Read through Cold Caps: Hair Loss Solution To Chemotherapy much more

Chemotherapy's direct side effect is hair loss. This is the downside of being treated for cancer. However, there's a new tool called the cold cap that can actually help retard or reduce hair loss that a caused by radiation therapy.

A cold cap works by cooling the scalp, therefore preventing the medications from getting to the roots. The active components of medications are the ones that trigger the loss of a patient's hair strands. This tool can actually shield the scalp and prevent the inevitable hair fall side effect. The effectiveness of the cap is unbelievable. When a cancer patient uses it, her long tresses would remain intact even after six chemotherapy sessions. Right now, such a tool is available only in the US and Europe. Hopefully it will also find its way to Canada.

Expert says that the cold cap slows down blood circulation in the hair follicles. As such, it can also defer the flow of chemotherapy chemicals that could destroy the young cells in the scalp. While it can't outwardly prevent hair loss, the effect that a patient gets is reduced to hair thinning instead of total baldness.

The cap is supposed to be used for thirty minutes then switched to another one after that time has elapsed. Depending on the hours you need to spend for your treatment, you need to keep switching caps to make sure that your scalp remains cold. The tool was created in reference to the icy therapy that was used before, although that one was abandoned not soon after it was introduced because it gets a little to messy when applied.

The cooling effect if the cap has done so much to patients, especially to those who are simply looking forward to using a hair loss shampoo after they're done with all their medications. Although a hair growth shampoo is effective, preventing hair loss is still the most preferable route to combating the problem.

Hair Loss

Roger Peters researches, reviews, and examines hair loss conditions in both men and women. He checks and recommends the hair growth shampoo that was proven to work optimally on thinning hair. He delivers information about the best hair loss shampoo in the market.

Cold Caps: Hair Loss Solution To Chemotherapy

Study Understanding Causes of Hair Loss a lot more

Hair Loss Causes In Women

Causes of hair loss in brief

Statistically, it has been found that every two out of three men and one out of five women suffer from hair loss. There are various reasons which contribute to the hair fall in men. Loss of hair in men is typically caused by the effects of the male hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT) on scalp hair follicles. It is commonly believed that the such problem in men occurs from the maternal side of the family. It is because the factors on the x-chromosome strongly influence the hair fall. However, the fact behind the such problem is that the condition can be inherited from either parent. Improper diet, use of certain medications and some illnesses are also found to cause such problem in men. The most common cause of these in men is androgenetic alopecia or androgenetic hair loss. Androgenetic hair loss is caused by three interdependent factors:

* Hormones
* Genes
* Aging

Let us see in detail how these factors influence loss of hair in men.


Hormones are the biochemical substances that are produced in various glands throughout our body. These glands secrete their products directly into the bloodstream which are then spread to the different parts of our body. They are usually present in minute amount but are very much effective for the proper growth of our body organs.

Testosterone is a major male sex hormone, which are produced by the testicles. These hormones are responsible for bringing various changes in our body such as sperm production, change in voice, development of sex drive, growth of axillary and pubic hair and change in the basic body shape. These hormones are the major cause of acne and beard growth. These hormones are also associated with the emergence of baldness in males. The presence of androgen, testosterone and its related hormone DHT cause some follicles to regress and die. DHT is found to decrease the length of the growing cycle of hair and increase the resting phase. As a result, the person frequently sheds his hair and becomes the victim of hair loss. It is interesting to know that scalp hair growth does not depend on androgen level but the hair loss does.


There are 23 pairs of chromosomes in every person, one set of chromosome from each parent. Out of these, genes that are located on the X or Y-chromosomes are called as sex-linked genes and the rest as autosomal. It is believed that autosomal genes govern the common baldness. Hence, it is said that the genes for baldness can be inherited equally from the either parents. Although it has been found that some genes are responsible for certain types of hair loss in men, but the exact genes for male pattern baldness remain unexplained.


Along with the genes and hormonal factors, aging also contribute to the hair loss in men. As the person grow old, his body come across various changes that cause hair loss either directly or indirectly. Hair loss in men varies on person to person depending on their genetic composition and levels of testosterone in bloodstream. With the passing age, a person's total hair volume keeps on decreasing.

