Understand A Burning Scalp With Hair Loss - Causes and Treatments additional

Of the many hair loss and scalp issues that I'm asked about, a burning or painful scalp is among the most common. People want to know if what is causing the burning scalp is also contributing to the hair loss and if the two are connected. People also sometimes ask if the pain that they are feeling could be the result of all the hair loss and dramatic shedding that they are seeing. Many times, they hope that if they can stop the loss, the pain on their scalp will improve or stop altogether as the result.

There are actually many potential causes for this combination. Many of them can be treated. I will discuss some of the more common places to look in the following article.

Burning Scalp Syndrome That Is Said To Go Hand And Hand With Drastic Hair Loss: Many specialists will tell you that a condition known as "burning scalp syndrome" is common when you have many strands of hair go into the resting of shedding phase all at once. This type of scenario often occurs with conditions like telogen effluvium (TE) or dramatic seasonal shedding. It's said that when the follicles change phases in this manner, a burning or warming sensation can be felt on the scalp and this can be painful or uncomfortable.

Many specialists will tell you that the burning is the result of inflammation on the scalp after severe loss. In reaction to this, it's said that a chemical known as "substance P" (otherwise known as neuropeptide P) is released. This substance is believed by some to contribute to the pain. It's also said that when you're experiencing telogen effluvium or have many follicles go into the resting or shedding phase at once, there can be a marked increase in this "substance P" and therefore also an increase in the pain.

I also have to tell you that I've had specialists tell me that burning scalp syndrome is psychological. It saddens me to say that many people do believe this. The theory is that you're so upset over the shedding that the anxiety associated with this is literally felt on your scalp. I've never bought this theory, but this is only my opinion. In my own experience, the burning in my scalp was accompanied by an angry red color. The pain was very real and not imagined. I do understand that physiological issues are often looked at when another cause can't be found, but it's frustrating to be told that very real pain that you can literally feel is all in your head.

Additional Causes Of A Burning Scalp With Hair Loss: TE or telogen effluvium is the condition that most often is associated with a painful scalp. However, there are others. An allergic reaction to products such as gels and hair dyes can also cause reactions on your scalp. (Some hair loss topicals can also cause inflammation and reactions.) Yeast overgrowth or bacterial infections can affect your scalp and can cause pain or color differences. Scalp conditions like psoriasis can cause severe discomfort including burning. And, I've heard and read about patients with thyroid, hormonal, or autoimmune issues having hair loss as well as issues and pain with their scalps.

In short, there are many potential reasons that you might be dealing with this. It upsets me that sometimes people are told that this pain is psychological in nature when it's quite possible that they have a scalp or medical condition that would greatly improve (or perhaps disappear altogether) with diagnosis and treatment.

Getting Some Relief From The Pain And Burning: Until you get the answers that you need, you can try some tea tree oil, emu oil, or aloe on your scalp to see if this will provide relief and help with the inflammation. I've even had people tell me that spraying the medication for burns or excess sun on their scalp has helped somewhat. But, it's often advisable to be careful with and rotate these things so that they don't clog your follicles and create even bigger problems.

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A Burning Scalp With Hair Loss - Causes and Treatments

Read Hair Loss Causes and a Few Solutions additional

The reasons why people lose their hair are numerous, and some have lost it due to genetics, or have parents or Grandparents that have lost their locks at around the same age. One of the symptoms of loss is Thyroid disease. Alopecia Areata or Lupus are other conditions that cause dramatic thinning of the hair and baldness. Fortunately, with Thyroid disease, once you are on the correct medication the hair will stop falling out and when Lupus disease goes into remission, it will usually grow back.

All mammals have hair, and most humans keep the bulk of it on their heads. As we age, loss is inevitable. It's only when the hair disappears from its roots that it's actual gone. Some can be transplanted and this involved the whole hair -- both the live follicle and the dead hair. Human beings usually take pride in their appearance and their heads are no exception!

About one in four women experience hair loss at some time in their lives, and a lot of men lose most, or all of it. There are things which can be done for both men and women. Because women usually have longer locks, they often get creative at hiding thin patches. With women, they may also choose a hat or cap or scarf to cover patches.

Women and men lose hair because of the same reason. It's lost because of androgenetic alopecia which is considered a reaction by male hormones, found in women and men. Testosterone is involved, and in women pattern baldness starts slowly and may not impact the hairstyle look, due to estrogen in women. Men with pattern baldness may go all the way to bald, and because they have short hair in the first place, it's more noticeable.

Women are prone to Telogen Effluvium, which is a process that suppresses growth, and the hair can get thin. Telogen is a result of traumatic stress, which then interferes with hair growth. Pregnancy can boost Telogen Effluvium and stunt growth. Alopecia Areata is the third most common disease in women, which is responsible for hair loss. Patchy areas occur and they increase over time.

If a person's immune system is weakened for some reason, hair loss may occur. This loss can be temporary, but it can also be permanent. If anyone experiences unwanted or rapid loss, they should consult with their doctor. There are many medications, treatments, surgeries and even wigs which will take care of baldness. If you don't want to suffer from hair loss you can get that head of hair back -- by one means or another!

Hair Loss Causes

If you'd like to find out more about how to prevent hair loss then check out our site right away.

Hair Loss Causes and a Few Solutions

Hair Loss Causes

Read through 4 Different Common Causes of Hair Loss extra

4 Different Common Causes of Hair Loss

Hair Loss Causes In Women

Hair loss can happen to both men and women, and it can be very traumatizing when it seems to come out of nowhere. There are a lot of theories and stories out there that try to explain why people lose their hair. However, there are four proven causes of hair loss that people might want to be aware of so that this doesn't happen as suddenly to them as it may have for people they know.


The most common cause for hair loss is called male or female-pattern hair loss. This condition is actually hereditary and is caused by sex hormones. For men, this is more common and it is a permanent condition that can happen as early as puberty. For women, this is a little less common, but can still happen. Women can also have temporary loss of hair associated with hormones during pregnancy, because of birth control, or because of menopause.

Medical Conditions

There is a disease that actually causes the body's immune system to attack the hair follicles called alopecia areata. This disease causes there to be patches of hair falling out around the body including the head. Another medical condition that can cause this is thyroid problems. The thyroid gland helps to regulate hormone levels, and fluctuating hormone levels can cause hair loss problems. Some scalp infections can cause temporary loss of hair where the scar is until the scar goes away; however, certain skin disorders such as lupus can cause there to be permanent loss of hair.


Medications are used to treat things from sickness to pain, but they can also have some unwanted side effects. Certain medications have been known to cause hair growth, changes in hair color, changes in hair texture, and yes, even loss of hair. The severity of the loss of hair caused by medications depends on the type of medication, the dose of the medication, and people's sensitivity to the medication. There are many different kinds of medications that can cause hair thinning and loss as a side effect to the drug including acne medications with vitamin A, antibiotics, antidepressants, birth control pills, high blood pressure medications, hormone replacement medications, medications that treat cancer, thyroid medications, and the list goes on and on. The good news on hair loss as a side effect to medications is that it is temporary, and the hair can grow back once the medication is no longer being taken.

Emotional Problems

Losing your hair can also be caused by emotional stress and disorders. When someone has just dealt with a shocking emotional stress, they can lose weight and even some hair. Stress can also cause people to stop eating right, which could make their hair start to fall out and not grow properly. There is also an emotional disorder called hair-pulling disorder, which would also leave people with bald spots from loss of hair.

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Understand Hair Loss (Balding) Causes far more

Hair loss causes is a broad topic with many different players. In fact just a few of the most common hair loss causes are genetics, hormones, crash diets, anemia, menopauses, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, pregnancy, physical stress, psychological stress, high fever, severe illness, surgery, chemotherapy drugs, blood pressure drugs, oral contraceptive, large amounts of vitamin A, lupus, and persistent bacterial and fungal infections.

So as you can see the list of potential suspect when trying to determine the exact cause of balding can be quite extensive. The good news is often once the cause has been determined and either eliminated or modified hair regrowth will start to occur shortly after. Perhaps the most widely recognized example of this is in the case of chemotherapy drugs.

While many types of hair loss will correct themselves others will not and this has never been more the case as with androgenetic alopecia. This condition is responsible for more cases of balding than any other cause, in fact by some estimates it is north of eight out of every ten. Androgenetic alopecia (male pattern baldness, female pattern baldness) is generally seen in people over the age of 40 but can start as early as the teenage years.

What is the cause?

Put simply androgenetic alopecia and combination of hormones (testosterone, androsteinedione, dihydrotestosterone) and genetics. The causative mechanism is a somewhat complicated and unpredictable in which those genetically susceptible to the condition experience an excess buildup of DHT in the follicle causing hairs to become finer and shorter. It also interrupts the very important hair replacement cycle causing the number of hairs lost to accelerate. Additionally, many follicles are rendered incapable of producing or maintaining healthy hair growth.

