Study 10 Causes of Female Hair Loss more

10 Causes of Female Hair Loss

Hair Loss Causes

Female hair loss is a problem that is faced by many women across the globe irrespective of race, creed or religion. Women find it extremely hard to deal with and experience severe embarrassment when confronted with such an ordeal.

Female hair loss follows more than one pattern and the moment a woman faces such a predicament, she should consult a medical specialist. In majority of the cases female hair loss can be effectively treated. Unlike hair loss in men, female hair loss may not be hereditary or may not be categorized as "female-pattern alopecia". In females, the hair loss can occur at any age and during its onset, the unsuspecting victim may not give it the importance that it warrants and may not be able to comprehend why her hair was falling off in bunches. However, in cases involving pregnancy and illnesses, the hair fall can be normal.

In most cases, androgenetic alopecia is the cause behind loss of hair in females, which is a hereditary sensitiveness to androgens. Androgens are male hormones and have been found to have adverse effects on female scalp hair. However, it must be noted that seldom women acquire complete baldness as is commonly found in men. Unlike men, thinning of scalp hair in females due to androgenetic alopecia is not associated with uniform thinning of hair. The hair on the scalp can get miniaturized in pockets of varying diameters. In post menopausal women, hair may begin to get miniaturized, making it difficult to style and dress.

There are various causes behind female hair loss which may be classified as follows:

Trichotillomania: This happens with women who are compulsive hair pullers. Hair loss associated with such a syndrome is patchy in nature as women tend to pull out hair from one particular location.

Alopecia areata: This is an autoimmune malfunctioning that causes hair to fall in patches. Hair loss may happen by way of diffused thinning or due to thinning that result in island of bald patches.

Triangular alopecia: Loss of hair in such cases is associated specifically with the temporal region and may begin in childhood itself. The pattern of hair loss gives a triangular formation to the scalp, hence the name.

Scarring alopecia: This happens as a result of scars or injury to the scalp.

Telogen effluvium: This happens when a large amount of hair gets shed altogether due to a sudden change in the shedding pattern of the hair.

Fungal infection: Ring worm and other kinds of skin infections may result in loss of hair.

Low Serum Iron: Women who suffer from low levels of iron in their system may suffer from occasional hair losses.

Medications: Some prescription drugs have been found to cause temporary hairloss and baldness

Cancer Treatment: Chemotherapy and cancer medications may result in loss of hair.

Thyroid disease: Improper secretion of the thyroxin hormone may cause hair loss.

All the conditions mentioned above can be treated with varying degrees of successes. If you feel that none of them apply to your situation, and you're losing your hair for another reason? It could be the shampoo you currently use, your diet. Not eating healthy and/or consuming too much of one type of vitamin, could also be the cause?

Having beauty luxurious hair is very important for women!

Hair loss may cause emotional upheavals in women as they associate hair with their appearance. The first reaction would be denial--that such a horrible thing cannot happen to her. However unsettling the experience may be, it can be safely said that most of the hair loss problems experienced by women, can be reversed.

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