor will administer a blood test to determine if you are experiencing an infection, a deficiency, or hormonal problems. You can opt to purchase all the hair growth products you can get your hands on to try and remedy the sudden hair loss, but the effort would be futile if you are unable to identify the cause of the problem.

Hairloss [http://www.WetPluto.com/A-Guide-to-Female-Hair-Loss.html] provides detailed information on Hair Loss , Hair Loss Products , Hair Loss Treatments , Hair Loss Remedy and more. Hairloss is affiliated with Natural Hair Loss Treatments [http://www.WetPluto.com/Female-Hair-Loss-Treatments.html].

Go through Brief Description of Hair Loss Causes far more

Hair Loss Causes

There are many causes of hair loss. Some are benign and come with heredity and age while others can signal underlying medical problems. Anyone with unexpected or irregular hair loss should consult with a physician for evaluation.

Telogen Effluvium

Significant trauma or illness can cause telogen effluvium. Basically hair falls out and is pushed into the resting part of the hair cycle. Usually within about 6 months of the trauma, the hair will start to grow again.

Chronic medical diseases

Chronic conditions such as diabetes and low thyroid hormone levels can cause balding. Usually once the underlying medical condition is controlled, the hair will regrow.

Traction alopecia

Wearing hair in a tight braid can cause scarring of the hair follicles and cause hair loss over time. If scarring has occurred, this can be permanent.

Psychological problems

Certain psychological conditions cause patients to irrationally pull out their hair. Unfortunately the alopecia can be permanent when scarring occurs in the areas which are pulled out. Patients require counseling and sometimes medications to treat this troublesome problem.


Many different types of medications can cause balding or hair thinning. Unfortunately some vitamins which are taken to grow hair can cause loss when the vitamins are taken in large doses. In most cases, when the offending medication is discontinued, the hair will regrow.

Alopecia areata

A localized form of hair loss which can progress to a whole body alopecia, alopecia areata is thought to be an autoimmune disorder. In this condition, it is thought that the body somehow determines that the hair follicle is a foreign object and fights it off, killing the follicle. Though treatments in some instances can cause hair regrowth, there is no universally accepted treatment algorithm and hair transplant surgery may be necessary.
Androgenic Alopecia

Commonly termed male pattern baldness is a condition which can also affect females though with a different result. Balding is due to the effect of androgens, actually break down products of testosterone, on certain hair follicles. In men, this type of hair loss only takes place on the top of the head and the crown of the head. Certain areas of the scalp will not be effected nor will the rest of the body. The cause is multifactorial. Genetically, the hair loss can come from your mother's side of the family or your father's side. It may skip generations and the degree of hair loss may vary between effected individuals in the same family. This type of hair loss is particularly suited to being treated with hair transplants.

Dr. Verret is a facial plastic surgeon in the north Dallas suburb of Plano, TX. He is board certified in Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery and fellowship trained in facial plastic and reconstructive surgery. He specializes only in cosmetic and reconstructive surgery of the face and neck. His practice includes surgical and non-surgical techniques including Botox, Juvederm, facial fillers, acne scar revision, rhinoplasty (nasal reshaping), blepharoplasty, facelift, eyelift, brow lift, and hair restoration. To sign up for more information about hair loss, visit http://www.baldmanmag.com. For more information be sure to visit him on the web or call for an appointment at 972.608.0100.

Brief Description of Hair Loss Causes

Understand Causes For Hair Loss in Women - Why Some Suffer From Excessive Hair Loss extra

If you are one of those who are having hair troubles, you should first dig deeper into the causes of female hair loss before you spend hundreds of dollars on female hair remedies. To help you understand the different causes of female hair loss, read on.

Worry And Anxiety

One of the main causes of female hair loss is stress and anxiety. Reports show that women who are going through some demanding times in their lives and those who are suffering from anxiety disorders tend to lose more hair strands per day than those women who are mentally and emotionally fit. If you have been through some really demanding times lately, do not be overly alarmed if your hair starts shedding alot.

Female hair loss caused by stress and anxiety is passing in nature and it only lasts as long as you are stressed out. To keep your hair from falling off your mind, learn to manage your stress. If things get really strenuous at work and at home, take a few days off from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

Hormonal Imbalance

According to professionals, hormonal imbalance can cause hair loss so there is a big chance that women who are experiencing menopause will go through hair loss. If you are by now in your middle forties or early fifties, your body goes through a great deal of hormonal changes so do not panic if your hair begins to thin out.

Most specialists agree that it is completely normal for women to live through some amount of hair thinning at this stage so be cool about the whole thing. Keep in mind that very few women ever go totally bald and that thinning hair during menopause is temporary in nature.

Radiation And Chemotheraphy

Perhaps the only time that women will ever go totally bald is during a radiation or chemotherapy therapy. We have to comprehend that these types of treatment are very invasive and they can bring about serious side effects including hair loss. Luckily, the unwanted effects of radiation and chemotherapy are short lived and those who go through these sorts of treatment ultimately get their hair back.

Hair Loss Causes In Women

Find Out How To Regrow Your Hair Naturally

To learn more about the causes for hairloss in women and a way to regrow your hair back in a natural way devoid of any drugs or chemicals click here.


Causes For Hair Loss in Women - Why Some Suffer From Excessive Hair Loss