Recognizing androgenetic alopecia

In women, balding starts on the top of the head and is generally a thinning rather than a complete loss of hair with the hairline typically staying intact. For men, balding begins at the forehead or on top of the head toward the back. Some men lose only some hair and have only a receding hairline or a small bald spot on the crown. For men who started to see signs of male pattern baldness early in life they will eventually lose all of the hair on the top of the head but retain hair on the sides and back.

What Next?

The first step is to determine hair loss causes/cause and formulate a plan for hair regrowth including proper nutrition, eliminating the cause (when possible), stress reduction, and perhaps a prescription lotion or tablet. Additionally, there are a number of non prescription hair regrowth options which have shown to be effective as well. Whatever decision you choose it is important to point out that the earlier androgenetic alopecia is recognized and treated the better the chances of success.

Hair Loss Causes In Women

R.D. Hawkins is an enthusiastic advocate of alternative natural health products and supplements with over 10 years experience. To learn more about natural remedies for better health visit Purchase Remedies.com

Hair Loss (Balding) Causes

Go through DHT and Hair Loss far more

DHT hair loss affects both men and women.

DHT stands for Dihydrotestosterone which is the resulting product
of direct contact between the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase, found in
the skin and the scalp, with the hormone testosterone.

DHT hair loss is caused by the DHT binding to receptor sites on
the scalp and hair follicles which interrupts and interacts with
the normal chain of events involved in continual healthy hair

To put it another way, DHT hair loss happens when DHT takes over
the receptor cell (the cells on the hair follicle that bind to
DHT) and sends false signals to the functioning cells responsible
for proper hair growth.

Men usually lose hair first in the temporal area, second in the
crown, and third, in the vertex or top of the scalp. This is due
to the concentration of sweat glands that carry DHT in these

Women on the other hand generally thin in a diffuse manner.

Nisim International, leaders in hair science for over 20 years,
produce NewHair Biofactors shampoos which stop DHT hair loss
within 1 week guaranteed!

The deep cleansing scalp shampoo removes unwanted oils, sweat,
dirt and excess sebum as well as neutralizing surface DHT. The
stimulating extracts penetrate further into the scalp to
neutralize DHT in the scalp thereby creating a healthy scalp
environment needed for hair growth.

Hair Loss

Recommendation: The NewHair Biofactors system stops hair loss within 1 week guaranteed! This hair care range from Nisim 20 years, also assists in the growth of new hair. Click here for full details:


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Check the Hair Loss Library for answers to all your hair loss questions:


DHT and Hair Loss

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Understand Essential Vitamins That Help Stop Hair Loss extra

Essential Vitamins That Help Stop Hair Loss

Hair Loss

Regardless of whether you are a man or a woman, you should be mindful that you are getting enough of the essential vitamins for hair loss prevention. Contrary to popular belief, hair loss affects just as many women as it does men, and should be treated with an ounce of prevention before it occurs. While all vitamins play an important role in staying healthy, there are only a few vitamins that help to prevent hair loss. One of the best ways you can help to ensure that your lovely locks stay intact, and on your head, is to take appropriate amounts of the following vitamins for hair loss prevention.

Folic Acid

Folic Acid is the number one most important vitamin for hair loss prevention. It has long been hailed as a vital part of women's health, especially for pregnant women, but few people realize that it can also play a big role in keeping your hair on top of your head where it belongs. Taking folic acid vitamins for hair loss prevention can not only greatly decrease your chances of experiencing hair loss to begin with, as well as help to prevent future hair loss. Folic acid can be found in many foods, including nuts and soybeans; or can be bought in over the counter supplements.

Vitamin A

The second of the important vitamins for hair loss prevention is vitamin A. Vitamin A plays a vital role in maintaining healthy hair, skin, and vision. But it also plays an important part in preventing hair loss by promoting healthy cell growth around hair follicles, keeping them from becoming dry and brittle. Vitamin A can be found in many foods but is most prominent in fruits and vegetables. To get a healthy amount of A vitamins for hair loss prevention, you should make certain that you eat plenty of carrots, tomatoes, peppers and salads as well as eggs and organ meats like liver.

Vitamin E

Also included in the vitamins for hair loss prevention is vitamin E. Vitamin E can be found in leafy green vegetables, such as lettuce and spinach as well as in nuts and whole grains. Vitamin E is essential for promoting healthy blood flow, which in turn helps to ensure that the scalp has adequate blood circulation as well.

As you can see, there are a number of vitamins for hair loss prevention that you can take either as supplements or by eating a healthy diet. If you have any questions as to whether or not you are getting enough of these vitamins for hair loss prevention in your diet consult a physician. As with any supplements, if you are pregnant or nursing, you should practice extreme caution before taking any vitamins for hair loss.

Caroline Bourke is a full time beauty therapist in Florida. Check out these great Stop Hair Loss resources and articles or the more general Hair Loss articles and advice. http://www.beautysecretsworld.com/Stop-Hair-Loss-Articles.html

Read Itchy Scalp Hair Loss? Here's Why extra

Itchy scalp and hair loss can be very frustrating and worrying, and there can be a number of factors which cause or aggravate the hair loss. The hair loss caused by itchy scalp problems is not always permanent, and will often grow back once the main itchy scalp problem is sorted out.

In saying this though, it is vital that you take swift action to properly diagnose the problem and search for suitable remedies and treatments in order to avoid long term scarring from the itchy scalp irritation, and thus enable your hair to begin growing back.

Here I'd like to tell you about a few common reasons for itchy scalp hair loss and what you can do to alleviate the problem.

Folliculitis - strong ingredients in shampoos can damage hair follicles and lead to infections such as folliculitis.

Symptoms are normally small, white-headed pimples around one or more hair follicles. Deep folliculitis will often result in larger painful red boils.

If left untreated the folliculitis can significantly injure the hair follicle resulting in localised areas of scarring and bald patches where there are no visible follicles; this is known as "cicatricial alopecia".

Antibiotics are often used to treat folliculitis, but as with all antibiotics they can lead to a resistance to the antibiotic used. Natural remedies containing Tea Tree Oil or Lavender Oil can be extremely effective in treating the itchy scalp hair loss of folliculitis, particularly in the early stages, and can help to stimulate hair growth.

Ringworm of the scalp (tinea capitis) - a superficial fungal infection of the scalp. It is caused by mold-like fungi called dermatophytes, and the symptoms include red, itchy patches on the scalp, hair loss and, if left untreated, can also lead to cicatricial alopecia.

The skin might peel or scale and be red and itchy, with swollen blisters or a rash (that can spread) that appears as black dots.

The rash, being highly contagious, is normally treated with over the counter products containing miconazole, clotrimazole, or similar ingredients. Sometimes prescription medications are needed to clear it up.

There are many natural products that can be used to aid the healing process and act as natural antibiotics, but it must be stressed that ringworm is an aggressive fungus requiring close monitoring and appropriate treatment.

Psoriasis - said to affect some 2.5% of the US population (about 7 or 8 million people) psoriasis is a fairly common, non-contagious skin disease in which the skin cells replace themselves too quickly and cause red lesions covered with scale to appear.

Scalp psoriasis is said to affect at least half of all psoriasis sufferers and is characterized by white scales on patches of very red skin, often accompanied by severe itching and possibly temporary baldness on the affected areas.

Using a shampoo containing zinc pyrithione (in its natural form) can be extremely effective at combating psoriasis and itchy scalp hair loss in general, as it has very strong anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties.

Home remedies using birch or avocado oil are also extremely effective in soothing and healing psoriasis.

Seborrhoeic dermatitis - similar in appearance to eczema (Atopic Dermatitis), this is an inflammatory reaction to the proliferation of a yeast called Malassezia (or Pityrosporum Ovale). It produces toxic substances that irritate the skin. This yeast is always present on the scalp in small numbers and feeds on the natural oils produced there.

Imbalances in the levels of oils (sebum) on the scalp, (often due to harsh shampoos, conditioners and hair dyes) can cause the yeast to multiply and grow, resulting in dry redness, flaking, itchy scalp and sometimes cause temporary hair loss. The flakes of skin are normally characterized by a yellowish colour and oily texture.

Since the dermatitis is generally caused by the use of harsh shampoos and the stripping and drying out of the scalp, it is advisable to use a shampoo containing only natural ingredients like Tea Tree Oil which will not only help to fight the infection but will control the yeast and condition the skin, as well as maintain the natural pH balance of the scalp. Adding Rosemary Oil to the shampoo can work wonders, in addition to using simple home remedies containing Manuka or Tea Tree Oil, as well as Lavender to stimulate hair growth.

Hair Loss

There are many simple remedies for itchy scalp hair loss that you can make in the comfort of your own home. Check out my itchy scalp and hair loss page which will give you tons more information on the causes of your itchy scalp hair loss and how to cure it.

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Itchy Scalp Hair Loss? Here's Why

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Read through Hair Loss In Women - Causes and Cures additional

Hair Loss In Women - Causes and Cures

Hair Loss Causes In Women

Hair Loss Causes In Women

We hear a lot these days about male pattern baldness but female pattern baldness affects 1 out of every 4 women in the United States. Hair loss in women can be even more troubling than for a man. Hair loss is generally accepted as a normal part of the aging process in men, but this is not the case for women. Lack of a beautiful head of hair can be especially devastating to a woman's self-esteem.