If the exact causes behind the hair loss are determined in the early stages, treatments can prove beneficial to counteract the problem.

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Understanding Causes of Hair Loss

Examine Hair Loss Causes: Hormonal Imbalance In Men And Women a lot more

Hair loss is a widespread problem among the middle aged Americans, specifically among the men. Well, falling hair among men could result in complete baldness. As for women, their hair follicle show resilience and most often they are able to re-grow them on their scalp.

Your dermatologist would iterate on different possible reasons for hair loss when you consult him to curb your hair loss problem. Although many a times, doctors themselves fail to identify the possible reason behind the hair loss. And one such hard to identify reason for hair loss among men as well as women is hormonal abnormalities. You suffer from this type of hair loss but you are hardly aware of it.

This type of hair loss is predominantly meant for males. Male hormone or testosterone paves the way for Dihydroxy testosterone formation that adversely affects hair follicular function and disrupts hair regeneration cycle. This in turn results in hair fall. Hyper secretion of this hormone makes your scalp incapable of keeping existing hair firm onto itself. And ultimately it adds to your misery by causing complete hair loss or baldness.

Even a good number of women fall prey to this type of hair loss but their hair loss happens to be of less severe kind. Most often they experience it during pregnancy. Some women have been found with falling hairs after menopause. As menopause brings great hormonal changes in the woman's body, it affects her whole physiology and body functions. And of course hairs also get affected!

Post pregnancy hair fall is also due to hormonal imbalance. But this problem is short lived in women and once the hormone level returns back to normalcy hair follicles resume their task with same efficiency helping re-growth of hair.

Female hormonal hair loss could be effectively remedied with even some of the non prescription medications but men should take care in taking medications to combat excess secretion of DHT that causes hair fall. It is always safe for men to seek help of dermatologist and use prescribed ways to nullify effect of DHT.

Certain medications affect hormones and give way to hyper secretion of hormones. It also happens to be a cause of hair loss. Chemotherapy medicines have been identified with its influence on hormones as well. Such hair loss could be treated by stopping the use of medication if possible. Other wise you will have to wait till you are through with the period of medication.

These are the ways your hormones afflict you with hair loss. So keep track of your hormonal balance to save your hair.

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Hair Loss Causes: Hormonal Imbalance In Men And Women

Hair Loss Causes In Women

Understand Three Major Causes of Hair Loss in Women extra

Hair Loss Causes In Women

Hair loss is one of the most common problems among men and women. Although it is very common, many people still find it difficult to accept that they will soon go bald, and so they try to find ways to control thinning hair. Causes of hair loss differ from one person to another, but the most common factor is the aging process. If you are experiencing hair loss early in life, there may be other factors causing it. It may even be a sign of a serious medical condition such as diabetes.

Hair Treatments

For some women who started out with thick hair, it may come as a surprise to find too many strands of hair left on their hairbrushes or on the sink. It may be caused by using different hair treatments that have chemicals which may cause your hair strands to be brittle. If you are constantly submitting your hair to frequent dyeing, straightening, perming, your hair may be trying to tell you something that enough is enough!

Auto Immune System

For women, the most common incidence of thinning hair is alopecia areata, which usually comes from changes in the autoimmune system. This disease is usually triggered by stress and an over active immune system may step in to protect the body from it. In the process, hair cells are attacked and patches of bald spots on the head will appear. The usual treatment for this kind of hair loss condition is by corticosteroid injections or hair growing creams and lotions.

Genetic Hair Loss

There are instances when thinning hair is genetic, and the usual treatment for this is a product like Rogaine or Minoxidil. In most cases however, hair regrowth may happen, but new hair may be thinner. If hair loss is genetic, there isn't much you can do about it, except maybe hair transplant or wearing wigs.

Whatever the cause of your hair loss may be, you need to consult your doctor in order to properly pinpoint the cause of your thinning hair and to recognize the best solution for it.

Lisa Tanady has been writing articles professionally, both online and offline, for more than 4 years. She is not only writing in the subject of health, but also in dieting, weight loss, acne and many other more. Check out her latest website in wrapping paper wholesale [] which discusses wholesale gift baskets [].

Three Major Causes of Hair Loss in Women