Hereditary thinning, also called alopecia, accounts for 95% of female hair loss. While many women believe that the use of hair dryers, hot curlers, or flat irons may be causing their hair loss, this is simply not the case. Harsh hair treatments or rough handling may cause the hairs to break off near the scalp, but this is temporary and cannot cause long term hair loss.

If you are experiencing thinning hair or excessive hair loss the first thing to look at is the possibility of a hormonal imbalance. Child birth may result in sudden hair loss. Often about three months after giving birth women experience excessive hair loss. This is caused by hormones and, though it can be alarming if you aren't expecting it, it's nothing to worry about. In fact, it's just your hair returning to normal. During pregnancy the normal part of your hair growth cycle in which older hair is shed to make way for new growth is retarded by high hormone levels. After you've given birth and your hormones begin the readjust, the extra hair is shed to make way for new growth.

Another hormonal factor that can cause hair loss in women is a thyroid imbalance. An over or under active thyroid gland can cause thinning hair. Out of balance estrogen is another culprit. However, with both of these conditions, once the hormonal imbalance is corrected, the hair loss should stop. If you suspect a hormonal imbalance is causing your hair loss, talk to your doctor.

Other factors affecting hair loss are extreme weight loss or gain, illness, high fever, or drug use.

The largest factor in female hair loss, however, is menopause. Prior to menopause only about 13% of women experience thinning hair. After menopause that number jumps to 37%. The reasons are two fold. During menopause many women's hormones are all over the place, and, as we have seen, hormonal imbalance can be a major factor in female hair loss. Additionally, many women begin taking supplemental hormones during or after menopause such as Progesterone. Progesterone inhibits the development of new hair follicles making the problem worse.

But why do some women experience thinning hair while others keep their flowing locks into their 90's? As in men, some women have a genetic predisposition. What is genetically determined is the level of an enzyme called 5-alpha reductase. This enzyme is responsible for converting testosterone, a male hormone present in small amounts in females as well, into dihydrotestostrone or DHT, the ultimate culprit in hair loss for both men and women.

The good news is that there's a lot you can do to prevent and even reverse hair loss just by giving your body the right support.

In shopping for a product to prevent and reverse thinning hair, there are certain key ingredients to look for:

* Vitamin B6 is at the top of the list. Studies have shown that B6 promotes hair growth and prevents hair loss. You want to be sure that you're getting enough.

* Biotin is, quite simply, food for your hair. It helps promote healthy skin, hair, and nails. A biotin deficiency, however, has been shown to cause hair loss.

* Magnesium is absolutely essential for hair growth and studies show that most women aren't getting enough in their diets.

* Horsetail promotes good blood circulation to the scalp which stimulates hair growth. Did your mother ever tell you to brush your hair a hundred strokes before bed each night? The old wives' tale has some truth to it. The action of brushing stimulates the scalp bringing blood to the hair follicles. Horsetail does the same thing.

* Para-aminobenzoic Acid or PABA is also important to hair growth and health. It is even capable in some cases of returning gray hair to its original color!

Thinning hair can be very distressing for women. Fortunately, unlike men, we generally just experience a general thinning and don't find ourselves going bald in large and prominently placed patches--so take heart and then do something about it. If you've ruled out hormonal imbalance, thyroid dysfunction, or hair loss due to sudden illness or weight fluctuation, chances are your thinning hair is genetic. But that doesn't mean you have to live with it. Find a quality supplement that will nourish your hair from the inside out and correct the deficiencies that are leading to female pattern baldness. You can look forward to many more years of beautiful hair.

For more information on remedies for hair loss containing the ingredients discussed in this article, please visit the totalhealthanswers.com [http://www.totalhealthanswers.com/provillus] website.

Please click here [http://www.totalhealthanswers.com/provillus] to find out more about preventing and reversing hair loss [http://www.totalhealthanswers.com/provillus].

Read Hair Loss in Women much more

Women lose their hair as often as men do. They just don't lose as much.

All women lose hair when they have a sudden loss of estrogen after stopping birth control pills, after giving birth and after entering the menopause. They also lose hair after various illness, after suffering a high fever, and after losing weight rapidly. It is extremely rare that these factors cause permanent hair loss as normal hair growth usually returns to normal within nine months. Hair grows for three years, rests for three months and then starts to grow again. You cannot reverse hair loss until most hairs have gone from resting to active growing and that takes around nine months. Many other factors cause hair to fall out, such as skin diseases, toxins and lack of nutrients. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a common cause of male-pattern baldness in women.

A derivative of the male hormone, testosterone, called dihydrotestosterone, causes male pattern baldness in both men and women. A two percent solution of monoxidil, called Rogaine, increases the blood supply to these hairs and helps to slow their loss, although it helps to grow visible new hair only 20 percent of the time. Another drug, called spironolactone, can block the male hormones that cause hair loss and when applied to the scalp as a two percent solution in alcohol, it also can slow hair loss. When Rogaine solution is applied to the scalp at the same time as spironolactone, it emits a highly offensive odor, so they cannot be applied together. Rogaine can be applied in the morning and spironolactone can be applied at night without causing the odor.

Hair Loss Causes In Women

Dr. Gabe Mirkin has been a radio talk show host for 25 years and practicing physician for more than 40 years; he is board certified in four specialties, including sports medicine. Read or listen to hundreds of his fitness and health reports at http://www.DrMirkin.com

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Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Hair Loss in Women

Hair Loss Causes In Women

Read Causes of Hair Loss and Hair Loss Prevention much more

Receding Hairline and Baldness

Hair loss is a common problem that effects a lot of men and women. Losing fifty to one hundred hairs a day is ordinary, but once you start losing more than that and seeing bald spots on your head, you may have a hair loss problem.

Abnormal hair loss can be due to one or more of a number of different causes, but a few of the most common factors responsible are genetics, stress, and depression.

High fever and serious infection are other reasons you could be losing your hair, and if you have had a fever for a long time or have gone through a major surgery, you my lose a large amount of hair. The difference here is the hair loss should only be temporary.

Insufficient protein in a diet could also result in hair loss, as some vegetarians and folk who have severely aberrant eating habits may develop protein starvation which frequently ends in hair thinning or loss. Big hair loss can occur if you have been eating this way for several months, but again this class of balding is short lived and the hair will regrow when you begin back on your regular diet.

Treatment Next Step

If you are suffering from hair loss, hair loss treatment is the next step. There is an array of different products available on the market today, and the important thing is that you take the time to find the right one for you.

Rogaine is one hair loss treatment that most people are familiar with. It is very fast acting and effective, and definitely one of the hair loss products that should be at the top of your list. If you want to get the most out of Rogaine you will need to apply it correctly, twice a day, every single day.

It'll take two weeks for the Rogaine to start working, but bear in mind which for the 1st few days or so you may experience more hair loss but this should not alarm you out as long as you continue using it you may notice a reverse in your hair loss inside 3-4 weeks. This is just one of the various treatments which are out there, and it may take a while before you are able to achieve the results which you're looking for.

Fashionably Bald

Balding and receding hairline can seriously affect a person's self esteem, but there are lot of things that can be done to deal with baldness that will make you look trendy and help revive confidence.

Hair Loss Causes

Find the latest information on hair loss here Receding Hairline as well as Hair Loss Treatment

Causes of Hair Loss and Hair Loss Prevention

Hair Loss Causes

Examine What Causes Hair Loss? - 7 Potentially Serious Reasons much more

Hair loss is a quandary anyone and everyone can be caught up with. "What causes hair loss?" is a question you can probably answer with uncountable number of reasons with all of them pointing towards the same fact. This article on What Causes Hair Loss aims at highlighting all the different causes for hair loss.

Hair, like any other body part, needs to be taken care of. A lack of moisture in it can make it dry and lifeless. On the other hand, oil and other different natural solutions such as yogurt and egg, to name a few, give your hair beauty, soft texture and a shiny look whereas dry hair has a dull and broken texture with dead or dual ends. Direct exposure to sun light, strong wind, excess of article hair products and water with chlorine can all do that to your hair.

If dry hair can be caused by external sources, there are also internal sources that play their part in it. Heredity and health problems are also significant factors to ponder over here. If you do not get to have better hair through conditioning treatments then it is about time you thought about contacting a health professional!

Hair products and machines such as blow dryers, ironing machines, curlers and curling irons all make you pay for their use in the long run. Not only do they extract the moisture out of your hair but also they ruin your hair forever if used consistently.

Another cause of hair loss is shampoos and conditions. Agree they remove dirt and dust out of your hair but using them more often than not has its own downsides. Along with washing away the dirt, they also cleanse your hair of the protective oils. Solution: use a mild shampoo and conditioner not more than 3 times a week, and a natural one using vegetable or plants proteins is preferred.

Do not expose your hair to extreme climatic conditions such as direct sun rays, humidity and rainfall. For athletes and outdoor workers or project employees it is recommended that they take protective measures before they face baldness. Solution: wear a scarf, hat, cap (swimming cap while swimming).

Malnutrition and unhealthy eating habits can also destroy your hair and be a cause of hair loss. Starving for prolonged time periods has been known to deny your hair of the nutrients they essentially require. Dry scalp and eventually dry hair are a result of anorexia. These causes of hair loss can be overcome by consuming fatty acids which is present in salmon and fish oil along with seeds such as flax and walnuts.

Decreased levels of parathyroid hormones in the body are termed as Hypoparthyroidism. It is an indication of lower calcium and higher phosphorus in the blood streams. As a result, not does it only affect your skin and muscles but also your hair. You can get scaly scalp and dry hair which are causes by hypoparthyroidism.


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What Causes Hair Loss? - 7 Potentially Serious Reasons

Hair Loss

Read Hair Loss - Alopecia Areata a lot more

Alopecia areata or spot baldness as it's also known, occurs when hair is lost in small round spots. It usually occurs on the scalp but can involve other areas of the body as well. It's an autoimmune disease in that the body attacks the hair follicles. The cause of alopecia areata is unknown but appears to be genetically transmitted.

This form of alopecia affects as much as 2% of the population during some point in their lives. It can vary in its severity, and terms used to describe it are dependent upon the extent of hair loss. Alopecia areata totalis describes the condition of a person who has lost hair over his or her entire scalp. Alopecia universalis occurs when a person loses hair over the entire body, including eyebrows, lashes, and pubic hair. Alopecia areata monolocularis describes hair loss in one spot only. And alopecia areata multilocularis is hair loss over multiple areas of the body.

This disorder usually starts out with the development of small round bald patches - usually on the scalp - but that can turn up anywhere on the body where there is hair. It can show up in beards, mustaches, pubic areas or other hair bearing parts of the body. In some cases the hair will re-grow and in others the disease can go into remission, but this is not always the case. And in some cases, the hair that regrows can then fall out again. Sometimes, the fingernails are affected as well, developing denting and pitting. This is an unpredictable illness as each case differs from others. There is always the chance that complete regrowth will occur, but no way to know beforehand. It can be a one time occurrence that corrects itself, or a pattern of loss and regrowth that continues for years.

While alopecia areata is not considered a serious disease, there does seem to be a higher incidence of some other illnesses in sufferers, such as other autoimmune disease, and allergies. But for alopecia areata itself, there usually are no serious symptoms, other than the occasional mild irritation and itchiness in the bald patches it causes.

Since there are other disorders that can cause the loss of hair in spots, a diagnosis must include the elimination of other diseases. Some of these illnesses are treatable so it's important to rule them out before the determination of alopecia areata is made. Diagnosis may include a scalp or skin biopsy, or the doctor may gently tug on the hair around a patch. Hair that easily comes out from this pull may indicate that this is alopecia areata.

There are no known cures for alopecia areata. In some cases with small affected areas, the hair grows back by itself, and so no other treatment is needed. For other cases, there are treatments available, such as:

Minoxidil - a 5% solution of minoxidil applied twice daily to affected areas may regrow hair in those areas. Minoxidil can be used by both adults and children to treat alopecia areata. Results, if any, should be apparent within 3 months.

Corticosteroids -are immune system suppressing anti-inflammatory drugs that are delivered topically, orally or by injection. They are either injected directly into affected areas or rubbed onto those areas. Oral corticosteroids are prescribed less often as it can have side effects. Hair that results from this treatment should appear in about a month.

For those with extensive scalp hair loss, hairpieces and head covers (hats, scarves, etc.) can be used to cover up the loss. Covering the head in no way interferes with regrowth and it may allay any self-consciousness the sufferer may have, if this is a problem.

The most significant effect that alopecia areata has on some patients may be psychological, or emotional. For many of us, hair is a very important part of how we see ourselves, and the loss of it can have quite an impact. Fortunately, this disease tends to leave those who have it healthy otherwise, and able to live a normal life.

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Go through Itchy Scalp Hair Loss: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment additional

Itchy Scalp Hair Loss: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

Hair Loss Causes

Itchy scalp hair loss affects thousands of people each year. This condition can be annoying, painful, and even humiliating. However, it is rarely the result of a serious health condition. Most often the cause for itching scalp and hair loss is minor and easily treatable. Below is some information on possible causes for itchy scalp hair loss which you may find helpful.

What is itchy scalp hair loss?

This condition is just as the name suggests. It is severe itching of the scalp which may lead to hair thinning. There are many causes for such symptoms. Please continue reading to learn more.


Dandruff is one of the most common causes of itchy scalp. Sometimes it may even lead to hair loss. However, this condition is not a permanent event. Once the condition is treated hair normally grows back.

Dandruff is caused by dry, scaling skin on the scalp. In some instances the dandruff may be a form of seborrhea which is a type of skin eczema. This may be the result of an overgrowth of the skins natural yeast.

Dandruff is easily treated by returning moisture to the skin. Special shampoos work well in reconditioning the scalp. If the dandruff is caused by seborrhea cortisone-based creams and lotions may be prescribed to treat any present inflammation.


Folliculitis is an infection occurring in the hair follicles. This infection can lead to itchy scalp hair loss. It is often caused by chemicals and harsh ingredients which are contained in hair care products. Such ingredients may damage the hair follicles and lead to scalp infection.

A folliculitis infection is normally treated with oral antibiotics. As well, it is recommended that anyone suffering from this condition avoid the use of certain hair products. The use of mild shampoo is preferred to both treat the infection and prevent any future returns.


Psoriasis is a disease of the skin. This disease prompts skin cells to multiply too rapidly. This leads to thick patches of skin, red lesions, sores, and itchy, scaly skin. Some psoriasis suffers may also experience thinning hair.

This scalp condition is treatable. Most often a shampoo of zinc pyrithione renders wonderful results. Some sufferers also report positive results in relieving itching with the use of avocado oil.

Tinea Capitis (ring worms of the scalp)

In rare cases scalp itching and hair thinning may be the result of scalp ring worm. These are not actual worms. Instead, this is a fungal infection which develops on the scalp. It is caused by fungi which are akin to mold.

Tinea Capitis is contagious. However, the good news is that it is treatable. It may even be treated with over the counter products. Seek those that contain miconazole or clotrimazole.

The above information outlines some possible conditions which may attribute to itchy scalp hair loss. If you feel you may be suffering from any such condition it may be wise to seek the advice of a doctor or health care physician. He or she may correctly diagnose the condition and promptly begin steps to restore comfort and scalp health.

I am interested in learning more about what caused itchy scalp hair loss and how to stimulate hair growth, so I have done a lot of research. Please visit here for more information on itchy scalp hair loss!

Understand Hair Loss Causes - Lichen Planus And Hair Loss more

The last thing most young people want is to lose their precious hair. There are various reasons that induce hair loss. Undue stress and unhealthy lifestyles can cause temporary hair loss while taking in some prescripted drugs and chemotherapy can have a more devastating effect on your scalp. For the most part, early male pattern baldness can be traced to hereditary genes that have been identified in many genetic researches on the subject.

One main cause of early hair loss is a skin disorder called Lichen Planus. Its exact cause is unknown and is common observed to occur in people with autoimmune diseases and comprise roughly 1% of cases requiring dermatological attention in people between the ages of 30 and 70. It affects just about any part of the body and when it attacks the scalp, while not directly causing hair loss, it often cause complication that can lead to hair falling out.

What Is Lichen Planus?
Lichen Planus is an allergic reaction triggered with problems centered on the body's immune systems. A lot of medical experts agree that the disorder can be traced to a stressful physical or emotional situation where the immune system weakens and your body becomes vulnerable to it. Lichen planus often appears as flat level bumps on the skin that are shiny and can have reddish to purplish color. The skin disorder can occur anywhere on the skin but is commonly found in ankles, wrists, lower legs, back and neck with some found in the genitals, hair and nails.

There are various types of Lichen Planus observed to cause different symptoms. The most common is the papular lichen planus where papules on the skin develop as shiny smooth areas that can expand to form plaques ranging in color from pink, violet or brown. Hair within these plaques are lost.

Then there's the Aactinis lichen planus that can be found in tropical countries affecting sun-exposed skin areas and the lichen planus spinulosis develop in people frequently exposed to chemicals like those used in film development.

Hair Involvement
Lichen planus affecting the scalp is commonly referred to as Lichen Planopilaris. It causes permanent scarring that inflames areas around hair follicles that cause hair to fall out. You can see it as distinct bald patches on the scalp affecting middle age men and women. These patches of hair loss can look unsightly and cause traumatic embarrassment for some people. Don't let it to fester and seek medical help right away.

About 20% of cases may require no treatment and will just go away but for many, severe and constant itching can occur and result in lesions. Early treatment can control the spread of the disorder. Consult your doctor right away. Antihistamines have been found to be effective in treating hair loses as a result of lichen planus.

Treatment also includes administering oral steroids initially to put it under control followed by topical steroid liquids. The oral medicines Palquenil and Accutane as well as ointments or creams with Vitamin A formulation are likewise effective. The disorder is expected to subside after a few months of treatment. Subsequent affliction has been known to occur even after successful treatment of the first attack.

Hair Loss Causes

Are you looking for hair growth products? Learn hair loss prevention and read reviews of which hair loss products that really work.

Hair Loss Causes - Lichen Planus And Hair Loss

Hair Loss Causes

Go through Premature Hair Loss in Women a lot more

Balding or premature hair loss in women can be a distressing problem, not only because it is so obvious but because it can knock a woman's confidence right down. Premature hair loss in women is a relatively common problem but fortunately it is often treatable, as long as you know what is causing it.

Causes of Premature Hair Loss in Women

The most common cause of hair loss in male or female pattern baldness, which is also called androgenic alopecia. Extra testosterone, hormones and DHT are present in this case, affecting the hair's growing cycle. This means that more hair is shed than usual and some hair follicles die. Approximately 90% of hair loss in women is caused by androgenic alopecia.

Women in their late thirties and forties don't produce as much estrogen and this can also cause hair loss, because the lack of estrogen can cause a slower hair growth and the death of some of the follicles. Malnutrition can result in hair loss too. If someone has irritable bowel syndrome or a similar disease, the body is often unable to absorb the necessary amounts of vitamins and minerals. Once the diet is back to normal, the hair usually grows back again.

There are various medications and treatments which can cause hair loss in female, such as chemotherapy, mood disorder medication, thyroid hormone or the lack of it and various antidepressants. If hair loss is listed as a possible side effect, this doesn't mean everybody will experience hair loss.

Trichotillomania, which is a compulsive desire to pull out the hair, can result in women hair loss . Excessive hair pulling can damage the hair follicles so much that they do not function any more, which is why this condition should be treated as soon as possible, either with cognitive behavioral therapy or antidepressant drugs.

Remedies for Hair Loss in Women

There are various ways to treat hair loss, depending on the root cause. These treatments can be split into four categories, which are:

* Strong medications containing drugs

* Non-drug commercial remedies

* Natural remedies

* Nutritional changes

There are only two FDA approved hair loss treatments, which are Rogaine and Propecia. Propecia is usually used for male hair loss but can have good results in women too. There are many non-drug commercial remedies on the market but it is a good idea to research these remedies because unscrupulous people also try to sell their wares which won't have any effect on your hair loss problem. The best non-drug hair loss products to treat hair loss in women are the ones which have shown in field trials to encourage regrowth and minimize hair loss.

Natural remedies are also quite popular when it comes to premature hair loss in women. Gingko biloba, he shou wu, green tea, stinging nettle and saw palmetto are amongst these homeopathic hair loss treatments. The stresses of a modern lifestyle and poor nutrition can also negatively impact hair health. It is important to achieve a good balance of dietary fats and make sure you eat enough protein and carbohydrates. Premature hair loss in women is a problem but it can be treated, as long as you find the right remedy for you.

Tracy Ballisager is a stay at home mum. To read more on causes of hair loss in women go to [http://www.hair-loss-causes-in-women.com]

Premature Hair Loss in Women

Hair Loss Causes In Women

Examine Painful Hair Follicles on the Scalp With Hair Loss - Causes and Treatments a lot more

One of the million dollar, catch 22 questions with hair loss accompanying a painful scalp is this: Is the condition that is affecting the scalp also causing the hair loss or is the hair loss affecting the scalp and hair follicles and therefore causing the pain?  I'll try to answer this question in the following article.

Painful Scalp Issues That Typically Come Before Hair Loss:  First, I'll go over some conditions that often come just before the hair starts to shed and thus contribute to or cause the hair loss.  Any condition that can cause inflammation, scaling, or bumps on the scalp can also cause hair loss.  Examples of such conditions are:

Run Of The Mill Folliculitis Or Irritation: Sometimes over time we can develop sensitivities to harsh shampoos or hair products.  Ingredients like sodium lauryl sulfate (or sls) are commonly used in these products but can also be extremely harmful to folks who are sensitive. Typically, you'll get a rash or little red bumps for less severe cases and deep red boils for severe cases.

The first treatment to this is to stop exposing your scalp to the irritant.  Then, you'll need to soothe and heal the scalp because if you don't, some severe cases will progress to scarring or permanent damage to the follicle.  Sometimes, dermatologists will prescribe antibiotics in these cases, but I would use condition here because abuse of this or an over reliance will create resistance to treatment down the road or will sometimes contribute to yeast overgrowth (discussed more below.)  I advocate trying natural remedies first and then becoming more aggressive if you need to.

Overproduction Of The Scalp: (The Yeast, Sebum, Oil Cycle): Sometimes, the scalp goes in to overdrive and over produces oil and sebum.  This in turn can cause yeast overgrown as the yeast feeds upon too much oil.  Sometimes, the yeast is the result of yeast overgrowth internally.  Some people can tolerate very little carbs or yeast causing foods.  Other times, the yeast is the result of antibiotic or medication reactions. 

Other times, medical issues (genetics, PCOS, adrenal burn out, or too much testosterone or cortisol) can put oil production into over drive and the normal amount of yeast on your scalp multiplies.  This will often present itself with flaking.  Sometimes, the flakes are sort of yellowish in color and have an oilier texture.

 Ringworm Or Infections Of The Scalp:  Infections of the scalp (bacteria, ringworm, etc.) can present themselves for a variety of reasons. Sometimes, you'll find these issues on other areas of your body and sometimes not.  You'll often see red patches, swollen blisters, or black colored dots or patches.  This is often accompanied by itching and pain.  There are some  over the counter products for this (many contain the ingredient miconazole), but sometimes you will need a dermatologists prescription. Remember too that these conditions can be contagious to others so you need to be aggressive about treating them.

Psoriasis And Dandruff: So many people believe that these conditions are caused by a dry, flaky scalp, but often the opposite is true. What generally happens is that there is too much oil and sebum, but the shampoos and products that you are using are too harsh and over drying.  As a result of this dryness, the scalp becomes tight, itchy, and flaky.  However, the flakes here are often white rather than yellow.  There are many over the counter shampoos for this, but be careful that what you're using isn't drying out your scalp or irritating it even more. This is a cycle that can be hard to stop.  I often prefer natural ingredients like tea tree oil and others.

Painful Hair Follicles That Comes After Shedding And Hair Loss: Burning Scalp Syndrome: Often with telogen effluvium (hair shedding) comes a red, pink, or inflamed scalp that may be painful, may itch or tingle, and be very tight.  This is often the result of the shedding process rather than an preexisting issue on your scalp.  Many hair follicles are dying off at one time causing a reaction at the site of this loss.  Also, regrowth can often cause some itching and tingling.

Some dermatologist will tell you that burning scalp syndrome is psychological, but I beg to differ.  All you need to do is look at the redness of your scalp and you will have a different answer.  Once the shedding stops, so too should the scalp pain.  It's important to do what you can to cut back on the inflammation and to soothe, but stimulate the scalp.  Again, many natural ingredients are very effective for this (oatmeal, rosemary, chamomile, etc.) 

Hair Loss Causes

How do I know all of this? Because I lived it. In my quest to end my hair loss, I looked at my shedding triggers, my iron, my thyroid, my adrenals, my hormones, and my scalp's health. It was a long, hard, frustrating journey which all but wrecked my self esteem but I finally found something that helped quite a bit. You can read my very personal story at http://stop-hair-loss-in-women.com/

Painful Hair Follicles on the Scalp With Hair Loss - Causes and Treatments

Read through Hair Loss - Over the Counter Treatments far more

Hair Loss

You may have asked, "what is available for hair loss prevention and re-growth that can be purchased over the counter?" It is sometimes confusing and embarrassing to find the answer to this question. Here we will discover what is available and what works.

The most popular over-the-counter hair restoration drug today is Rogaine®, a brand of topical monoxidil solution by Pfizer Corporation, approved for over the counter sale in 1997 by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Monoxidil was originally used as a blood pressure medication, and then doctors found that it produced the side effect of increased scalp hair growth.

Today monoxidil remains the only FDA approved pharmaceutical topical solution proven to grow hair. In the preliminary studies held in 1985, 55% of men tested were able to re-grow hair with extra strength Rogaine® (5% topical monoxidil treatment), although the best results came from those who had been balding for less than 10 years and were bald in a section of four inches across or less.

Another test study compared the results of regular strength Rogaine® (2% topical monoxidil solution) with the extra strength version, and found that subjects grew 45% more hair with the extra strength Rogaine® than with the regular strength Rogaine®, and users of both solutions outgrew the users of the placebo. Only 6% of those tested experienced any type of irritation.

Rogaine® works by blocking the production of DHT. Of course there are generic brands of topical monoxidil solution also on the market. Rogaine® was originally made only for men's use, and then a women's version of the drug was produced. Similar results were achieved with the women's version. As with both men's and women's versions, users must take note that continuous use of the drug is necessary to maintain the newly grown hair, as it is a usual reaction for newly growing hair to stop growing and fall out when one ceases to use the drug. As with any drug, follow all directions and cease to use if irritation or discomfort persists.

Of course many people choose not to use drugs to treat conditions, because they want to avoid the use of chemicals and their possible side effects. In this case, there are several treatments in existence that have been found to block the production of DHT and thus work similarly to topical monoxidil products.

Saw Palmetto has been used effectively to block DHT in the treatment of prostatic disease and is now being explored for its effectiveness in stimulating hair growth. Traditionally, it has been used by herbalists to stimulate hair growth effectively. Saw Palmetto can be used by men and some women.

Nettles, usually taken in the form of Nettle Root Extract has shown itself to be effective in preventing hair loss as well. More information is available on nettles and it's use.

This is just three tips to stop hair loss and help to re-grow your hair. You can learn how to use less than $15 of grocery store items to stop hair loss and re-grow hair at Hair Loss Prevention and Re-growth [http://hairloss.kteweb.com] Information found at [http://hairloss.kteweb.com]

Hair Loss - Over the Counter Treatments

Examine Women Hair Loss Causes - Why Do Women Have Hair Loss? Can it Be Stopped? much more

Women Hair Loss Causes - Why Do Women Have Hair Loss? Can it Be Stopped?

Hair Loss Causes In Women

Hair loss is a problem faced by men as well as women. The reasons for hair thinning in women may be different from those found in men. For instance, women face hair problems after menopause. Since men do not encounter menopause, they have completely different reasons for different hair conditions. The remedy for falling hair is present in both men and women and this ailment can be dealt with easily. By knowing the causes for your hair problem and removing them with natural ingredients as well as a few useful products, you can restore your damaged hair and prevent hair from falling.

Anyone who encounters hair thinning feels panicked and frustrated by seeing his falling hair. We all know that hair is an important part of our personality and healthy hair make us look attractive and young. Our hair needs constant care. In order to keep it shiny and healthy, we need to pay attention to the factors that contribute to the growth and development of hair. At the same time, the environment and diet also has an affect on our hair health.

A lot of people are of the view that only men suffer from falling hair and experience hair thinning in later part of life. This is contracted by a large number of women facing hair problems and the threat of possible baldness. This disease is not restricted to any particular age or gender. Even children can fall victim to this problem if proper attention is not paid to their hair. Women have different reasons for falling hair and they can get rid of this problem if by treating the cause. Although the results do not show overnight, with constant care they can get flawless hair. 

Most of us when confronted with any hair problem rush to the super markets without even knowing the causes of problem. All hair problems have a link to our health; therefore, you shouldn't use any hair treatment without knowing the root cause of your hair problem. Since there are a lot of products available in the market to choose from, it can be very confusing to decide which product you should use. Hence, it is very important to know the reason why you are suffering from hair problems, as this will enable you to purchase the best product for your hair. Moreover, you can also use natural ingredients to fight off your hair problems and get lustrous hair.

Women usually face this condition due to reasons such as menopause and aging, biopsies, chemotherapies and use of different drugs, presence of DHT hormone, genetic and heredity problems, weak immune system and deteriorating health, mental illness, stress and anxiety, skin problems and scalp diseases.

Many women see their hair falling after baby birth. This is not really a problem as it is only the extra hair which has grown during pregnancy that falls after the birth of an infant. The most common and serious cause of falling hair is the over production of hormone DHT in the body that resides in the scalp and weakens them. This leads to hair problems, causing baldness in women.

In order to keep your hair from falling, you should have a look at your health and routine. Are you mentally at peace? Is your working environment over polluted? Are you undergoing a menopause and are stressed about it? If yes, then try looking for a solution to these problems. In order to ensure the health of your hair, make sure you take a lot of minerals and vitamins. Natural herbs such as horsepower and saw palmetto are considered the best remedy for hair loss. Make sure you drink at least 8 glasses of water daily.

Finding the best hair loss treatments out of the hundreds of options is not easy. If you would like more help with your hair loss problems then visit Hair Loss Treatment Guide and get the assistance you deserve.

Read through Diseases That Cause Hair Loss much more

Diseases That Cause Hair Loss

Hair Loss Causes

Hair Loss Causes

Hair diseases are common in both men and women. The problem is prevalent all over the world. There are several factors responsible for hair loss. The causes of hair loss diseases may vary from person to person.

The factors causing hair loss include genetics, ailment, malnutrition, stress, some medication and hormonal imbalance. One cause of hair loss is hormonal imbalance and it may result in pattern baldness, a major hair disease causing hair loss.

Common hair diseases

The common hair diseases causing hair loss include the following:

Pattern baldness - Also known as pattern hair loss/pattern balding, it is a hair problem common in both males and females across the globe. The medical term for the problem is androgenetic alopecia.

Among men, the disease causes hair loss in a well-defined pattern. It starts above both the temples, and ultimately the hairline recedes to form a characteristic "M" shape. Hair loss is also witnessed at the crown (near the top of the head).

Among the women, the disease causes hair thinning all over the head. However, the hair line does not recede. Total baldness resulting from androgenetic alopecia is rare among women.

The disease is likely to be caused by a number of genetic and environmental factors. A particular group of hormones called androgens is related to this problem. Especially a particular androgen hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is the main cause of this problem. Increase in DHT concentration causes changes in the scalp hair growth dynamics and it results in pattern baldness.

Hypotrichosis - It refers to the condition where there has never been any hair growth. It differs from the situation where there is hair loss in a spot once having hair. In hypotrichosis the affected area is completely bald for the entire life right from birth.

The general causes of hypotrichosis are genetic aberrations or embryonic development defects. The common forms of Hypotrichosis are aplasia cutis congenital, triangular alopecia and congenital atrichia.

Alopecia areata - Alopecia areata is another prominent member of the hair loss diseases. This autoimmune skin disease is highly unpredictable in nature and it affects not only the scalp but also the other hair growing areas of the body. Everybody irrespective of sex and age is vulnerable to this disease.

In alopecia areata the person's own immune system (white blood cells) attacks, mistakenly, the affected hair follicles. It results in end of the hair growth stage. The problem starts with one or more small, round, smooth bald patches on the scalp. Then slowly it affects the entire scalp.

The problem is called alopecia totalis when it covers the entire scalp and is called alopecia universalis when it affects the entire body.

Seborrheic dermatitis - It is basically a skin problem. However, it can also cause temporary hair loss. The problem is referred to as 'cradle cup' in infants. But it is only during the puberty that the condition becomes evident.

The problem is generally found among the young people. It is rare in middle age. But it again becomes common among the 50 plus people.

It is more common in men than in women. It is notable that seborrheic dermatitis is unusually high among AIDS patients. The problem is seemingly caused by a genetic component. One disputed cause is the species of Malassezia yeasts. Changes in humidity or seasonal changes also commonly aggravate the disease.

Telogen effluvium (TE) - This abnormal hair loss condition is caused by alteration of normal hair growth cycle. The alteration can be caused by various factors. The disease causes a greater proportion of hairs enter the resting phase of the cycle and hair shedding is more than normal.

The affected person suffers from diffuse thinning of hair on the scalp. Thinning is not uniform. Rather it is more severe in some areas than the others. Usually the hair on top of the scalp thins more than it does at the sides and back. Usually the hair line does not recede, except in a few rare cases of chronic telogen effluvium.

Chronic telogen effluvium affects the other hair bearing areas of the body like eyebrows and pubic hair. Irrespective of the hair loss pattern, telogen efflivium is fully reversible as hair follicles are not permanently affected.

General causes of hair loss include vaccinations, physical trauma, surgery and medicine intake. Hormonal imbalance can also result in this problem. Inadequate diet can also trigger telogen effluvium. For example, a reduced intake of red meat (a key source of iron) is supposed to be a cause of this disease.

Stress also plays a crucial role in stress. In some cases depression and sudden intense anxiety may also cause hair loss.

Maria Karla is a beauty and hair expert. She has got many research papers published on She is also a visiting faculty in several universities. For more information please visit www.hairdiseases.com

Examine What Are the Main Causes of Hair Loss in Black Women and How Can It Be Prevented? extra

African American women encounter hair loss as frequently as other women - the only difference is a lot of it is self-inflicted without your realization. Some of the causes on hair loss in black women are uncontrollable, such as age or genetic factors. However, some of these reasons are caused due to the constant stress given to the hair from too much manipulation.

Naomi Campbell's picture was plastered all over the newspapers, magazines and internet a few months back due to the large balding patch spotted on the side of her head. Naomi is suffering from traction alopecia, not just on the sides, but at the frontal hair line and back of her head too. Traction alopecia in Naomi's case has been caused by years of consistently wearing weaves that are too tight. When your hair is braided tightly, not only is it painful, but it weakens your hair shaft, stretches your hair strands and eventually tears it from your scalp

Other common causes of hair loss in black women include:

* Cornrows and weaves

* Over processing the hair through chemical relaxers, hot combs, perming, and coloring

* The glues that are used in weaves

* Clogging the hair follicles with heavy conditioners and other oily products

The first step she should take is to perform a background analysis of your lifestyle (i.e. her diet, exercise, overall lifestyle) with a dermatologist. This analysis allows the common hair loss causes in black women to be eliminated. The next step should be for you to cease the use of the products and hair styling processes that put strain on your hair. Reduce the weaves, cornrows and relaxers if possible. Although it can be a daunting search, finding a hair stylist who can minimize your problem without sacrificing your overall style is an imperative step. There are a lot of hair styles you can do that add no strain on your hair. Choosing a simple hairstyle can allow your scalp to have time to heal itself. Additionally, a dermatologist may prescribe certain antibiotics to reduce the inflammation that occurs in the hair follicles. Receiving the right diagnosis as to the cause of your hair loss will enable you to choose the right course of treatment.

Finally, you may need to alter the hair products that you use on her hair. Avoid all products that contain mineral oil, sodium lauryl sulphates, sodium laureth sulphates and parabens. Although found in your everyday hair oils, shampoos and conditioners, these are the most harmful products for your scalp. They block your pores, preventing your hair from growing, cause irritation to the skin and dissolves the natural oils on your skin, causing a drying effect. You may want to consider switching to shampoos and conditioners that are created from all natural products.

Products that contain certain natural ingredients like garlic extracts or aloe vera, can counteract and treat the common causes of hair loss in black women. Similarly, natural herbs and oils, like coconut oil and Vitamin E, can provide an African American woman's hair with the extra conditioning it needs without clogging hair follicles with unnecessary grease and oils. Visit my site for further information and natural hair loss remedies you can make at home. If you want a faster method to treat your hair loss, try using a hair regrowth product that contains all natural and safe ingredients.

What Are the Main Causes of Hair Loss in Black Women and How Can It Be Prevented?

Hair Loss Causes In Women

Study 10 Causes of Female Hair Loss more

10 Causes of Female Hair Loss

Hair Loss Causes

Female hair loss is a problem that is faced by many women across the globe irrespective of race, creed or religion. Women find it extremely hard to deal with and experience severe embarrassment when confronted with such an ordeal.

Female hair loss follows more than one pattern and the moment a woman faces such a predicament, she should consult a medical specialist. In majority of the cases female hair loss can be effectively treated. Unlike hair loss in men, female hair loss may not be hereditary or may not be categorized as "female-pattern alopecia". In females, the hair loss can occur at any age and during its onset, the unsuspecting victim may not give it the importance that it warrants and may not be able to comprehend why her hair was falling off in bunches. However, in cases involving pregnancy and illnesses, the hair fall can be normal.

In most cases, androgenetic alopecia is the cause behind loss of hair in females, which is a hereditary sensitiveness to androgens. Androgens are male hormones and have been found to have adverse effects on female scalp hair. However, it must be noted that seldom women acquire complete baldness as is commonly found in men. Unlike men, thinning of scalp hair in females due to androgenetic alopecia is not associated with uniform thinning of hair. The hair on the scalp can get miniaturized in pockets of varying diameters. In post menopausal women, hair may begin to get miniaturized, making it difficult to style and dress.

There are various causes behind female hair loss which may be classified as follows:

Trichotillomania: This happens with women who are compulsive hair pullers. Hair loss associated with such a syndrome is patchy in nature as women tend to pull out hair from one particular location.

Alopecia areata: This is an autoimmune malfunctioning that causes hair to fall in patches. Hair loss may happen by way of diffused thinning or due to thinning that result in island of bald patches.

Triangular alopecia: Loss of hair in such cases is associated specifically with the temporal region and may begin in childhood itself. The pattern of hair loss gives a triangular formation to the scalp, hence the name.

Scarring alopecia: This happens as a result of scars or injury to the scalp.

Telogen effluvium: This happens when a large amount of hair gets shed altogether due to a sudden change in the shedding pattern of the hair.

Fungal infection: Ring worm and other kinds of skin infections may result in loss of hair.

Low Serum Iron: Women who suffer from low levels of iron in their system may suffer from occasional hair losses.

Medications: Some prescription drugs have been found to cause temporary hairloss and baldness

Cancer Treatment: Chemotherapy and cancer medications may result in loss of hair.

Thyroid disease: Improper secretion of the thyroxin hormone may cause hair loss.

All the conditions mentioned above can be treated with varying degrees of successes. If you feel that none of them apply to your situation, and you're losing your hair for another reason? It could be the shampoo you currently use, your diet. Not eating healthy and/or consuming too much of one type of vitamin, could also be the cause?

Having beauty luxurious hair is very important for women!

Hair loss may cause emotional upheavals in women as they associate hair with their appearance. The first reaction would be denial--that such a horrible thing cannot happen to her. However unsettling the experience may be, it can be safely said that most of the hair loss problems experienced by women, can be reversed.

C.Waldrep is a researcher, educator of the many causes of hair loss [http://solutions-for-thinning-hair.com/], and a strong believer in keeping your hair strong, healthy, and soft to the touch. Visit his web site at: [http://solutions-for-thinning-hair.com/] today to learn more about the clinically proven ingredients that the big brands don't want you to know.

Read Hair Loss - Cause, Prevention and Treatment a lot more

Hair Loss - Cause, Prevention and Treatment

Hair Loss

The adult scalp contains about 100,000 hair follicles. Everyday the scalp loses about 100 hairs and they will grow back in 5-6 weeks. Starting at age 40, the levels of by-product prolactin of testosterone of men increases, stimulating the production of the enzyme 5-alpha reductase that causes the conversion of testosterone to gihydro-testosterones DHT causing our hair to grow back thinner or not grown back at all. This causes an androgenic alopecia hair loss problem, since DHT shrinks the follicles causing hair thins and hair receding at the forehead, crown and temple for men and thins over the entire scalp for women. What causes hair loss.

1. The Causes of Hair Loss

a) Aging
Human aging is the biological process that is unavoidable but controllable with healthy diet with complex carbohydrates, green foods, garlic, onion, water and juices that will help to decrease the aging process in some degree. It also helps to reduce the amount of DHT produced in our body, result in postponing hair loss to our scalp.

b) Mineral deficiency
Minerals such as calcium, iron, copper, chromium, iodine, zinc, and magnesium are necessary to maintain healthy hair growth. Mineral deficiency will reduce the chance to regulate the blood circulation that promotes healthy hair growth and thyroid hormones that prevent dry hair and hair loss as well as defects in hair color. Too much iron is toxic to your body. Be sure to talk to your doctor before taking any mineral supplement.

c) Oxygen deficiency
Oxygen deficiency in your blood weakens the hair follicles, leading to dryness of the scalp and hair loss. Uncontrolled diet that is high in saturated fat causes cholesterol building up in your arteries resulting in less oxygen in your blood stream. Also cigarette smoking and second hand smoke reduces the blood flow and increases the blood clotting activity of cells which would clog the blood flow and damage arteries causing oxygen deficiency and results in weaken of the hair follicles.

d) Side affects of medication taken
Some medications contains elements that might cause hair loss such as lithium, warfarin, heparin, and amphetamines. When hair loss is a side effect of a medication, hair growth usually returns to normal once the drug is stopped.

e) Genetic hair loss
Hair loss is due to heredity. It is passed down from generation to generation. Genetic hair loss appears predominately in men, but may also appear in a few select women.

2. Food to Avoid

Foods that can cause hair loss and diminish hair growth.

a) Saturated and Trans fat
Foods such as meat, poultry, and fried foods contain high saturated fat. Foods such as margarine, cheese, and butter contain high amounts of trans fat. These foods cause cholesterol to build up in your arteries and small veins in your scalp resulting in less oxygen being delivered to the cell in your body, including the cells on the follicles.

b) Foods that contain Aspartame and Monosodium Glutamate
Monosodium Glutamate contain chemicals that causes weight gain, increased appetite and also causes various kinds of health problems such as hair loss.
Aspartame contains toxic chemicals that make you gain weight, increases hunger and causes medical problems like migraines and poor blood circulation.

c) Smoking
As we mentioned in the previous article, smoking can reduce blood flow to the scalp causing hardening in the arteries, limit blood flow and make hair loss worse.

d) Artificial Color
Artifiicial color contains chemical compounds that take their toll on the body's natural balance.
Specific foods to avoid include colored drinks, color-coated candies, gummy and chewy candies, and many colored cereals.

e) Preservatives
These are potentially toxic to the liver and kidneys that cause hair loss and prevent hair growth as we mentioned in the article "Hair loss part IV--regrow hair with Chinese herbs".

f) Food Packaging
Polyvinyl chloride is a known carcinogen, and it's often used as plastic food wrap. It is toxic with high amounts causing damage to the kidney and liver resulting in hair loss.

g) Salt
Eating too much salt can lead to fluid retention and increased blood pressure that cause less oxygen to be delivered to the body's cells including cells in your scalp in result of losing hair.

3. Hair Loss Prevention and Treatment

I. Here are some important minerals that may help to prevent hair loss and promote hair re-growth:

a) Iron
Iron is involved in the oxygenation of your body's red blood cells. It is essential for normal hair growth and maintaining healthy hair. If the amount of iron can not be replaced with food intake, iron deficiency will cause hair loss because of oxygen deficiency.

b) Zinc
It helps to secrete the scalp with much needed oil and avoid dandruff that may cause hair loss.

c) Copper
Study shows that these tripeptide complexes may actually be able to regrow hair, even in patients with total hair loss due to alopecia. Healthy tissue concentrations of copper lie between 1. 7 and 3. 5 milligrams. Everything else will cause hair loss.

d) B vitamins
The deficiency of B vitamins (especially B6, B3, B5 and folic acid) in your diet may lead to hair loss.

e) Biotin
Biotin works as an anti aging agent and helps to produce keratin in preventing gray hair and hair loss.
Sources of biotin are: whole grains, egg yolks, liver, rice and milk.

f) Vitamin A
Vitamin A is important for over-all good health. It's also beneficial to hair follicles, as it keeps the hair root lubricated. Too much vitamin A might result in hair loss.

g) Vitamin E
Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant that aids effective circulation in the scalp due to increased oxygen uptake in blood, therefore it plays an important role in promoting hair growth and preventing hair loss.

h) CQ-10
Coenzyme Q10 (CQ-10) is an essential vitamin that provides our body with the nutrients needed to grow healthy hair. They also promote overall vitality, and contribute to beautiful skin and strong nails.

II. Here are some daily foods that might help to prevent hair loss and promote hair re-growth

1. Yogurt and soy
Yogurt and soy contain high amounts of protein that is needed to maintain hair growth. Study shows that soy protein reinforces hair and stimulates its growth.

2. Dark green vegetable
Dark green vegetable contains high amounts of iron that are needed to restore oxygen levels in the blood stream as well as nurturing the body's cells.

3. Whole grain products
Whole grain contains zinc which is needed to maintain healthy hair. Zinc deficiency can lead to dry hair and oily skin.

4. Essential fatty acid
Essential fatty acid can be found abundant in cold water fish. It helps to maintain healthy cholesterol and reduce triglyceride in result of increasing circulation of blood flow in our body.

6. Nut and seed
Nuts and seeds are fatty foods which are typically the best sources of vitamin E, an immune enhancing antioxidant and nerve protector. Deficiency of vitamin E can lead to skin disorders, dry hair and loss of hair.

7. Carrots
Carrots contain high amounts of vitamin A. It is an antioxidant that helps produce healthy sebum in the scalp. Having too much vitamin A can lead to hair loss.
There are many other foods that help promote hair growth and prevent hair loss, such as fruits, egg, spinach, and broccoli.

Be sure to talk to your doctor before taking large amounts of the above foods. There may be side effects, such as overdoses of vitamin A in carrot might result in hair loss.

III. Traditionally, herbs have been around for over thousands of years and offer much success to prevent or cure diseases well before the discovery of western medicine. Here are some herbs thathave been proven in treating hair loss and promoting hair growth

a) Shikakai
Acacia Concinna is a small shrub-like tree that grows in India. It's pod-like fruit is collected, dried and then grounded into a fine powder. It is used to cleanse hair, and is known to promote hair growth and get rid of dandruff. Due to these benefits, this powder was named shikakai which means "fruit for the hair".

b) Grape seed extract
Grape seed extract is a very strong antioxidant that some use as a supplement or remedy to various conditions. It contains high levels of vitamin E and essential fatty acids that are essential for maintaining hair growth and preventing hair loss.

c) Kirin Brewery new discovery
Japanese cosmetics company Shiseido working with Kirin Brewery has discovered a unique property of an extract of hops that can help to activate the melanocyte cells that generate hair pigment.

d) Saw palmetto
As we mentioned in another article, Saw palmetto is the number one choice for men. Saw palmetto helps to block the formation of 5-alpha reductase, an enzyme that causes the conversion of testosterone to DHT that causes hair loss.

e) Basil extract
Basil Extract from the natural flowers of the basil plant, works to quickly soothe and calm skin of the scalp.

f) Pumpkin Seed
Pumpkin seeds help to block DHT, which is responsible for genetic hair loss. This common seed is loaded with zinc and magnesium that have the ability to block enzymes which yield DHT causing damage to follicles and resulting in hair loss.

g) Buddleja Davidii Extract
Buddleja Davidii extract contain active ingredients protecting the skin against toxic radicals. It can also help reduce skin aging and protect the skin against the damage caused from stresses and toxins.

h) Green Tea
Green tea contains the chemical globulin that helps to reduce levels of free testosterone, so that it cannot be converted to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in the hair follicle.
Be sure to talk to your doctor or dermatologist before taking any herb supplement.

IV. Traditionally Chinese herbs have been around for over 4000 years and have offered much success to prevent or cure diseases well before the discovery of western medicine. Hair loss is directly linked to kidney deficiency syndrome in Chinese traditional medicine. People with hair loss problems especially in their early life may have a weak Kidney. Here are some Chinese herbs that have been proven in treating hair loss and promoting hair growth

a) Dong Quai
Traditionally, Chinese woman used Dong Quai to restore blood cells and increase the circulation of oxygen in the bloodstream to cells after period. Dong Quai contains phytoestrogen that helps to block the androgen receptor site in result of blocking the conversion of testerone to DHT, therefore reducing the chance of hair loss due to aging.

b) Ginseng
Ginseng is said to have the power of rejuvenating and energizing the body. It also helps to stimulate circulation of oxygen in our bloodstream to the cells of our body as well as the cells in our scalp.

c) Shou wu (polygonum)
Shou Wu is a polygonum multiflorum plant. It is now being used in conjuncture with other herbals, as an active ingredient in shampoos and orally administered to prevent hair loss as well as aiding the restoration of roots and production of new hair.

d) Psoralea seeds
Study shows that psoralea extract and exposure to ultra violet light will help to restore hair loss and promote hair regrowth with a 33% success rate.

e) Mulberry
Chinese herbalists believe that mulberry is an excellent tonic for the kidney, liver and blood that provides more oxygen in the bloodstream as well as small blood vessels in the scalp.

f) Chinese Yam
Numerous successful studies have been performed in examining the benefits of the Chinese yam. Chinese yam can help to nourish the liver, kidney and blood in result of preventing hair loss and promoting hair growth.

g) Green tea
Green tea containing catechins inhibit the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase that converts testosterone into hair-unfriendly DHT. So drinking great tea everyday is an effective treatment for male pattern baldness.

h) Chinese foxblove root
Chinese foxblove root contains cornus, the chemical that help to nurture the kidney, liver and blood in result of promoting hair growth.

i) Wolf berry
One of the natural superfoods has been used in traditional Chinese cooking. Wolf berry helps to eliminate toxins in the body in result of better function of the kidney, liver and blood that help to promote hair growth.

Chinese medicine believes that the benefit of nourishing the kidney and blood tonic helps for healthy hair growth and preventing hair loss.

V. Here are some prescription and over the counter drugs that might help prevent further hair loss and promote hair growth.

1. Minoxidil
Minoxidil is an over the counter drug and is a spray or lotion that you put directly on your scalp twice a day. It is available without a prescription. It is believed to work by affecting potassium- regulating mechanisms in the hair follicle. Study shows that it helps to slow and stop hair loss and regrow new hair with over 60 % success rate. Be sure talk to your doctor or dermatologist before taking minoxidil. It might cause rash to some patients.

2. Finasteride
Finastteride is an oral prescription medication. Finasteride is a synthetic hormone that halts hair loss and stimulates new hair growth. It is a medication that selectively inhibits the activity of an enzyme that converts the "male hormone" testosterone into a form that is active in hair follicles.

3. Rogaine
Rogaine is a clear alcohol-based solution and should be applied to a person's thinning area with it's supplied dropper or spray twice a day. It helps about 25 percent of men and 20 percent of women to grow back moderate amounts of hair very gradually, mostly on the very top of the head. They must keep using Rogaine indefinitely to keep the new hair.

4. Retin-A
Retin-A is only available by prescription in the US. In the right doses and when combined with Minoxidil it can be a hair growth stimulator. Studies shows that Retin- A can result in moderate hair growth in some patients.

5. Proscar
Proscar contains the same active ingredient finasteride. Proscar has the effect of lowering the hormone DHT, which interacts with bald vulnerable hair follicles and causes hair loss. By reducing the DHT in the patient's body the finasteride in the Proscar proved to slow and even stop or reverse hair loss in many men.

Before taking any hair loss medication over the counter, please consult first with your doctor or dermatologist.

I hope this information will help. If you need more information of the above subject, please visit my home page at:

Kyle J. Norton



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I have been studying natural remedies for disease prevention for over 20 years and working as a financial consultant since 1990